
[03/08/21 - 12:14 PM]
The Producers of "Kim's Convenience" Announce Acclaimed CBC Comedy to End with the Current Season
The series first premiered on CBC in the fall of 2016 and is also seen on Netflix and on cable and VOD platforms around the world.

[via press release from CBC]


The producers of the award-winning series Kim's Convenience today announced that the popular CBC comedy will come to an end in April after five seasons, with the series finale set for Tuesday, April 13 at 8 p.m. (8:30NT) on CBC TV and CBC Gem.

In a statement as follows, the producers of Kim's Convenience explain their decision to wrap up the series now:

"Authenticity of storytelling is at the center of the success of Kim's Convenience. At the end of production on Season 5, our two co-creators confirmed they were moving on to other projects. Given their departure from the series, we have come to the difficult conclusion that we cannot deliver another season of the same heart and quality that has made the show so special.

Kim's Convenience has meant so much to our cast, writers, crew, and audiences around the world. Despite the restrictions and complications of shooting during the pandemic, Season 5 is our finest season to date. It's been a privilege and a very great pleasure to work with the Kim's family of gifted writers and performers for the last five years. Thank you to our fans for the love and support you've given this show."

"Kim's Convenience has built a powerful and inspiring connection with audiences in Canada and around the world," said Sally Catto, General Manager, Entertainment, Factual & Sports, CBC. "While we are sad to say goodbye to this beloved and groundbreaking show, we are incredibly proud to have been part of its journey and understand the producers' creative decision to wrap up the show at this time."

Kim's Convenience first premiered on CBC in the fall of 2016 and is also seen on Netflix and on cable and VOD platforms around the world. A CBC original series, Kim's Convenience is based on the award-winning play by Ins Choi. The series is produced by Ivan Fecan and co-created by Ins Choi and Kevin White on behalf of Thunderbird Entertainment in association with the Soulpepper Theatre Company. Executive Producers are Ivan Fecan, Alexandra Raffé, Ins Choi and Kevin White, and Sandra Cunningham is Supervising Producer. For CBC, Sally Catto is General Manager, Entertainment, Factual & Sports; Trish Williams is Executive Director, Scripted Content; and Sandra Picheca is Director, Current Production, Comedy.


  [march 2021]  


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