
[02/18/25 - 12:10 PM]
CBS Announces a Straight to Series Order for "Boston Blue (wt)," A New Drama Starring Donnie Wahlberg, for the 2025-2026 Season
In the series, a universe expansion of the long-running top drama "Blue Bloods," Wahlberg will reprise his role as NYPD officer Danny Reagan as he takes a position with Boston PD.

[12/16/24 - 02:45 PM]
"Blue Bloods" Series Finale Hits Largest Overnight Audience of the Season
The finale's seven-day multiplatform audience (across CBS and Paramount+) could surpass 11.4 million viewers, according to VideoAmp and CBS Research estimates.

[12/12/24 - 10:00 AM]
"Tracker" Exceeding 18 Million Viewers and "Matlock" Nearing 17 Million Viewers in Live Plus 35-Day Multiplatform Viewing
Since the new season premiered in September, CBS primetime series are averaging 10 million viewers, up +3% compared to last season, in live plus 35-day viewing across CBS, Paramount+ and the CBS app.

[11/25/24 - 09:00 AM]
Final Season of "Blue Bloods" to Conclude on Friday, Dec. 13 with Two Remaining Episodes
Amanda Kloots and Edward James Olmos will guest star in the final installments.

[11/13/24 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Presents "Blue Bloods: Celebrating a Family Legacy," An "Entertainment Tonight" Special, to Air Friday, Nov. 29
This one-hour special, celebrating 293 episodes of "Blue Bloods," includes new exclusive interviews with the stars and recurring guest stars who share favorite memories and behind-the-scenes moments from the past 14 years.

[11/11/24 - 10:00 AM]
The CBS 10 Million+ Viewers Club - Eight CBS Original Series Deliver 10 Million Viewers or More in Live Plus 7-Day Multiplatform Viewing
According to VideoAmp live plus 7-day viewership and internal streaming data for episodes airing through October 21, eight CBS original programs deliver 10 million or more viewers across linear TV and streaming in the 2024 fall broadcast season to date.

[10/08/24 - 08:00 AM]
CBS and Wahlburgers Bring the "Blue Bloods" Family Dinner Experience to Fans' Homes During the Series' Final Season
On Monday, October 14, Chef Paul Wahlberg - brother of star Donnie Wahlberg - will roll out the first of eight recipes aligned with the CBS series' Sunday dinner on each episode of its final season.

[09/06/24 - 11:27 PM]
Development Update: Week of September 2-6
Updates include: "9-1-1: Lone Star," "Bosch: Legacy" to end with upcoming seasons; "Only Murders in the Building," "Unicorn Academy" land renewals; and the plug is pulled on "Beacon 23," "The Winter King," "Buying London" and "We're Here."

[07/23/24 - 07:00 AM]
CBS Program Advisory - Beginning Thursday, July 25, "Big Brother" Wednesday and Thursday Editions Will Move to 8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT
And starting Friday, August 16, "Let's Make a Deal Primetime" will move to 8:00/7:00c, with "Lingo" now at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/13/24 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces Fall Premiere Dates for 2024-25 Primetime Season
The official "CBS Premiere Week" kicks off with a full week of original episodes beginning Monday, October 14 with the 22nd season premiere of "NCIS," and two hours of the new drama "NCIS: Origins" starring Austin Stowell as a young Leroy Jethro Gibbs and narrated by Mark Harmon.

[06/08/24 - 09:33 AM]
The 51st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards Posts Largest Audience Since 2020 and Up +39% from Last Year
Said event averaged 2.82 million viewers, posting its largest fast national audience in four years.

[06/07/24 - 11:48 PM]
Development Update: Week of June 3-7
Updates include: The CW's "All American: Homecoming" to end with upcoming season; Steve Zahn among those cast in Hulu's "Chad Powers"; and Alec Baldwin and his family to be the focus of a new TLC series.

[05/31/24 - 09:30 AM]
CBS Finales Dominate in Live+7 Viewership
CBS' May finales experienced significant increases with Live+7 Day viewing, currently having 16 of the top 25 shows with the highest seven-day lift.

[05/02/24 - 12:45 PM]
CBS Announces Its 2024-2025 Primetime Schedule
New scripted series "Matlock," "Poppa's House," "NCIS: Origins" and "Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage" join 18 returning shows.

[04/16/24 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Leads Broadcast with 14 of Top 20 Non-Sports Programs
CBS has led the four broadcasters since its February new season premieres, winning six nights a week (Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Sunday).

[04/08/24 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2023-2024
CBS today announced season finale dates for its original primetime comedies, dramas and unscripted series for the 2023-2024 broadcast season.

[04/05/24 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Series Soar in L35 Multiplatform Viewing from Premiere Week Episodes
Five network series delivered audiences of 12 million or more viewers: "Tracker," "Young Sheldon," "NCIS," "Ghosts" and "FBI."

[02/29/24 - 08:01 AM]
"Tracker" Scores Nearly 13 Million Viewers in Multiplatform Viewing for Second Episode; The Premiere Episode Has Now Been Watched by 30 Million Viewers
During its premiere week, CBS launched 16 of its 19 primetime entertainment series, with 13 of its 15 returning series rising from their respective 2022-23 premiere week multiplatform audiences, and five scoring double-digit percentage increases.

[02/21/24 - 12:06 PM]
CBS Premiere Week Audience Rises +32% from 2022/2023
CBS also placed the top 16 broadcast primetime programs last week, the first time any network has accomplished this since at least 1987, when Nielsen first introduced People-Meters.

[01/12/24 - 10:30 AM]
CBS Presents First-Ever "Sneak-Ends" During the NFL on CBS Playoff Games!
Sneak peeks for "Blue Bloods," "FBI," "FBI: International," "Fire Country," "Ghosts," "The Neighborhood," "Tracker" and Young Sheldon" will launch this Sunday, January 14.

[12/07/23 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Presents "Norman Lear: A Life on Television," An "Entertainment Tonight" Special, to Air Friday, Dec. 8
The previously scheduled episode of "The Price Is Right at Night" will now air Monday, December 11, leading into the premiere of "Big Brother Reindeer Games."

[11/20/23 - 10:00 AM]
The Hit Drama Series "Blue Bloods" to Conclude in Fall 2024 After Its 14th Season
A long-time anchor to the network's successful Friday night lineup, "Blue Bloods" is Friday's #1 primetime program and the #3 broadcast drama on television.

[11/13/23 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2024 Primetime Premiere Dates for Original Episodes of New and Returning Series
CBS today announced its premiere dates and rollout plan for its 2024 primetime schedule, which will launch immediately following the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 11.

[11/10/23 - 11:45 PM]
Development Update: Week of November 6-10
Updates include: ABC cancels "The Rookie: Feds," passes on "The Good Lawyer"; Manish Dayal to recur on AMC's "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon"; and the broadcast networks detail first wave of filming start dates.

[08/31/23 - 11:00 AM]
Calling All "Blue Bloods" Fans: Pull Up a Chair to Reagan Family Dinners!
Fans can choose from a curated list highlighting memorable character arcs, pivotal character introductions and some of the numerous outstanding guest stars who have appeared on the series throughout its 13-year run.

[08/03/23 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Primetime Programming Premiere Dates for Fall 2023
As previously announced, the fall lineup features original programming every night of the week, with more than 185 hours of original programming (not including sports).

[07/17/23 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2023 Programming
Paramount Network's "Yellowstone," TV's #1 series, will have its broadcast premiere on Sundays starting from the beginning of season one.

[05/25/23 - 09:15 AM]
It's Official! CBS Wins the 2022-2023 Season
As previously announced, this ties broadcast television's longest winning streak on record, also held by CBS from 1955-1970.

[05/10/23 - 08:05 AM]
CBS Will Finish the 2022-2023 Season as America's Most-Watched Network in Primetime for 15th Consecutive Year
This ties broadcast television's longest winning streak on record, also held by CBS from 1955-1970.

[05/10/23 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Reveals Its 2023-2024 Primetime Lineup
The new dramas "Elsbeth" and "Matlock" and the previously announced "Tracker" join 22 returning shows.

[04/19/23 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2022-23 Season Finale Storylines
CBS announced today the season finale storylines for 2022-2023, featuring exceptional heroism, big laughs, intense action, heart-wrenching family drama, unexpected cliffhangers and a fond farewell.

[04/13/23 - 11:23 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, April 13
Updates include: Minnie Driver, Amandla Jahava to lead FX's "Peep Show" pilot; Jennifer Esposito to return to CBS's "Blue Bloods"; and NBC's "Non-Evil Twin" rounds out its cast.

[03/29/23 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Renews Hit Drama Series "Blue Bloods" for the 2023-2024 Season
The series is Friday's #1 primetime program and the #3 broadcast drama with 9.54 million viewers.

[03/14/23 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2022-2023
Look for "Ghosts" on Thursday, May 11 all the way through "Survivor" on Wednesday, May 24.

[03/02/23 - 10:15 AM]
Eight CBS Original Series Deliver 10 Million Viewers or More in Live Plus 35-Day Multiplatform Viewing
Said club includes "NCIS" (11.7m), "Ghosts" (11.6m), "FBI" (11.4m), "Blue Bloods" (11.3m), "Young Sheldon" (10.8m), "The Equalizer" (10.4m), "Fire Country" (10.3m) and "60 Minutes" (10.0m).

[02/27/23 - 11:17 PM]
Development Update: Monday, February 27
Updates include: "The Night Manager," "The Tourist" slated to return; DeVon Franklin to get "Played" for BET+; and Larry Manetti to visit "Blue Bloods" on CBS.

[12/01/22 - 09:00 AM]
Viewers Have Watched More Than 215 Billion Minutes of CBS This Season - Far More Than Any Other Broadcaster
CBS time spent also surpasses the combined minutes spent watching SVOD originals on Nielsen-rated streaming services Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and HBO Max by +252%.

[11/22/22 - 10:00 AM]
Nielsen Live +35-Day Ratings Reveal CBS Has 5 of the Top 6 Premieres with Over 10 Million Viewers
CBS also has 15 of the top 25 premieres in the 35-day metric.

[11/14/22 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Premieres for New Word-Twisting Game Show, "Lingo," Hosted by RuPaul Charles; New Action-Drama, "True Lies," Inspired by James Cameron's Hit Action-Comedy Film; Plus Midseason Dates for Returning Series
"True Lies," inspired by James Cameron's hit action-comedy film of the same name, premieres on a special night and time, Thursday, February 23 at 9:00 PM, ET/PT.

[11/10/22 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Series Lead Nielsen Rankings Among African American Viewers
"The Equalizer," starring Queen Latifah, is the most-watched show, followed by new drama "East New York" and crime-stopper series "FBI."

[11/01/22 - 10:30 AM]
CBS Entertainment Programming Dominates New Primetime Season with Seven of the Top 10 Series and 17 of the Top 25
According to Nielsen, the most-watched non-sports series is "NCIS," with "FBI," NBC's "Chicago Fire" and "60 Minutes" not far behind.

[07/19/22 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Program Advisory: Special Two-Hour "Big Brother" Episode Airs This Sunday, July 24
An encore episode of "Blue Bloods" will now air Friday, July 22 in place of the previously announced installment.

[07/18/22 - 11:31 AM]
Program Advisory: CBS Primetime Schedule Changes for Thursday and Friday
CBS News coverage of the House select committee's public hearings on January 6 will be broadcast Thursday, July 21 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET) during the original time period for "Big Brother."

[06/23/22 - 09:15 AM]
CBS Announces Fall 2022-2023 Primetime Premiere Dates
Of note, the new romance adventure competition "The Real Love Boat" will now air at 9:00 PM on Wednesdays, leading into "The Amazing Race" in its new time period at 10:00 PM.

[05/18/22 - 05:00 AM]
CBS Unveils Its 2022-2023 Primetime Lineup
For 2021-2022, the network finished #1 for the 14th straight season, winning 19 of the past 20 seasons.

[05/13/22 - 08:15 AM]
Viewers Have Watched More Than 752 Billion Minutes of CBS This Season - Far More Than Any Other Broadcaster
This aggregate viewership includes over 255 billion minutes watched of CBS primetime entertainment programming - nearly 90 billion more than the closest competitor.

[04/26/22 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Renews Hit Drama "Blue Bloods" for 2022-2023
Additional renewals will be announced in the coming weeks.

[04/21/22 - 10:57 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Storylines for 2021-2022
CBS announced today the season finale storylines for 2021-2022, featuring extraordinary heroism, powerful family drama, surprising growing pains, jaw-dropping events and fond farewells.

[03/30/22 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2021-2022
Highlights include the series finale of "Bull" on Thursday, May 26.

[02/22/22 - 07:30 AM]
CBS "Springs Forward" with Returning Favorites, Spectacular Specials, Big Premieres, Guest Stars, Milestones and More, in February, March and April!
Highlights include the 100th episodes of "Young Sheldon" on March 31 and "S.W.A.T." on April 10; plus the 250th episode of "Blue Bloods" on March 11.

[11/10/21 - 08:15 AM]
CBS Announces Winter/Spring 2022 Premiere Dates for New and Returning Scripted, Alternative and Specials Programming
Look for new seasons of "The Amazing Race," "Undercover Boss," "Celebrity Big Brother" and "Survivor" as well as the launch of the new drama "Good Sam."

[07/12/21 - 10:55 AM]
CBS Announces Fall 2021-2022 Primetime Premiere Dates
The network will roll out the strategic launches of five new shows and 22 returning series over several weeks.

[05/19/21 - 07:00 AM]
CBS Announces New Fall Schedule for 2021-2022
The new schedule includes four new dramas, two new comedies, special event programming, and 22 returning series.

[04/29/21 - 11:13 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Storylines with Intense Showdowns, Jaw-dropping Revelations and Fond Farewells
Newly announced dates include "United States of Al" and "Clarice" on Thursday, June 24.

[04/29/21 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Will Finish the 2020-2021 Season as America's Most-Watched Network for 13th Straight Year
This will be the network's 18th win in the last 19 years.

[04/23/21 - 11:31 PM]
Development Update: Friday, April 23
Updates include: ABC passes on Alec Baldwin/Kelsey Grammer-led comedy pilot; "Perry Mason," "The Flight Attendant" name new showrunners; and HBO Max's "Doom Patrol" casts five for new season.

[04/15/21 - 11:36 AM]
CBS Renews Five of Its Veteran Hit Dramas for Next Season
"NCIS," "Blue Bloods," "Magnum PI," "Bull" and "SWAT" have all been renewed.

[03/22/21 - 08:01 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2020-2021
Look for the final episodes of "Mom" and "NCIS: New Orleans" on Thursday, May 13 and Sunday, May 23, respectively.

[03/09/21 - 03:00 PM]
"Oprah with Meghan and Harry: A CBS Primetime Special" Will Be Rebroadcast Friday, March 12 on the CBS Television Network
Through Monday, the special has been seen by more than 49.1 million viewers worldwide and growing.

[11/09/20 - 10:03 AM]
CBS' Winning Friday Night Lineup Premieres Dec. 4
"MacGyver," "Magnum P.I." and "Blue Bloods" are all due back on said night.

[11/06/20 - 02:52 PM]
"CBS News: 2020 America Decides" Primetime Special to Air Tonight at 10:00 PM, ET/7:00 PM, PT
The latest coverage will replace the previously scheduled repeat of "Blue Bloods."

[10/27/20 - 11:29 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, October 27
Updates include: The CW renews three of its imported series; CBS confirms reduced episode counts for its studio's scripted projects; and Jon Stewart to return to television on Apple TV+.

[10/01/20 - 11:34 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 1
Updates include: Netflix orders final season of "F Is for Family"; Apple's Cecily Strong-led musical comedy fill out cast; and Hillary Rodham Clinton to executive produce "The Woman's Hour" for The CW.

[09/04/20 - 11:31 PM]
Development Update: Friday, September 4
Updates include: Anna Faris exits "Mom" after seven seasons; Alan Ritchson to play "Jack Reacher" for Amazon; and CBS Television Studios confirms more production starts.

[05/19/20 - 12:15 PM]
CBS Unveils 2020-2021 Primetime Lineup; 3 New Series Join 23 Returning Shows
The new fall schedule features perennial strength and stability, plus big new show additions on Thursday and Sunday.

[05/06/20 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces the Return of 23 Series for the 2020-2021 Broadcast Season
Newcomers "All Rise," "Bob (Hearts) Abishola," "Evil," "FBI: Most Wanted" and "The Unicorn" are among the returning class.

[03/13/20 - 06:42 AM]
CBS Television Network Programming Slated to Air in Place of NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament
A mix of repeats and originals will fill the void left by the cancelled event.

[11/11/19 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Two New Dramas, Two Milestones and Two Returning Series
"FBI: Most Wanted" and "Tommy" are both set to launch early next year.

[10/01/19 - 01:39 PM]
New CBS Series Lead the Way in Premiere Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[09/13/19 - 11:33 PM]
Development Update: Friday, September 13
Updates include: Bobby Moynihan tapped for NBC's new Ted Danson comedy series; Aaron Lazar boards FOX's "Filthy Rich" in latest recasting; and Becki Newton, Michael Urie to have "Fun" at CBS.

[06/13/19 - 02:30 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2019-2020 Primetime Premiere Dates
The network will roll out the bulk of its lineup during the traditional premiere week of September 23-29.

[05/15/19 - 06:00 AM]
CBS Unveils 2019-2020 Primetime Lineup; 8 New Series Join 24 Returning Shows
The Eye will roll out three new comedies and two new dramas this fall.

[04/24/19 - 01:30 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Storylines for 2018-2019
Said finales run from "Mom" on Thursday, May 9 through "Ransom" on Saturday, May 25.

[04/12/19 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Renews "Blue Bloods" for 2019-2020
The top-10 series will celebrate its 200th episode when the show premieres in fall 2019.

[03/11/19 - 12:30 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2018-2019
Highlights include the one-hour series finale of "The Big Bang Theory" on Thursday, May 16.

[07/30/18 - 02:50 PM]
"TKO: Total Knock Out," Hosted by Comedian Kevin Hart, Will Move to Fridays Beginning with Its Next Episode on August 3
The series will air at 8:00/7:00c with "Whistleblower" moving to 9:00/8:00c.

[07/13/18 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Thursday-Friday, July 12-13
Updates include: Starz renews "Sweetbitter" for second season; Yvette Nicole Brown to guest host "Talking Dead" for AMC; and Rich Sommer joins the cast of The CW's "In the Dark."

[07/09/18 - 03:34 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2018-2019 Primetime Premiere Dates
Look for special Monday premieres of "The Big Bang Theory" and "Young Sheldon" to kick off the new season on September 24.

[05/16/18 - 06:15 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2018-2019 Primetime Lineup
"When you have a primetime lineup that won the season while competing against the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics on another network, you look to keep your core schedule mostly intact, while making strategic moves to help grow nights," said Kelly Kahl.

[04/24/18 - 02:04 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Storylines for 2017-2018
The Eye will wrap its May sweeps period with the season finale of "Survivor" on Wednesday, May 23.

[04/18/18 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces 11 More Series Renewals for 2018-2019
Combined with previously announced pickups, CBS has now renewed 17 series for next year, including its entire Tuesday and Friday night lineups.

[03/22/18 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2017-2018
"Scorpion" will now kick off said finales on Monday, April 16.

[02/14/18 - 06:30 AM]
CBS Studios International and Amazon Prime Video Announce Multi-Season, International Licensing Agreement for "The Good Fight"
The agreement gives Amazon Prime Video the exclusive, first-window licensing rights in notable markets such as Belgium, France, Japan, Latin America, New Zealand, Portugal, South Korea and Turkey.

[10/17/17 - 10:49 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Third Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 9-15.

[09/29/17 - 11:17 PM]
Development Update: Friday, September 29
Updates include: Shay Mitchell to lead "Heiresses" at ABC; Lindsey Gort cast in DC's "Titans"; and "Blue Bloods" co-star exits after seven seasons.

[09/12/17 - 11:34 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, September 12
Updates include: Nate Corddry cast in Hulu's "Locke & Key"; Lena Hall bound for TNT's "Snowpiercer"; and Jason George to make the leap to ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" spin-off.

[09/06/17 - 10:31 AM]
The Force Will Definitely Be with You During WGN America's Exclusive Cable Premiere of "Blue Bloods" Season Seven
The exclusive cable home to the perennial fan favorite will air a four-day television event offering viewers the opportunity to catch-up on all the action from season seven, in advance of the season eight broadcast premiere.

[08/31/17 - 11:11 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, August 31
Updates include: CBS Television Studios confirms initial episode orders; HBO formally renews "True Detective"; and Jill Blotevogel brings "Black Rose Anthology" to The CW.

[06/01/17 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2017-2018 Primetime Premiere Dates
Newcomer "Young Sheldon" will help kick things off on Monday, September 25.

[05/17/17 - 06:15 AM]
CBS Announces New 2017-2018 Fall Schedule
New fall series include "9JKL," "Me, Myself & I," "Seal Team," "Young Sheldon," "SWAT" and "Wisdom of the Crowd."

[04/19/17 - 06:29 AM]
CBS Announces End of Season Storylines for 2016-2017
CBS announced today the end of season storylines for 2016-2017, featuring big reveals, romantic weddings and dramatic conclusions!

[03/27/17 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates
Said dates run from Friday, April 14 for "MacGyver" through Thursday, June 1 for "The Amazing Race."

[03/23/17 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Renews 18 Series for the 2017-2018 Season
Among the pickups are newcomers "Bull," "Kevin Can Wait," "MacGyver," "Man with a Plan" and "Superior Donuts."

[03/10/17 - 05:48 PM]
"The Amazing Race" Will Now Premiere in Its New Time Period Thursday, March 30
The new season will replace freshman drama "Training Day," which moves to Saturday nights beginning April 8.

[02/17/17 - 11:56 PM]
Development Update: Friday, February 17
Updates include: Anders Holm, Andy Favreau to topline NBC comedy pilot; Matt Barr set as male lead in The CW's "Valor"; and Jack Davenport signs onto ABC's "Doomsday."

[02/04/17 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Is #1 for the 5th Straight Friday with "Shark Tank" as the #1 TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, February 3.

[01/14/17 - 08:42 AM]
"Shark Tank" Scores a Season High in Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, January 13.

[11/30/16 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Winter and Spring Scheduling Plans for 2016-2017
Highlights include the premieres of "Ransom," "Training Day" and "Doubt."

[08/10/16 - 06:30 AM]
What's New This Fall on CBS's Returning Series
The Eye recaps its previous season as well as previews its upcoming offerings.

[07/11/16 - 11:26 PM]
Development Update: Monday, July 11
Updates include: USA pushes "Shooter" premiere back a week; IFC to wrap "Maron" after three seasons; and Jennifer Esposito joins the cast of "NCIS."

[07/07/16 - 11:37 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, July 7
Updates include: Colin Cunningham cast in Syfy's "Blood Drive"; Lance Gross, Jessica Camacho out of FOX's "Sleepy Hollow"; and Nazneen Contractor boards "Ransom" at CBS.

[06/21/16 - 11:31 AM]
CBS Announces Fall 2016-2017 Primetime Premiere Dates
"The Big Bang Theory" and newcomer "Kevin Can Wait" will help kick things off on Monday, September 19.

[06/17/16 - 11:44 AM]
Final 2015-16 Full Season Live + 7 Results: CBS First in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and 25-54
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/18/16 - 06:14 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2016-2017 Primetime Lineup
Look for eight comedies across two nights this fall, with Mondays returning to a four-comedy block.

[05/14/16 - 08:40 AM]
ABC's "Beyond the Tank" Is Up, "Shark Tank" Is Friday's #1 Series and "20/20" Is the #1 Newsmagazine
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 13.

[05/07/16 - 08:36 AM]
ABC's "Beyond the Tank" Draws Most Viewers Since January; "Shark Tank" Is Friday's #1 Show in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 6.

[04/30/16 - 08:38 AM]
ABC Is #1 on Friday in Adults 18-49 as "Shark Tank" Surges to a 10-Week High
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, April 29.

[04/14/16 - 01:05 PM]
CBS Announces 2015-16 Season Finale Storylines
Said finales run from "Supergirl" on Monday, April 18 through "Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders" on Wednesday, May 25.

[03/25/16 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Renewals for Returning Series for the 2016-2017 Season
CBS will finish this season as America's most-watched network for the 13th time in 14 years.

[03/16/16 - 01:02 PM]
CBS Announces Finale Dates, Return Dates and Special Events
Highlights include the return of "Person of Interest" on Tuesday, May 3 at 10:00/9:00c.

[02/13/16 - 08:40 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with "Shark Tank" and "20/20" at Season Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, February 12.

[02/05/16 - 10:29 AM]
CBS Multi-Platform Snapshot - Top Five Most Popular Programs on Various Platforms This Season
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[02/01/16 - 11:17 PM]
Development Update: Monday, February 1
Updates include: "Training Day" among the latest pilot orders from CBS; Richard Coyle, Tom Riley to star in Amazon's "The Collection"; and Julianna Guill, Cass Bugge first to board NBC's "Sunset PPL."

[02/01/16 - 10:09 AM]
"The Big Bang Theory" Is the Week's Top Program in Viewer and Adult 18-49 Live +7-Day Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of January 11-17.

[01/12/16 - 09:05 AM]
CBS's Primetime Lineup Delivers More Viewers Than 15 Years Ago
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[12/18/15 - 12:15 PM]
With L+3, "Blue Bloods," "Scorpion" and "NCIS: Los Angeles" Move Into the Week's Top 10 Programs
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of December 7-13.

[12/17/15 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Rings in 2016 with All-New Episodes of Its Series, Beginning Sunday, Jan. 3
"Undercover Boss" will kick things off on said date with the roll out continuing through "Criminal Minds" and "Code Black" on January 13.

[12/12/15 - 08:22 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with the Top Shows - "Last Man Standing" Ties a Season High
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, December 11.

[12/01/15 - 12:34 PM]
With L+7, "NCIS" and "The Big Bang Theory" Pass "Sunday Night Football" as the Top Two Programs in Week Eight
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of November 9-15.

[11/30/15 - 12:32 PM]
CBS Announces Winter and Spring Scheduling Plans
Highlights include the launch of "Angel from Hell" on Thursday, January 7 at 9:30/8:30c.

[11/21/15 - 08:39 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with "Shark Tank" at Season Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 20.

[11/20/15 - 12:20 PM]
With L+3, "NCIS" Moves Ahead of Football as the Week's Top Program
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of November 9-15.

[11/18/15 - 11:59 AM]
CBS Dominates the 10 Million Viewer Club
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[11/14/15 - 08:35 AM]
ABC Is #1 on Friday with the Top Shows - "Last Man Standing" Hits Season Highs with Biggest Audience in Over 9 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 13.

[11/14/15 - 08:35 AM]
ABC Is #1 on Friday with the Top Shows - "Last Man Standing" Hits Season Highs with Biggest Audience in Over 9 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 13.

[11/13/15 - 11:40 AM]
With L+3, "The Big Bang Theory," "Blue Bloods" and "Elementary" Top Viewer Lifts
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of November 2-8.

[11/07/15 - 08:30 AM]
ABC Wins Friday by Strong Margins - "Shark Tank" Grows to 5-Week Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 6.

[11/06/15 - 11:08 AM]
With L+3 Ratings, "Supergirl" Flies Over Four World Series Games and Into the Top 10 in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 26-November 1.

[11/02/15 - 11:08 AM]
CBS Has Nine of the Top 20 Programs with the Biggest Live +7-Day Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 12-18.

[10/26/15 - 11:28 PM]
Development Update: Monday, October 26
Updates include: FX cancels "Married" after two seasons; E! pulls the plug on "Stewarts & Hamiltons"; and TBS orders comedy pilot from Matt Fogel and Todd Strauss-Schulson.

[10/24/15 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Wins Friday in Adults 18-49 - "Last Man Standing" Draws Biggest Audience in 8 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, October 23.

[10/23/15 - 11:54 AM]
"NCIS: New Orleans," "Blue Bloods," "Hawaii Five-0," "Limitless," "The Good Wife" and "The Amazing Race" Improve on Their Live +3-Day Viewer Lifts
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 12-18.

[10/19/15 - 01:13 PM]
With Live + 7 Day Lift, Nine CBS Series Add More Than 3 Million Viewers
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 28-October 4.

[10/16/15 - 10:19 AM]
With L+3 Added, "NCIS" Moves Ahead of "Sunday Night Football" as the Week's #1 Program
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 5-11.

[10/12/15 - 11:05 AM]
With Live +7-Day Playback, CBS Widens Its Premiere Week Lead Over Its Nearest Competitor to 2.5 Million Viewers
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[10/09/15 - 10:18 AM]
With L+3 Added, CBS Has Four of the Week's Top Five and Seven of the Top 10 Scripted Broadcasts
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 28-October 4.

[10/07/15 - 10:56 AM]
With Live + 3-Day Viewing, CBS Passes ABC as Friday's #1 Network in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS further spins the numbers for Friday, October 2.

[10/03/15 - 08:21 AM]
ABC Wins Its 2nd Straight Friday in Adults 18-49, Outdelivering Runner-Up CBS by 17%
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, October 2.

[10/02/15 - 11:32 PM]
Development Update: Friday, October 2
Updates include: "Lethal Weapon," "MacGyver" eyed for new TV takes; Marvel brings comedy "Damage Control" to ABC; and ABC Family axes "Chasing Life" after two seasons.

[10/02/15 - 10:51 AM]
CBS Premiere Week Multi-Platform Snapshot
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[09/30/15 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Extends Friday Lead in Viewers and Moves from Second to First in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 with Live + 3-Day Ratings
CBS further spins the numbers for Friday, September 25.

[09/26/15 - 08:40 AM]
ABC Wins 2nd Straight Season Premiere Friday - "Shark Tank" Leads the Night 3rd Year in a Row
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, September 25.

[09/19/15 - 08:45 AM]
Friday's "Dateline" Is #1 Show of the Night on the Big 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, September 18.

[09/17/15 - 11:37 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, September 17
Updates include: Omar Epps cast in USA's "Shooter"; NBC to bring "Taken" to the small screen; and Denzel Washington to bring August Wilson's "The Pittsburgh Cycle" to HBO.

[08/25/15 - 11:34 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, August 25
Updates include: Debra Winger cast in Netflix's "The Ranch"; Greg Poehler, Rachel Blanchard to lead DirecTV's "You Me Her"; and Alison Sweeney to step down as host of NBC's "The Biggest Loser."

[08/24/15 - 10:30 AM]
WGN America Is the Exclusive Cable Home for TV's Most Popular Procedurals, "Person of Interest" and "Elementary"
The two hit crime dramas join fan-favorite "Blue Bloods," in the new programming block that kicks off with a binge-worthy 100-episode event.

[06/29/15 - 11:39 AM]
Video: WGN America Releases First Promo for the "Prime Crime" Line-Up Featuring Coveted Acquistions "Elementary" and "Person of Interest" Airing This Fall
The two popular procedurals, which will join fan-favorite "Blue Bloods" on weekdays in prime, will give viewers a binge-worthy opportunity to watch these series from the very beginning, diving into the cases and capers that unfold.

[06/09/15 - 11:03 AM]
CBS Announces a Multi-Phase Rollout for Fall 2015-2016 Primetime Premiere Dates
Highlights include the launch of "Supergirl" on Monday, October 26.

[06/08/15 - 01:26 PM]
2014-2015 Full Season 7-Day DVR Playback: CBS Scores 11 of Top 20 Programs in Viewers
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/19/15 - 10:06 AM]
CBS Wins the 2014-2015 Season in Viewers for the Seventh Consecutive Year - Its 12th Win of the Last 13 Seasons
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/13/15 - 06:16 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2015-2016 Primetime Lineup
Highlights include the launch of "Supergirl" on Monday nights at 8:00/7:00c in November.

[05/11/15 - 11:35 AM]
CBS Renews 10 of 11 Remaining Scripted Series
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" is the sole question mark at the network.

[05/02/15 - 08:36 AM]
ABC Is #1 for 4th Straight Friday in Adults 18-49 - "Beyond the Tank" Opens Strong
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 1.

[04/27/15 - 11:24 AM]
"The Big Bang Theory" and "Criminal Minds" Are the Week's Top Two Programs in 7-Day DVR Lift Among Both Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of April 6-12.

[04/17/15 - 11:47 AM]
CBS Announces 2014-2015 Season Finale Storylines, Featuring Dramatic Conclusions, Big Reveals and a Couple of Weddings
The Eye details its May sweeps programming highlights (SPOILERS!).

[04/11/15 - 08:37 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with the Top 3 TV Shows in Adults 18-49 - "20/20" Spikes to 7-Week Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, April 10.

[04/01/15 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates
Plus: "Stalker" will rejoin the schedule on Monday, May 4 at 9:00/8:00c.

[03/23/15 - 01:33 PM]
The Series Premiere of "CSI: Cyber" Adds Nearly Four Million Viewers with 7-Day DVR Playback
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of March 2-8.

[03/18/15 - 11:38 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, March 18
Updates include: Ruth Negga cast as Tulip in AMC's "Preacher"; Vanessa Lachey to star in "Not Safe for Work" at NBC; and Page Kennedy cast in CBS's "Rush Hour."

[03/12/15 - 11:40 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, March 12
Updates include: Kristen Hager to lead "The Adversaries" at ABC; D.B. Woodside among the latest bound for FOX's "Lucifer"; and James Roday to star in ABC's "The Brainy Bunch."

[03/05/15 - 11:56 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, March 5
Updates include: Rutina Wesley bound for "The Broad Squad" at ABC; Daniel Sharman tapped for "LFE" at CBS; and Matthew Lillard cast in NBC's "Problem Child."

[02/11/15 - 10:16 AM]
"NCIS" and "The Big Bang Theory" Are America's Top Two Favorite Current Shows, According to a Newly Released Survey
"The Good Wife," "Blue Bloods" and "Criminal Minds" also rank among the top 10.

[02/07/15 - 08:37 AM]
ABC Is #1 on Friday for 5th Straight Week - "Shark Tank" Leads
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, February 6.

[01/31/15 - 08:39 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with the Top 2 Shows - "20/20" Hits 10-Week Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, January 30.

[01/17/15 - 08:22 AM]
ABC Wins Friday - "Shark Tank" Hits Series High in Viewers and Season High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, January 16.

[01/15/15 - 11:41 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, January 15
Updates include: NBC issues pilot orders for two dramas; Donny Deutsch to topline USA's "Donny!"; and "WWE Tough Enough" eyed for sixth season at USA.

[01/10/15 - 08:44 AM]
ABC Wins Friday as Its Lineup Surges - "Last Man Standing" and "Cristela" Hit Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, January 9.

[12/16/14 - 08:01 AM]
CBS Rings in 2015 with All-New Episodes of Its Series, Beginning Friday, Jan. 2
The Eye details the winter returns of its series (SPOILERS!).

[12/01/14 - 11:16 AM]
Rudolph Is Saluted by His Fellow CBS Stars in a Network On-Air Campaign Celebrating the Holidays and the 50th Anniversary of the Classic Special "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"
These holiday spots, which launched on Thanksgiving and will run through the end of December, feature an array of CBS stars congratulating their four-legged network peer on his impressive milestone.

[11/20/14 - 02:23 PM]
WGN America Gets Into the Holiday Spirit with Very Merry Marathons and Yuletide Classics
"Blue Bloods," "America's Funniest Home Videos" and "How I Met Your Mother" are among the featured marathons.

[11/17/14 - 11:39 AM]
The Season Premiere of "Elementary" Jumps +100% in Adults 18-49 and Adds +4.5 Million Viewers with Live +7-Day Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 27-November 2.

[11/11/14 - 11:42 AM]
CBS Opens the Season with Seven Straight Wins for the First Time in Eight Years
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 3-9.

[11/10/14 - 01:26 PM]
With Live +7-Day Lift, CBS Wins Week Five in Adults 18-49 Outright Against Five Games of the World Series
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 20-26.

[11/10/14 - 01:26 PM]
With Live +7-Day Lift, CBS Wins Week Five in Adults 18-49 Outright Against Five Games of the World Series
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 20-26.

[11/08/14 - 08:34 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with "Shark Tank" at #1 and "20/20" at Season Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 7.

[11/04/14 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Announces Premiere Dates for "The Mentalist" and "Undercover Boss"
The former returns Sunday, November 30 while the latter is due back on Sunday, December 14.

[11/04/14 - 11:06 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Sixth Consecutive Week and Places First in Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 27-November 2.

[11/01/14 - 08:30 AM]
ABC Dominates Opening Friday of Sweep - "Shark Tank" Is #1 at Season Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, October 31.

[10/28/14 - 11:16 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers and Key Demos Versus Five Games of the World Series
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 20-26.

[10/27/14 - 11:26 AM]
"NCIS" Surpasses "Sunday Night Football" as the Most-Watched Broadcast in Week Three with Live +7-Day Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 6-12.

[10/24/14 - 09:16 AM]
CBS Stars Get Social with a Week-Long #CBSInstagramTakeover Oct. 27 - Nov. 2!
In addition to Instagram, fans can follow along on the series' Facebook pages and CBS.com.

[10/21/14 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Wins Fourth Straight Week to Start the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 13-19.

[10/20/14 - 10:55 AM]
CBS Freshman Dramas Post Strong Second-Week Live +7-Day Lifts
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 29-October 5.

[10/16/14 - 11:24 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 16
Updates include: NBC gives import of "The IT Crowd" a second go-round; Disney Channel gives full season to newcomer "K.C. Undercover"; and Mike and Julie Scully are "Raising Adults" at ABC.

[10/14/14 - 10:14 AM]
CBS Scores Double-Digit Growth in Viewers and Demos vs. Same Week Last Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 6-12.

[10/13/14 - 11:38 AM]
CBS Grows +2% in Premiere Week Versus Last Year with Live + 7-Day Playback Added; Even in Key Demos
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[10/07/14 - 11:34 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, October 7
Updates include: ABC developing feature "Uncle Buck" as TV series; DirecTV near series order for drama "Ice"; and "The Mysteries of Laura," "Constantine" get orders for three additional scripts from NBC.

[10/07/14 - 01:30 PM]
CBS Scores Second Straight Weekly Win to Begin the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 29-October 5.

[10/01/14 - 08:46 AM]
Live+3: ABC's "Shark Tank" Solidifies Its Rank as Friday's #1 TV Show in Adults 18-49 with Its Strongest-Ever Season Premiere
ABC further spins the numbers for Friday, September 26.

[09/30/14 - 10:49 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week for the Sixth Consecutive Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[09/27/14 - 08:34 AM]
"Dateline NBC" Reports Its Highest Friday 18-49 Rating in Six Months and Biggest Overall Viewership in Three Months
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, September 26.

[09/27/14 - 08:32 AM]
ABC Dominates Season Premiere Friday at a 6-Year High - "Shark Tank" Posts Best-Ever Premiere
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, September 26.

[09/11/14 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Scores with NFL Legends Guest Starring on Primetime Dramas This Fall
Phil Simms, Boomer Esiason, Tony Gonzalez and Eric Dickerson will appear in "Elementary," "Blue Bloods," "NCIS" and "Hawaii Five-0."

[09/05/14 - 11:38 PM]
Development Update: Friday, September 5
Updates include: Alexander Dreymon to lead BBC America's "The Last Kingdom"; Lyndsy Fonseca boards Amazon's "Down Dog"; and Justin Lin in talks to direct new season of HBO's "True Detective."

[09/05/14 - 02:32 PM]
CBS "Big Brother" Program Advisory
The Eye details the show's schedule for the remainder of the summer.

[09/03/14 - 11:25 AM]
All Three "Big Brother" Broadcasts Place Among the Top Five Programs in Adults 18-49 for the Fourth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 25-31.

[08/18/14 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Monday, August 18
Updates include: Sharlto Copley tapped as male lead on PSN's "Powers"; FOX formally passes on "Cabot College"; and Niels Arden Oplev to helm USA's "Mr. Robot."

[08/12/14 - 11:28 AM]
CBS Sweeps the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 4-10.

[07/29/14 - 10:32 AM]
CBS Streaks to Sixth Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 21-27.

[07/22/14 - 10:08 AM]
CBS Wins Fifth Straight Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 14-20.

[07/15/14 - 10:17 AM]
The Premiere of "Extant" Is the Week's Most Watched Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 7-13.

[07/09/14 - 10:46 AM]
CBS Wins Third Straight Week in Viewers; "Under the Dome" Is Top Scripted Program in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 30-July 6.

[07/01/14 - 10:53 AM]
"Big Brother" Scores the Top Two Broadcasts of the Week in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 23-29.

[06/24/14 - 12:16 PM]
CBS Announces a Multi-Phase Rollout for Fall Premiere Dates
"Madam Secretary" will be the Eye's first newcomer out of the gate on Sunday, September 21.

[06/24/14 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers with the #1 Drama ("NCIS") and #1 Comedy ("The Big Bang Theory")
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 16-22.

[06/03/14 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Wins the First Week of Summer in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 26-June 1.

[05/20/14 - 10:37 AM]
CBS Wins the Season in Viewers for the Sixth Straight Year and 11 of the Last 12
CBS spins the numbers for the broadcast season to date.

[05/14/14 - 06:12 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2014-2015 Primetime Schedule
Highlights include the relocated "The Big Bang Theory" to lead off Monday nights at 8:00/7:00c.

[05/13/14 - 09:58 AM]
CBS Wins 10th Straight Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 5-11.

[05/10/14 - 08:28 AM]
ABC Wins 6th Straight Friday with "Shark Tank" and "20/20" as the Top 2 Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 9.

[05/06/14 - 09:59 AM]
CBS Extends Its Viewer Winning Streak to Nine Consecutive Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 28-May 4.

[04/29/14 - 09:38 AM]
CBS Streaks to Eighth Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 21-27.

[04/28/14 - 01:54 PM]
ION Television Strengthens Its Roster with New Programming Amid Steady Ratings Growth
ION Television spins the numbers for the year to date.

[04/28/14 - 10:02 AM]
CBS Announces 2013-2014 Season Finale Storylines Featuring Exciting Cliffhangers, Big Reveals and Dramatic Conclusions
The Eye details its various season swan songs in the coming weeks (SPOILERS!).

[04/22/14 - 10:53 AM]
CBS Continues Post-Olympic Winning Streak, Earning Its Seventh Straight Weekly Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 14-20.

[04/22/14 - 07:34 AM]
ION Television Licenses Off-Network Rights to ABC Police Drama "Rookie Blue"
The announcement comes on the heels of a number of key programming announcements, including the acquisition of "Blue Bloods" and the co-production deal for the original series "The Listener."

[04/15/14 - 10:22 AM]
CBS Sweeps Fourth Consecutive Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 7-13.

[04/12/14 - 08:31 AM]
ABC Is #1 on Friday for the 2nd Week in a Row with "Shark Tank" as the Top-Rated TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, April 11.

[04/08/14 - 10:44 AM]
CBS Continues Post-Olympics Momentum - Network Streaks to its Third Straight Weekly Sweep Across Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 31-April 6.

[04/05/14 - 08:29 AM]
ABC Wins Friday for the 5th Time in 6 Weeks with "Shark Tank" and "20/20" as the Top 2 TV Shows
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, April 4.

[03/20/14 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates
Highlights include the three-hour "Survivor" finale on Wednesday, May 21.

[03/18/14 - 10:32 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers with Three of Top Five Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 10-16.

[03/15/14 - 08:30 AM]
ABC Wins 3rd Straight Friday with "Shark Tank" and "20/20" Tied as the #1 TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, March 14.

[03/13/14 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Renewals for 18 Primetime Shows for Next Season
Combined with its previously announced pick-ups, CBS has now renewed 20 returning series for the 2014-2015 season, encompassing 17 hours of primetime programming.

[03/11/14 - 09:41 AM]
CBS Sweeps Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 3-9.

[03/08/14 - 08:30 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with "Shark Tank" and "20/20" as the Top 2 TV Shows
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, March 7.

[03/05/14 - 09:51 AM]
"Blue Bloods" Delivers Series High Live +3-Day Lift in Viewers, Matches Series High in Adults 18-49
CBS further spins the numbers for Friday, February 28.

[02/11/14 - 11:03 AM]
CBS Has Five of the Week's Top 10 Programs, Including the Top 4 Non-Olympic Broadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 3-9.

[02/06/14 - 01:06 PM]
CBS's Friday Dramas Post Record Live Plus 3-Day Audiences
CBS further spins the numbers for Friday, January 31.

[02/05/14 - 10:31 AM]
CBS Corporation Announces Multi-Platform Syndication Launch for "Blue Bloods"
Hulu Plus, WGN America and ION Broadcasting are among the planned outlets.

[02/04/14 - 11:16 AM]
CBS Series Also Have a Super Week as Seven Programs Hit Viewer Milestones
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 27-February 2.

[02/03/14 - 08:45 AM]
ION Television Secures Exclusive Weekday Primetime Broadcast Rights in Off-Network Syndication for CBS Police Drama "Blue Bloods"
The agreement gives ION the exclusive weekday primetime rights to "Blue Bloods" in syndication starting fall 2014.

[02/01/14 - 08:52 AM]
ABC Wins 4th Straight Friday with "Shark Tank" and "20/20" as the Top 2 Shows
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, January 31.

[01/29/14 - 11:57 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, January 29
Updates include: Tea Leoni is "Madam Secretary" at CBS; Jennifer Carpenter to lead "Sea of Fire" for ABC; and The CW greenlights a trio of drama pilots.

[01/28/14 - 11:26 AM]
The Grammys Lead CBS to a Big Ratings Win as the Network Sweeps the Week in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 20-26.

[01/27/14 - 11:33 PM]
Development Update: Monday, January 27
Updates include: Jonathan Banks to return for AMC's "Breaking Bad" prequel; ABC greenlights a pair of comedy pilots; and CBS adds "Good Session," "Madam Secretary" to its pilot roster.

[01/14/14 - 10:38 AM]
CBS Surges to the Biggest Ratings Week by Any Network This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 6-12.

[01/13/14 - 02:22 PM]
"Blue Bloods" Delivers Its Largest Audience of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for Friday, January 10.

[01/07/14 - 10:49 AM]
"The Big Bang Theory" Is the Holiday Week's Top Entertaiment Program in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 30-January 5.

[12/24/13 - 10:19 AM]
CBS Wins Week with Top 11 Scripted Programs; Network Heads Into New Year #1 in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 16-22.

[12/21/13 - 08:46 AM]
ABC Is #1 on Friday for the 3rd Straight Week with a Repeat "Shark Tank" Winning at 9p and "20/20" #1 at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, December 20.

[12/17/13 - 10:32 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for 10th Time in 12 Weeks; "NCIS," "Big Bang Theory" Are Top Two Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 9-15.

[12/16/13 - 01:19 PM]
CBS Rings in 2014 with All-New Episodes of Its Hit Comedies and Dramas, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 2
The Eye details the winter premieres of its original series (SPOILERS!).

[12/14/13 - 08:31 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with "Shark Tank" as the #1 Show (Season High) and "20/20" Spiking Week to Week
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, December 13.

[12/05/13 - 10:02 AM]
Paced by Deep Roster of Hit Comedies and Dramas, CBS #1 in Viewers, Posting +2% Growth Over Last Year
CBS spins the numbers for the first 10 weeks of the season.

[11/27/13 - 09:41 AM]
"Hawaii Five-0" and "Blue Bloods" Deliver Largest Live Plus 3-Day Audiences of the Season
CBS further spins the numbers for Friday, November 22.

[11/26/13 - 09:47 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Eighth Time in Nine Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 18-24.

[11/25/13 - 02:35 PM]
"Hawaii Five-0" and "Blue Bloods" Deliver Their Largest Audiences of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for Friday, November 22.

[11/19/13 - 10:10 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers; Sweeps Four Consecutive Nights in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 11-17.

[11/18/13 - 11:13 PM]
Development Update: Monday, November 18
Updates include: Kate Walsh-led comedy "Bad Judge" gets pilot order at NBC; The CW's "The Flash" to film a full-fledged pilot; and Vince Gilligan to remain at Sony Pictures Television.

[11/12/13 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers by Largest Margin This Season and Is First in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 4-10.

[11/09/13 - 08:45 AM]
ABC Is #1 on Friday - "Shark Tank" Is the Top TV Show and "20/20" Is the Top Newsmagazine
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 8.

[11/05/13 - 10:43 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers by the Largest Margin of Any Network This Season (+2.80M)
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 28-November 3.

[10/29/13 - 10:08 AM]
"NCIS," "The Big Bang Theory" Are the Week's Top Two Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 21-27.

[10/26/13 - 09:04 AM]
"Dracula" Is the 2nd Highest Rated Friday Drama Premiere in Three Years in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 25.

[10/24/13 - 11:13 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 24
Updates include: Octavia Spencer eyed for "Murder, She Wrote" revival at NBC; ABC gives 10-episode order to "Secrets & Lies" import; and The CW adds another period drama in "Players."

[10/22/13 - 10:20 AM]
CBS Wins 4th Straight Week in Viewers with #1 Drama, Comedy, New Series and News Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 14-20.

[10/19/13 - 08:47 AM]
"Dateline NBC" Ranks #1 or Ties for #1 in Every Key Demographic for Its Second Hour
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 18.

[10/17/13 - 11:28 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 17
Updates include: Ryan Murphy confirms "Glee" to end in 2015; "The Never List," "Beta" to get small screen takes; and Ben McKenzie inks talent holding deal with Warner Bros. Television.

[10/17/13 - 12:11 PM]
CBS Friday Posting Across-the-Board Growth with Successful New "Hawaii Five-0" and "Blue Bloods" 9:00-11:00 PM Crime Block
CBS further spins the numbers for the first three weeks of the season.

[10/15/13 - 10:25 AM]
CBS Wins Third Straight Week in Viewers; Network Has Top Five Scripted Broadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 7-13.

[10/14/13 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Tops All Nets in Premiere Week Live +7-Day DVR Playback Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[10/13/13 - 10:45 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims 3 of the Top 5 Biggest Gainers in Adults 18-49 During Premiere Week
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[10/08/13 - 09:58 AM]
CBS Wins Second Consecutive Week in Viewers; First in Adults 25-54; Posts Year-to-Year Growth
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 30-October 6.

[10/05/13 - 08:52 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with the Top 2 TV Shows - "Shark Tank" and "20/20"
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, October 4.

[10/01/13 - 10:20 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers; "The Crazy Ones" Is #1 New Program in Premiere Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[09/28/13 - 08:39 AM]
ABC's "Shark Tank" Grows to Rank as Friday's #1 TV Show Over Premieres on the Other Nets
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, September 27.

[09/26/13 - 11:42 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, September 26
Updates include: Martin Freeman joins FX's "Fargo" limited series; Titus Welliver to play "Bosch" for Amazon; and Daniel Cerone, David S. Goyer bring "Constantine" to NBC.

[09/25/13 - 11:55 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, September 25
Updates include: Robert De Niro to succeed James Gandolfini on HBO's "Criminal Justice"; Emily Osment to star in ABC Family's "Young & Hungry"; and TBS gives pilot order to "Mostly Likely."

[09/25/13 - 10:06 AM]
CBS Sweeps the Final Week of the Television Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 16-22.

[09/17/13 - 09:31 AM]
#CBSTweetWeek Returns to Kick Off CBS's Fall Premieres with a #FanFrenzy, Sept. 18 - Oct. 3
Many of the Network's stars and creative talent will be signing on to chat and tweet live with fans.

[09/10/13 - 10:06 AM]
"Under The Dome" Is Week's #1 Entertainment Broadcast; "Big Brother" Notches Summer Highs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 2-8.

[09/04/13 - 10:05 AM]
"Under the Dome," "Big Brother" Lead CBS to Its 10th Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 26-September 1.

[08/29/13 - 11:29 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, August 29
Updates include: Liz Vassey to pen new comedy for NBC; FOX to bring Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables" to the small screen; and duo bound for Starz's "Outlander."

[08/20/13 - 09:28 AM]
CBS Most-Watched Network for 8th Consecutive Week; "Under the Dome" Is Top Broadcast
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 12-18.

[08/16/13 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Friday, August 16
Updates include: Lauren Graham brings "Someday, Someday, Maybe" to The CW; Megan Park joins NBC's "Undateable"; and MTV gives series order to "Jerks with Cameras."

[08/13/13 - 09:05 AM]
CBS #1 in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 During First Full Week of Time Warner Cable Blackout
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 5-11.

[08/06/13 - 11:35 AM]
"Under the Dome," "Big Brother," "Unforgettable" Drive CBS Summer Growth
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 29-August 4.

[08/05/13 - 11:33 PM]
Development Update: Monday, August 5
Updates include: Jennifer Lopez nears return to "American Idol"; Laura Bell Bundy joins FX's "Anger Management"; and "Last Resort" co-creators return to ABC with "Freedom."

[07/31/13 - 11:17 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, July 31
Updates include: Rob Lowe, Rashida Jones to exit "Parks & Recreation"; ABC renews "Celebrity Wife Swap"; and Martin Henderson to topline Sundance Channel's "The Red Road."

[07/30/13 - 10:52 AM]
"Under the Dome" Is the Week's #1 Program in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 22-28.

[07/29/13 - 09:06 AM]
Last May and Looking Forward to Fall, on CBS...
The Eye recaps this past season and teases what's ahead for the coming season.

[07/29/13 - 07:31 AM]
CBS Will Launch Its Premiere Thursday with One Hour of "The Big Bang Theory"
New comedy "The Millers" will now premiere one week later on Thursday, October 3.

[07/26/13 - 11:15 PM]
Development Update: Friday, July 26
Updates include: Philip Seymour Hoffman to topline Showtime's "Trending Down"; Shannyn Sossamon joins FOX's "Wayward Pines"; and Bravo passes on drama pilot "Rita."

[07/25/13 - 11:26 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, July 25
Updates include: USA mulls "Burn Notice" spin-off; Disney Channel to wrap "Shake It Up" this fall; and Parminder Nagra boards NBC's "The Blacklist."

[07/23/13 - 11:31 AM]
All Three Editions of "Big Brother" Post Week-to-Week Growth
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 15-21.

[07/18/13 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Garners 53 Primetime Emmy Nominations for the 2012-2013 Season
The network's highlights include Outstanding Comedy Series for "The Big Bang Theory."

[07/16/13 - 10:18 AM]
"Under the Dome" Tops Week in Viewers; CBS Places First in Adults 18-49 for First Time in July Since 2005
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 8-14.

[07/10/13 - 12:59 PM]
"Under the Dome" Is the #1 Program in Viewers and Key Demos for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 1-7.

[07/02/13 - 11:16 AM]
"Under The Dome" Is the Week's #1 Program in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 24-30.

[06/17/13 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2013-2014 Premiere Dates
The bulk of the Eye's new and returning series will roll out during the official premiere week, September 23-29.

[06/04/13 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Rebroadcasts Win the Week in Viewers - Network Has Six of the Week's Top 10 Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 27-June 2.

[06/03/13 - 11:16 PM]
Development Update: Monday, June 3
Updates include: Starz's "Outlander" to get series order; USA formally passes on ABC's "Happy Endings"; and Dan Harmon confirms his return to NBC's "Community."

[05/21/13 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Sweeps the 2012-2013 Season in All Key Ratings Categories
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/15/13 - 05:59 AM]
CBS Announces 2013-2014 Primetime Schedule
It's here: the Eye details its schedule for the upcoming season.

[05/14/13 - 12:03 PM]
CBS Sweeps Another Week in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 6-12.

[05/11/13 - 09:03 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with the Top 2 Shows as "Shark Tank" and "20/20" Grow
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 10.

[05/11/13 - 08:58 AM]
"Rock Center with Brian Williams" Scored Its Second-Highest Adult 18-49 Rating in Three Months
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, May 10.

[05/07/13 - 10:56 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 29-May 5.

[05/04/13 - 08:50 AM]
ABC Wins Friday with "Shark Tank" and "20/20" Ranking as the Top 2 Series in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 3.

[04/30/13 - 10:58 AM]
CBS Streaks to Ninth Consecutive Weekly Viewer Win and Seventh Straight in Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 22-28.

[04/29/13 - 02:14 PM]
Discovery Channel's "Sons of Guns" Dominates as the #1 Friday Prime Time Program in Cable for Both Persons and Men
Discovery spins the numbers for Friday, April 26.

[04/16/13 - 10:30 AM]
CBS #1 in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for the Fourth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 8-14.

[04/12/13 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Announces 2012-2013 Season Finale Storylines
The Eye details its swan songs, from "The Good Wife" on April 28 through "Criminal Minds" on May 22 (SPOILERS!).

[04/09/13 - 09:58 AM]
Big Bang, College Hoops and Country Music Are the Top Three Broadcasts of Week, Leading CBS to Weekly Win in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 1-7.

[04/06/13 - 09:11 AM]
ABC Wins Friday, as "Happy Endings" Surges and "Shark Tank" and "20/20" Post Multi-Month Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, April 5.

[04/04/13 - 11:26 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, April 4
Updates include: Steven Weber joins TNT's "Murder in the First"; Arden Myrin to star in Adult Swim's "Hole to Hole"; and Paul Reubens cast in ABC's "Once Upon a Time" spin-off.

[04/02/13 - 11:18 AM]
CBS Tweet Week Returns with Even More Star Power, April 4-10
Drew Carey, Melissa Rauch, Taraji P. Henson and Corinne Brinkerhoff will kick things off on Thursday, April 4.

[03/27/13 - 01:00 PM]
CBS Renews 18 Primetime Shows for the 2013-2014 Season
Freshman hit "Elementary" will join 17 other series as part of the Eye's lineup next season.

[03/19/13 - 11:03 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 11-17.

[03/12/13 - 10:50 AM]
"NCIS" Rules Weekly Ratings In Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 4-10.

[03/11/13 - 10:15 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Air Dates
Highlights include two-hour finales of "The Amazing Race," "Survivor," "Elementary" and "Criminal Minds."

[03/09/13 - 09:03 AM]
ABC Earns Its Top-Rated Friday Since November
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, March 8.

[03/05/13 - 10:29 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 25-March 3.

[03/04/13 - 11:48 PM]
Development Update: Monday, March 4
Updates include: Naveen Andrews to get "Reckless" at ABC; Alexis Bledel joins FOX's "Friends & Family"; and Benjamin Stockham cast as title role in NBC's "About a Boy."

[02/26/13 - 11:02 AM]
CBS Wins February Sweep in Adults 18-49 for the First Time Since 1998
CBS spins the numbers for the sweeps period to date.

[02/20/13 - 11:45 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54 with Seven of the Top 10 Shows of the Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 11-17.

[02/19/13 - 11:38 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, February 19
Updates include: Tricia Helfer to lead ABC's "Killer Women"; Ari Graynor tapped as "Bad Teacher" for CBS; and Michael Peña to search for "The List" at FOX.

[02/15/13 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Daytime Series "The Talk" Goes Primetime! Afternoon Talker Teams Up with CBS's Hit 10:00 PM Lineup for Week-Long Event Spoofing Some of the Network's Hottest Shows
"Hawaii Five-0," "Vegas," "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," "Elementary" and "Blue Bloods" will all be spoofed by the series.

[02/12/13 - 10:46 AM]
CBS Dominates in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 4-10.

[02/06/13 - 07:01 AM]
Season Two Production of "Copper" Is Underway - Donal Logue Joins the Cast Thomas Kelly Joins as Executive Producer
The series is currently filming in Toronto, Ontario through July.

[02/05/13 - 12:40 PM]
CBS's Super Bowl Sunday Delivers 108.5 Million Viewers - The Most Watched Night of Primetime Television Since the Advent of People Meters in 1987
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 28-February 3.

[01/29/13 - 11:05 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, January 29
Updates include: ABC adds four drams to its pilot roster; NBC lands comedy "Brenda Forever"; and Warner Bros. gives "Entourage" feature the green light.

[01/29/13 - 11:25 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers with Three Nights of Rebroadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 21-27.

[01/23/13 - 02:17 PM]
All Three CBS Friday Night Series Deliver More Than 10 Million Viewers with L+3 Day Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for Friday, January 18.

[01/23/13 - 10:37 AM]
CBS Sweeps Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 14-20.

[01/22/13 - 10:36 AM]
"Blue Bloods" Is the First Friday Scripted Program in 10 Years to Average 13 Million or More Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[01/18/13 - 01:07 PM]
CBS's Huge Winning Week That Included Two Series Posting 20 Million Plus Viewers Soars Higher with Live+3 Day Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of January 7-13.

[01/15/13 - 11:21 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, January 15
Updates include: Jessica Simpson to topline comedy for NBC; Oxygen nixes "All My Babies' Mamas" special; and TNT passes on its "Trooper" pilot redo.

[01/15/13 - 11:09 AM]
CBS Wins Across-the-Board with the Highest Weekly Averages of Any Network This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 7-13.

[01/12/13 - 12:18 PM]
CBS at TCA: We Want an 11th Season of "Two and a Half Men"
Plus: Nina Tassler talks "How I Met Your Mother," "Friend Me," "Elementary" and more!

[01/08/13 - 10:53 AM]
CBS Has the Top 10 Scripted Programs in a Week of Series Milestones
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 31-January 6.

[01/05/13 - 10:00 AM]
"Dateline NBC" Is the #1 Non-Sports Telecast from 10-11 p.m.
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, January 4.

[01/05/13 - 08:50 AM]
ABC is Friday's Top Non-Sports Net with Shark Tank as the #1 TV Series
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, January 4.

[12/27/12 - 10:05 AM]
"NCIS" Sacks Competition - #1 in Viewers, Beating "Sunday Night Football"
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 17-23.

[12/20/12 - 11:13 AM]
New Cinemax Action Series "Banshee," from a Team Including Alan Ball and Greg Yaitanes, Debuts Jan. 11
Antony Starr stars as Lucas Hood, "an ex-con and master thief who assumes the identity of the sheriff of Banshee, Pa., where he continues his criminal activities."

[12/19/12 - 12:47 PM]
CBS by the Numbers at Mid-Season
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[12/14/12 - 11:36 AM]
Scott Pelley to Anchor a Primetime "CBS News Special Report" (10:00-11:00 PM, ET) Tonight from Newtown, Conn.
The special - covering today's mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School - will replace a repeat of "Blue Bloods."

[12/11/12 - 10:38 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Moves Into First Place in Adults 25-54 for Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 3-9.

[12/06/12 - 11:11 AM]
CBS Announces Mid-Season Premieres for New Drama "Golden Boy" and Returning Comedy "Rules of Engagement"
Plus: return dates set for the spring editions of "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race."

[12/04/12 - 10:42 AM]
CBS Ratings Momentum Continues - Network Sweeps Key Ratings Categories for the Second Time in Three Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 26-December 2.

[11/27/12 - 11:54 AM]
CBS Has Eight Programs Averaging 7-Day DVR Lift of 3 Million Viewers or More, as Many as All Other Networks Combined
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[11/16/12 - 11:11 PM]
Development Update: Friday, November 16
Updates include: MTV to develop Gwenda Bond's "Blackwood" as a drama; Mark Wahlberg lands another reality pilot at A&E; and Lifetime reveals cast changes on "Army Wives."

[11/13/12 - 10:17 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers, Even with TV's Top Two Dramas and Top New Series Preempted
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 5-11.

[11/10/12 - 09:01 AM]
ABC Wins Friday for the 2nd Straight Week in Adults 18-49/"Shark Tank" is the #1 TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 9.

[11/06/12 - 11:05 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 29-November 4.

[11/03/12 - 09:05 AM]
"Malibu Country" Opens at 5-Year Time Period Highs/"Shark Tank" Hits New Series Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 2.

[10/25/12 - 11:17 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 25
Updates include: ABC Family's "Continuing Fred" adds trio; Barry Schindel, David Semel team for USA drama; and "The Office's" Brian Baumgartner to star in ABC comedy.

[10/23/12 - 11:07 AM]
CBS Opens the Season with its Fourth Straight Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 15-21.

[10/22/12 - 11:06 PM]
Development Update: Monday, October 22
Updates include: Adam Baldwin boards TNT's "The Last Ship"; Isaiah Mustafa to guest on USA's "Sirens"; and "New Girl's" Jake Johnson to pen comedy for FOX.

[10/22/12 - 11:40 AM]
With Live+7 DVR Playback, "The Big Bang Theory" Surges Past "Sunday Night Football" as #2 Broadcast of the Week - Only Behind "NCIS"
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/20/12 - 08:53 AM]
ABC is #1 on Friday with Winning Performances from "Shark Tank," "What Would You Do?" and "20/20"
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, October 19.

[10/19/12 - 01:08 PM]
"Big Bang Theory" and "Elementary" Soar in Live+3 Day Playback
CBS further spins the numbers for September 24-October 14.

[10/16/12 - 12:01 PM]
CBS Streaks To Its Third Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers to Start Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/09/12 - 11:16 AM]
CBS Wins Its Second Consecutive Week in Viewers; "NCIS" Is Top Program
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/06/12 - 08:46 AM]
"Grimm" Matches Its Highest 18-49 Rating for a Friday Telecast Since January 20
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 5.

[10/05/12 - 11:36 AM]
3-Day DVR Playback Significantly Increases CBS's Premiere Week Ratings
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/02/12 - 10:20 AM]
ABC Airs Premiere Week's No. 1 Comedy, No. 1 Drama and No. 1 New Comedy
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/02/12 - 10:16 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers for the Fourth Consecutive Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[09/29/12 - 08:57 AM]
ABC's "Shark Tank" Beats CBS' Premiere of "CSI: NY" to Lead its Slot for the 3rd Straight Week in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, September 28.

[09/21/12 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Invites Fans to Tweet Week @ the CBS Connect Lounge, Sept. 24-28
Cast and creators from all 18 series bowing during said period will participate.

[09/07/12 - 10:43 AM]
GSN Announces Weekly Line-Up of Celebrity Guests for "The Pyramid"
Chandra Wilson and Jai Rodriguez are on tap for next week, followed by Megyn Price and Lamorne Morris.

[09/05/12 - 09:47 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Wins in Viewers for the Second Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 27-September 2.

[08/28/12 - 10:02 AM]
Amy Osler Promoted to Senior Vice President, Music, CBS Television Studios
In her position, Osler serves as the liaison between the Network/Studio and the music industry.

[08/23/12 - 11:52 AM]
Video: A Refresher on Where CBS Series Left Off in May
Watch recaps of the Eye's entire returning class.

[08/14/12 - 11:31 AM]
GSN Announces Line-Up of Celebrity Guests for "The Pyramid," Premiering Monday, September 3
Mike Richards hosts the daily strip show, which will air Monday through Friday at 6:00/5:00c.

[08/14/12 - 09:27 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - "Wipeout" Surges to ABC's 2nd-Highest Non-Sports Rating in the Time Period Since Early June
ABC spins the numbers for the week of August 6-12.

[07/31/12 - 11:02 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, July 31
Updates include: CBS plans revival of "The Brandy Bunch"; Dan Harmon inks second blind script deal; and Richard D'Ovidio brings "Founding Fathers" to ABC.

[07/29/12 - 08:11 AM]
From CBS Entertainment - Series News for the 2012-2013 Season
The Eye confirms an assortment of casting news for "CSI: NY," "NCIS: Los Angeles," "Vegas," "Person of Interest," "Made in Jersey," "Blue Bloods" and "The Mentalist."

[07/24/12 - 12:11 PM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "America's Got Talent" Ranks #1 in Total Viewers for the July 16-22 Week
NBC spins the numbers for the week of July 16-22.

[07/24/12 - 11:07 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - A Rebroadcast of "The Big Bang Theory" Is the #2 Program of the Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 16-22.

[07/21/12 - 03:41 PM]
"Dateline NBC" Matches Its Highest 18-49 Rating Since June 1, Ties for #1 from 10-11 p.m.
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, July 20.

[07/20/12 - 09:37 AM]
CBS Program Advisory - "48 Hours: Tragedy in Aurora" Will Be Broadcast Tonight (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT)
The one-hour special will replace the previously announced repeat of "Undercover Boss."

[07/17/12 - 10:18 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "America's Got Talent" Ties for #1 Among Non-Sports Prime Telecasts in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of July 9-15.

[07/17/12 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - "Big Bang," "Big Brother" Lead Network to Big Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 9-15.

[07/14/12 - 09:30 AM]
"Dateline NBC" Grows 20% Week to Week in 18-49 Rating, 14% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, July 13.

[07/11/12 - 09:30 AM]
CBS Announces 2012-2013 Premiere Dates
All of the Eye's series will roll out during the traditional "premiere week" (September 24-30), save for "Survivor" on September 19.

[06/13/12 - 01:16 PM]
CBS.com Launches the "CBS Fan Awards," Giving Fans a Chance to Vote for Their Favorite Moments of CBS's 2011-2012 Primetime Season
Categories include Best Meltdown Moment, Best Catchphrase and Best Didn't See That One Coming Moment.

[06/12/12 - 10:10 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Wins Second Straight Summer Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 4-10.

[06/05/12 - 09:57 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network's Rebroadcasts Comprise Six of the Top 10 Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 28-June 3.

[05/31/12 - 05:02 AM]
CTV and CTV Two 2012/13 Night-by-Night Schedules and Program Descriptions
Highlights include the final season of "Flashpoint" on Thursday nights at 10:00/9:00c.

[05/22/12 - 12:57 PM]
CBS Wins the 2011-2012 Season in Viewers by the Largest Margin of Victory by Any Network in 23 Years
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 14-20 and the season to date.

[05/22/12 - 07:41 AM]
CBS Unveils Thank You Campaign to Its Loyal Fans for Continuing to Make It America's Most-Watched Network
The effort includes a CBS star-branded and mobile studio-equipped "CBS Buzz Tour" bus to travel the country.

[05/16/12 - 05:43 AM]
CBS Announces 2012-2013 Primetime Schedule
It's here: the Eye details its schedule for the upcoming season.

[05/15/12 - 11:05 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Airs the Week's No. 1 Comedy, the No. 1 Drama and the No. 1 New Show
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/12 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Heads to the Season's Finish Line First for the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/12/12 - 09:06 AM]
ABC Wins Friday for the 2nd Straight Week
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 11.

[05/11/12 - 09:45 AM]
TNT Expands Slate with Two New Unscripted Series: Gripping "Boston Blue" (w.t.) and Action-Packed "72 Hours" (w.t.)
The cable channel has ordered eight episodes of each series, with plans to launch them in 2013.

[05/08/12 - 10:37 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Delivers 5 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/08/12 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - "The Big Bang Theory" is the Week's #1 Program in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/05/12 - 08:57 AM]
ABC Wins Friday as "Shark Tank" Emerges as the #1 TV Show in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, May 4.

[05/02/12 - 01:16 PM]
Jimmy Kimmel, Sam Champion, Chris Harrison & Reggie Bush to Co-Host "Live! With Kelly" for the Week of May 14-18, 2012
Scheduled guests include Chris Colfer, LL Cool J, Billy Bob Thornton, Eli Manning and Tom Selleck.

[05/01/12 - 10:21 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - CBS Is America's Most-Watched Network for the Eighth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[05/01/12 - 09:59 AM]
New Cinemax Action Series "Banshee," From a Team Including Alan Ball and Greg Yaitanes, Starts Production
Scheduled for ten hour-long episodes, the show will debut on in 2013.

[04/28/12 - 08:58 AM]
ABC's "Shark Tank" Surges Year to Year and "20/20" Dominates "Dateline" at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, April 27.

[04/24/12 - 11:02 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Continues to Rule Scripted Programming
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/11/12 - 12:51 PM]
CBS.com Gives Fans a Look Back at the Most Exciting Moments of the 2011-2012 CBS Primetime Season With "Season Rewind"
Plus: "Season Rewind" will also give fans up to four chances to win a home entertainment center - including a speaker system, big-screen TV and universal remote.

[04/10/12 - 09:49 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Hoops, Comedies and Drama Lead Network to Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[04/03/12 - 10:36 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Claims 4 of the Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/03/12 - 10:17 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Country Music, College Hoops, Tiny Spock and "NCIS" Lead Network to a Slam Dunk Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[03/31/12 - 09:03 AM]
Friday's #1 TV Show, ABC's "20/20" Hits 2-Year Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, March 30.

[03/22/12 - 09:02 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Dates for the 2011-12 Season
Look for two-hour finales for "Survivor," "The Amazing Race," "Criminal Minds" and "NCIS: Los Angeles."

[03/14/12 - 11:15 AM]
CBS Announces Renewals for 18 Primetime Shows for the 2012-2013 Season
"This large-scale renewal is testimony to the strength, stability and success of a deep and diverse roster of top-rated programming," said Nina Tassler.

[03/13/12 - 10:55 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - "Person of Interest," With Season-High Ratings, is the Week's #1 Scripted Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 5-11.

[03/06/12 - 10:09 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - "NCIS" is the Week's #1 Scripted Program and #1 Drama in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 27-March 4.

[03/03/12 - 09:04 AM]
ABC is #1 with its 2nd-Highest Friday this Season in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, March 2.

[02/28/12 - 03:30 PM]
USA Most Watched Network for February
USA spins the numbers for the month of February.

[02/22/12 - 10:12 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - 19 of CBS's 22 Hours of Prime Programming Finish in the Top 30 Among Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[02/22/12 - 09:49 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - ABC Qualifies as the Only Net to Grow its Viewer Count Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[02/14/12 - 10:11 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Posts Best Weekly Ratings Performance in More Than a Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 6-12.

[02/08/12 - 11:16 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, February 8
Updates include: Jon Favreau to direct NBC's "Revolution"; Alfred Molina reports to TNT's "Chelsea General"; and James Purefoy joins Kevin Bacon on FOX's Kevin Williamson drama pilot.

[01/26/12 - 08:35 AM]
Emmy and Golden Globe Award Winner Tom Selleck Stars in "Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt," A New Television Movie to Be Broadcast Sunday, May 20
Kathy Baker, Kohl Sudduth, Stephen McHattie, William Devane, William Sadler, Gloria Reuben and Saul Rubinek also will return for the film, the eighth in the franchise.

[01/25/12 - 11:02 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, January 25
Updates include: Rainn Wilson's Dwight Schrute eyed for "The Office" spin-off; Cinemax orders Alan Ball's "Banshee" to series; and CBS greenlights "Widow Detective" pilot.

[01/25/12 - 10:35 AM]
CBS Dramas Place First Every Weekday at 10:00 PM in Viewers and Adults 25-54 and Four of Five Nights in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[01/18/12 - 10:06 AM]
CBS Scores Decisive Across-the-Board Weekly Win for Second Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 9-15.

[01/10/12 - 09:57 AM]
Comedies, Dramas, Tebow Lead CBS to Decisive Weekly Win in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 2-8.

[12/21/11 - 10:56 AM]
CBS Presents Television's Year-End Lists of Top Rated Shows in a Variety of Categories
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[12/15/11 - 03:36 PM]
Next Edition of "The Amazing Race" Premieres Sunday, Feb. 19
Plus: "Undercover Boss" and "A Gifted Man" to shift to Fridays at 8:00/7:00c and 9:00/8:00c beginning February 17.

[12/06/11 - 10:05 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers With a Post-Thanksgiving Menu of Reindeers, Supermodels, Music and Rebroadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 28-December 4.

[11/22/11 - 09:07 AM]
CBS's Scripted Series Dominate the Week, Leading Network to Sweep in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 14-20.

[11/21/11 - 02:28 PM]
"Blue Bloods" Tops Friday in All Key Measures
CBS spins the numbers for Friday, November 18.

[11/18/11 - 10:46 PM]
Development Update: Friday, November 18
Updates include: ABC trims "Cougar Town" to 15 episodes; Christine Ebersole joins TBS's "Sullivan & Son"; and "Body of Proof" gets three additional episodes.

[11/08/11 - 09:14 AM]
CBS Wins Week Seven by Nearly 5 Million Viewers - Largest Margin of Victory This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 31-November 6.

[11/07/11 - 02:02 PM]
"Blue Bloods" Delivers Its Largest Audience and Best Adult 18-49 Rating Since Its Series Premiere
CBS spins the numbers for Friday, November 4.

[11/03/11 - 10:15 AM]
CBS Stars to Take Over the Network's Facebook Pages and Twitter Feeds for a Full Week
The event kicks off this Saturday when CBS Sports broadcasts the most highly anticipated college football game of the year as #1-ranked LSU takes on #2-ranked Alabama.

[11/01/11 - 09:11 AM]
CBS in Growth Mode - Network is Up Versus the Same Week Last Year and Season-to-Date in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 24-30.

[10/28/11 - 09:36 AM]
CBS Pulls Tonight's "A Gifted Man," "CSI: NY" and "Blue Bloods" Originals in Favor of Repeats
The Eye opts not to compete against FOX's coverage of Game 7 of the World Series.

[10/24/11 - 02:24 PM]
"A Gifted Man" Delivers Largest Audience and Highest Adult 25-54 Rating Since Its Premiere
CBS spins the numbers for Friday, October 21.

[10/19/11 - 10:47 AM]
CBS Has All of the Top 10 Dramas of the Week in Viewers and Four of the Top Five in Adults 18-49
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 10-16.

[10/17/11 - 02:08 PM]
CBS Wins Friday in Viewers and Key Demos for the Fourth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Friday, October 14.

[10/17/11 - 10:18 AM]
For the Second Straight Week, CBS Posts Largest Absolute Live Plus 7-Day Lift in Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[10/11/11 - 11:02 AM]
CBS Makes Television History - First Network Ever to Place 20 of the Top 30 Programs Through the First Three Weeks of the New TV Season
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[10/11/11 - 08:46 AM]
CBS #1 for the Week in Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[10/05/11 - 12:07 PM]
CBS Dominates Live + 3-Day Playback With Seven of the Top 10 Programs in Viewers and Five of the Top 10 in Adults 18-49, More Than Any Other Network
CBS further spins the numbers for weeks of September 19-30.

[10/04/11 - 11:04 AM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[09/27/11 - 10:49 AM]
NBC Sports' Steelers-Colts Game Is the Highest-Rated Premiere-Week "Sunday Night Football" Telecast Ever
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 19-25.

[09/27/11 - 09:53 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54 for the Third Consecutive Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 19-25.

[09/26/11 - 11:08 PM]
Development Update: Monday, September 26
Updates include: J.J. Abrams, Eric Kripke book pilot order at NBC; Carter Bays, Craig Thomas and Chris Harris team for FOX comedy; and Lee Daniels to bring "Valley of the Dolls" to NBC.

[09/16/11 - 10:59 PM]
Development Update: Friday, September 16
Updates include: ABC Family cancels "State of Georgia"; Bill Maher to shepherd HBO's "Vice TV"; and ABC lands second "Jekyll & Hide" drama.

[09/07/11 - 10:21 AM]
CBS Streaks to Ninth Consecutive Weekly Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 29-September 4.

[08/23/11 - 11:39 AM]
Big Audiences for "Big Brother"; CBS Wins the Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 15-21.

[08/16/11 - 12:14 PM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Sixth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 8-14.

[08/09/11 - 10:35 AM]
CBS Wins 5th Straight Week in Viewers Led by "Big Brother" and Scripted Series
CBS spins the numbers for the week of August 1-7.

[08/02/11 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Makes It Four Wins in a Row
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 25-31.

[07/26/11 - 11:47 AM]
"Big Brother," Scripted Series Lead CBS to Third Straight Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 18-24.

[07/25/11 - 11:03 PM]
Development Update: Monday, July 25
Updates include: Odette Annable joins FOX's "House"; Michael Kenneth Williams, John Goodman to visit NBC's "Community"; and Rex Lee named regular on ABC's "Suburgatory."

[07/21/11 - 09:00 AM]
Multiple Grammy Award Winners Tony Bennett and Carrie Underwood to Perform on the Second Season Premiere of "Blue Bloods," Friday, Sept. 23
They'll play themselves when they perform at a fundraiser that Frank Reagan and Erin Reagan-Boyle are attending for the newly appointed mayor.

[07/19/11 - 10:36 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, July 19
Updates include: Jere Burns lands arc on USA's "Burn Notice"; Mercedes Masohn, Maddie Hasson set for FOX's "The Finder"; and a trio joins HBO's "Game of Thrones."

[07/19/11 - 10:28 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Second Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 11-17.

[07/12/11 - 10:20 AM]
"Big Brother" and Drama Rebroadcasts Propel CBS to Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of July 4-10.

[07/06/11 - 10:56 AM]
ABC Takes First Place on 3 Nights During the Week in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of June 27-July 3.

[07/06/11 - 10:44 AM]
With Rebroadcasts, CBS Dramas Dominate the Week's Top Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 27-July 3.

[06/29/11 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces 2011-2012 Premiere Dates
The bulk of said lineup will launch during premiere week with "Survivor" on September 14 and "How to Be a Gentleman" on September 29.

[06/28/11 - 10:13 AM]
CBS Rebroadcasts Are the Top 8 Scripted Shows of the Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 20-26.

[06/21/11 - 09:56 AM]
CBS Has 11 of the Week's Top 20 Programs, More Than All of the Other Networks Combined
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 13-19.

[06/14/11 - 10:33 AM]
Rebroadcasts of "60 Minutes," "NCIS" and "NCIS: Los Angeles" Finish in the Top 10 Programs of the Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of June 6-12.

[06/13/11 - 12:27 PM]
CBS, America's Most Watched Network, Also Posts the Largest Live Plus 7-Day DVR Lift During the 2010-2011 Season
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[06/07/11 - 11:54 AM]
CBS Rebroadcasts Dominate the Weekly Ratings
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 30-June 5.

[06/07/11 - 10:36 AM]
ABC Scores a Dominant Weekly Victory in Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 30-June 5.

[06/06/11 - 03:22 PM]
Discovery Holds Top Three Spots in Cable on Friday Night Among Men
Discovery spins the numbers for Friday, June 3.

[06/02/11 - 10:21 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, June 2
Updates include: Jennifer Grey joins Lifetime's "Bling Ring"; Michael Pressman latest to join CBS's "Blue Bloods"; and NBC begins casting a "Fear Factor" revival.

[05/24/11 - 10:29 AM]
CBS Wins 2010-2011 Season for 8th Victory in 9 Years; Network Again Finishes Ahead of ABC and NBC in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/18/11 - 05:45 AM]
CBS Announces 2011-2012 Primetime Fall Schedule
New series include "Person of Interest," "Unforgettable," "The 2-2," "How to Be a Gentleman" and "Two Broke Girls"

[05/17/11 - 07:08 PM]
CBS Renews "Rules of Engagement," The CW Piles on Reality
"The Frame" and "Re-Modeled" will join "H8R" are part of The CW's 2011-12 season lineup.

[05/17/11 - 01:02 PM]
CBS Cancels "Suspect Behavior," Renews "CSI: NY"; The CW Keeps "One Tree Hill," "Nikita," Drops "Hellcats"
Plus: "Secret Circle" and "Hart of Dixie" are a go at The CW while Ed Zuckerman to run CBS's "Blue Bloods."

[05/17/11 - 12:01 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers and Adults 25-54 in the Next-to-Last Full Week of the 2010-2011 Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 9-15.

[05/10/11 - 11:52 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers Led by "NCIS" and "The Good Wife"
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 2-8.

[05/03/11 - 11:50 AM]
"The Mentalist" Sees Its Way to the Week's #1 Scripted Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 25-May 1.

[05/03/11 - 11:50 AM]
"The Mentalist" Sees Its Way to the Week's #1 Scripted Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 25-May 1.

[04/27/11 - 10:35 AM]
Comcast First to Offer Current Top-Rated TV Series from All Four Major Broadcast Networks On Demand
This expansion of TV series, among others, nearly doubles the amount of hit TV series now available from the major broadcast networks.

[04/27/11 - 09:01 AM]
CBS Announces May Finale Storylines
The Eye details its May sweeps programming highlights (SPOILERS!).

[04/22/11 - 11:20 PM]
Development Update: April 21-22
Updates include: Mitchell Burgess, Robin Green depart CBS's "Blue Bloods"; Masi Oka brings "The Correctors" to Syfy; and Chip Johannessen reports to Showtime's "Homeland."

[04/19/11 - 11:15 AM]
CBS Wins Fourth Straight Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 11-17.

[04/19/11 - 09:01 AM]
CBS's Police Drama, "Flashpoint," Returns on Friday, May 6, 8:00-9:00 PM
"Chaos" will go on hiatus effective immediately but return to the schedule at a later date.

[04/12/11 - 11:14 AM]
NCAA and "NCIS" Lead CBS to Second Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 4-10.

[04/12/11 - 10:25 AM]
For the 3rd Time in 4 Weeks, ABC Builds its Overall Audience Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 4-10.

[04/09/11 - 09:03 AM]
ABC Hits a 13-Week High on Friday with Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, April 8.

[04/05/11 - 11:25 AM]
Country Music, College Hoops and Scripted Series Lead CBS to a Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 28-April 3.

[04/04/11 - 11:48 AM]
Emmy and Golden Globe Award Winner Tom Selleck Stars in "Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost," A New Television Movie to Be Broadcast Sunday, May 22
CBS details the upcoming seventh film in the series of television movies.

[03/31/11 - 11:26 AM]
Exclusive: CBS Confirms Episode Orders for 2010-11 Season
"Criminal Minds" is one of nine series filming 24 episodes this season for the network.

[03/31/11 - 09:03 AM]
CBS Announces Tweet Week
Stars from "NCIS," "Survivor," "The Big Bang Theory," "Blue Bloods," "The Amazing Race" and "Hawaii Five-0" will all participate in the April 3-11 stunt.

[03/28/11 - 01:36 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Dates for the 2010-11 Season
Said dates include a two-hour closer for "The Mentalist" on Thursday, May 19.

[03/15/11 - 10:59 AM]
CBS Has Seven of the Top 10 Programs of the Week, Including the Top Five Scripetd Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 7-13.

[03/01/11 - 10:56 AM]
And the Award for the Week's Top Scripted Series Goes to... CBS
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 21-27.

[02/23/11 - 11:59 AM]
CBS Is a Dominant #1 With 16 of the Top 20 Series Spread Across All Program Genres
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 14-20.

[02/18/11 - 12:08 AM]
Interview: "Blue Bloods" Executive Producers Leonard Goldberg & Robin Green
The hit drama returns to Fridays at 10:00/9:00c tonight on CBS.

[02/15/11 - 11:49 AM]
CBS Sweeps the Week in Viewers and Key Demos as the Grammys Hit a High Note
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 7-13.

[02/15/11 - 11:07 AM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of Feb. 7-13
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 7-13.

[02/10/11 - 09:37 AM]
"Blue Bloods" Notches Series-High Adult 18-49 Rating and Largest Audience Since Its Premiere
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 9.

[02/08/11 - 11:00 AM]
"NCIS" Has a Super Week All Its Own
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 31-February 6.

[02/08/11 - 10:24 AM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of Jan. 31-Feb. 6
NBC spins the numbers for the week of January 31-February 6.

[02/08/11 - 10:12 AM]
ABC Airs 4 of the Week's Top 20 Regular Non-Sports TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of January 31-February 6.

[02/03/11 - 09:10 AM]
Hitting New Replay Highs, ABC's "Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 Scripted TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 2.

[02/01/11 - 11:48 AM]
Hallmark Hall of Fame Presentation of "The Lost Valentine" Is the Week's #1 Scripted Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 24-30.

[02/01/11 - 10:57 AM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of Jan. 24-30
NBC spins the numbers for the week of January 24-30.

[01/27/11 - 09:28 AM]
"Blue Bloods" Wins Its Time Period In Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, January 26.

[01/25/11 - 11:37 AM]
CBS Notches the Best Weekly Ratings of Any Network in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of January 17-23.

[01/25/11 - 10:48 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" is TV's No. 1 Regular Scripted Show in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of January 17-23.

[01/25/11 - 10:25 AM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of Jan. 17-23
NBC spins the numbers for the week of January 17-23.

[01/20/11 - 09:39 AM]
"Blue Bloods" Delivers Its Largest Audience and Highest Adult 25-54 Rating Since Its Series Premiere
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, January 19.

[01/20/11 - 08:59 AM]
ABC Posts Strong Year-Over-Year Gains Against the "Idol" Opener
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, January 19.

[12/28/10 - 12:34 PM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the 13th Time in 14 Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 20-26.

[12/28/10 - 11:43 AM]
CBS Bumps Next Original "Criminal Minds" to January 19
Said installment will lead into the Wednesday premiere of "Blue Bloods" that same night at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/21/10 - 05:40 PM]
CBS Announces Mid-Season Additions and Time Period Moves
Upcoming launches include "Chaos" (April 1), "Mad Love" (February 21) and "Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior" (February 16).

[12/17/10 - 07:52 PM]
Development Update: Friday, December 17
Updates include: Melissa Rosenberg to bring "Jessica Jones" to ABC; John Corbett to visit NBC's "Parenthood"; and Kunal Nayyar closes a new deal on CBS's "The Big Bang Theory."

[12/07/10 - 10:29 AM]
CBS Is #1 in Viewers and Adults 25-54 for the 10th Time in 11 Weeks This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 29-December 5.

[12/07/10 - 10:23 AM]
ABC Claims 3 of the Top 15 Non-Sports Programs for the Week in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 29-December 5.

[12/04/10 - 08:57 AM]
ABC's "20/20" is #1 on Friday Adults 18-49 and Hits a Season High in Adults 25-54
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, December 3.

[11/30/10 - 04:43 PM]
CBS Marks Thanksgiving Week With Its Ninth Win in 10 Weeks Among Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 22-28.

[11/23/10 - 06:08 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, November 23
Updates include: Anthony E. Zuiker lands another CBS drama; Neal Baer to depart "Law & Order: SVU"; and Paul Scheer gets series order for "NTSF:SD:SUV" from Adult Swim.

[11/23/10 - 11:17 AM]
CBS: A Decade of November Sweep Wins - Network Makes It 10 Consecutive November Victories in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 15-21 and the November sweeps period.

[11/23/10 - 10:13 AM]
ABC Marks its Most-Competitive Finish This Season in Adults 18-49, Nearly Tying For No. 1
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 15-21.

[11/22/10 - 10:00 AM]
"Hawaii Five-0" Is the Most Played-Back Program of Week Seven
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of November 1-7.

[11/20/10 - 09:04 AM]
Hitting 10-Month Highs, ABC's "20/20" is Friday's #1 TV Show in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, November 19.

[11/18/10 - 01:35 PM]
Jennifer Esposito Joins The Cast of "Blue Bloods" As A Series Regular
The actress had been recurring as "street-smart, tough and funny" Detective Jackie Curatola.

[11/16/10 - 11:09 AM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of Nov. 8-14
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 8-14.

[11/16/10 - 10:54 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the Seventh Time in Eight Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 8-14.

[11/12/10 - 09:22 PM]
Development Update: Friday, November 12
Updates include: Connie Britton may visit "The Event" at NBC; Benita Robledo to become MTV's "Patito Feo"; and Larry Wilmore, Carol Mendelsohn land new projects.

[11/09/10 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Back on Top: Network Wins in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-45 for the Sixth Time in Seven Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 1-7.

[11/09/10 - 10:36 AM]
Nominations Announced for The "People's Choice Awards 2011" to Be Hosted by Queen Latifah, Jan. 5, 2011 on the CBS Television Network
"Gossip Girl," "Grey's Anatomy," "House," "The Good Wife" and "The Vampire Diaries" are up for best drama, while "Glee," "How I Met Your Mother," "Modern Family," "The Big Bang Theory" and "Two and a Half Men" will compete for best comedy.

[11/09/10 - 10:04 AM]
ABC Marks Its Most-Watched Week Since Season Premiere Week in September
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 1-7.

[11/02/10 - 11:35 AM]
CBS Posts Across-The-Board Increases from Same Week Last Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 25-31.

[11/02/10 - 10:27 AM]
Growing its Overall Audience for the 3rd Week in a Row, ABC Marks its Strongest Results Since Season-Premiere Week in September
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 25-31.

[11/01/10 - 09:57 AM]
After Four Weeks, "Hawaii Five-0" and "The Mentalist" Continue as the Top Two Most Played Back Shows
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 11-17.

[10/30/10 - 09:18 AM]
ABC Hits Friday Season-Highs for 2nd Week in a Row
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, October 29.

[10/26/10 - 10:21 AM]
CBS Goes 5 for 5: Only 3rd Time in 23 Years a Net Opens Season with 5 Straight Wins in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 18-24.

[10/26/10 - 09:52 AM]
CBS in November - Big Episodes and Big Guest Stars
The Eye details its November sweeps highlights (SPOILERS!).

[10/25/10 - 09:45 AM]
"Hawaii Five-0" and "The Mentalist" Continue as the Most Played Back Shows for the Third Consecutive Week
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 4-10.

[10/21/10 - 03:20 PM]
CBS Goes 5 for 5: Network's Entire Freshman Class Earns Full Season Orders
"Hawaii Five-0," "Blue Bloods," "The Defenders," "Mike & Molly" and "$#*! My Dad Says" have all landed full season orders.

[10/19/10 - 12:26 PM]
CBS Goes 4 for 4 to Open the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 11-17.

[10/18/10 - 10:03 AM]
"Hawaii Five-0" and "The Mentalist" Are the Most Played-Back Shows for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 27-October 3.

[10/12/10 - 11:04 AM]
ABC is No. 2 for the Week in Viewers and Adults 18-49 and No. 1 in Women 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 4-10.

[10/12/10 - 10:16 AM]
CBS Extends 2010 Season Winning Streak to Three Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 4-10.

[10/11/10 - 03:35 PM]
NBC Banishes "Outlaw" to Saturdays
The Peacock opts to continue with two-hour editions of "Dateline NBC" on Friday nights.

[10/11/10 - 11:06 AM]
Live Plus 7 Generates Even Bigger Premiere Week Growth for CBS
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 20-26.

[10/09/10 - 08:57 AM]
ABC's 20/20 Surges to #1 at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Friday, October 8.

[10/06/10 - 06:30 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, October 6
Updates include: NBC halts production on "Outlaw"; BET sets a premiere date for CW transplant "The Game"; and David Bickel, Tom Fontana land new series projects.

[10/05/10 - 11:14 AM]
CBS Opens the Season 2 for 2
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 27-October 3.

[09/28/10 - 09:55 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 20-26.

[09/24/10 - 12:50 AM]
The Futon's Ratings Survival Guide: "Blue Bloods" (CBS)

[09/08/10 - 01:44 PM]
CBS Adds "Hawaii Five-0," "Blue Bloods" Encores
The pilots for each series will rebroadcast on Saturday, September 25.

[08/19/10 - 12:04 PM]
CBS Fall Preview, a Primetime Special Hosted by Jim Belushi and Jerry O'Connell Will Be Broadcast Monday, SepT. 6, 8:30-9:00 Pm, ET/PT, on Cbs
This CBS fall preview offering has been an annual tradition since 2004.

[08/06/10 - 06:47 PM]
Development Update: Friday, August 6
Updates include: Ken Sanzel to depart CBS's "Blue Bloods"; Megan Boone joins NBC's "LOLA"; and the Linsons ink first-look deal with Fox Television Studios.

[07/22/10 - 06:07 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, July 22
Updates include: USA orders "Burn Notice" prequel film; Zach Cregger has "Friends With Benefits" at NBC; and Rachelle Lefevre is "Off the Map" for ABC.

[07/22/10 - 09:52 AM]
CBS Announces 2010-2011 Premiere Dates
The bulk of the Eye's fall lineup will return during the traditional premiere week (September 20-26).

[06/21/10 - 11:25 PM]
The Futon's First Look: "Blue Bloods" (CBS)

[05/24/10 - 06:39 PM]
Development Update: Monday, May 24
Updates include: ABC asks for more "Edgar Floats" scripts; Ken Sanzel joins CBS's "Blue Bloods"; and Miles Millar and Alfred Gough take on ABC's "Charlie's Angeles" revival.

[05/19/10 - 02:23 PM]
Video Gallery: CBS's New 2010-11 Shows
View trailers and clips from all of CBS's new series for next season.

[05/19/10 - 07:52 AM]
Image Gallery: CBS's New 2010-11 Shows
View images from all of CBS's new series for next season.

[05/19/10 - 05:41 AM]
CBS Announces 2010-2011 Primetime Schedule
THE BIG BANG THEORY, CSI: MIAMI, CSI: NY and SURVIVOR all head to new homes.

[05/17/10 - 11:12 AM]
CBS Welcomes Four to Freshman Class
Dramas "Hawaii Five-O," "Defenders," "Blue Bloods" (formerly "Reagan's Law") and the "Criminal Minds" spin-off will join the previously announced comedy "Mike & Molly."

[03/23/10 - 12:05 AM]
Development Update: Tuesday, March 23
Updates include: Jaime Pressly joins CBS's "Prayer"; "FlashForward's" Zachary Knighton books "Happy Endings" at ABC; and Bridget Moynahan reports for CBS's "Reagan's Law."

[03/22/10 - 12:06 AM]
Development Update: Monday, March 22
Updates include: "The Forgotten's" Christian Slater books FOX pilot; Thomas Haden Church joins Showtime's "Episodes"; and Tate Donovan is added to ABC's "No Ordinary Family."

[03/17/10 - 12:04 AM]
Development Update: Wednesday, March 17
Updates include: Josh Henderson is "Betwixt" for The CW; Goran Visnjic joins Katee Sackhoff on "Boston's Finest" at ABC; and Tom Selleck to lead "Reagan's Law" at CBS.

[03/16/10 - 12:06 AM]
Development Update: Tuesday, March 16
Updates include: Stephen Lang joins ABC's "Matadors"; Donnie Wahlberg reports for "Reagan's Law" at CBS; and Mia Maestro to replace Roselyn Sanchez on ABC's "Cutthroat."

[03/05/10 - 12:23 AM]
Development Update: Friday, March 5 (Part 1)
Updates include: Scott Caan is "Danno" for CBS's "Hawaii Five-O"; Robert Patrick joins ABC's "Edgar Floats"; and over 15 pilots name their directors.

[02/01/10 - 06:51 PM]
Development Update: Monday, February 1
Updates include: Matthew Broderick to star in NBC's "Beach Lane"; four other pilots get the green light; and the Peacock sets an air date for "The Mountain."

9/24/10 - 12/13/24
canceled/ended (2024-2025 season)
completed airing its current season
14 (293 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

series finale aired on 12/13/24
(from CBS's web site, October 2024) Blue Bloods is a drama about a multi-generational family of cops dedicated to New York City law enforcement. Frank Reagan is the New York Police Commissioner, and heads both the police force and the Reagan brood. He runs his department as diplomatically as he runs his family, even when dealing with the politics that plagued his unapologetically bold father, Henry, during his stint as Chief. A source of pride and concern for Frank is his eldest son, Danny, a seasoned detective, family man and Iraq War vet who on occasion uses dubious tactics to solve cases with his partner, Detective Maria Baez. The Reagan women in the family include Erin, a New York Assistant D.A. who also serves as the legal compass for her siblings and father, as well as a single parent to her teenage daughter, Nicky. Jamie is the youngest Reagan, a Harvard Law graduate and the family's "golden boy." Unable to deny the family tradition, Jamie decided to give up a lucrative future in law and follow in the family footsteps as a cop. He's found a friend and ally in Eddie, his female partner who keeps him on his toes, and has very different reasons than the Reagans for joining the police force.
· Bridget Moynahan as Erin Reagan
· Donnie Wahlberg as Danny Reagan
· Len Cariou as Henry Reagan
· Marisa Ramirez as Maria Baez
· Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan
· Vanessa Ray as Eddie Janko
· Will Estes as Jamie Reagan
· Amy Carlson as Linda Reagan
· Dylan Moore as Sydney Davenport (Pilot)
· Flex Alexander as Demarcus King (Pilot)
· Jennifer Esposito as Jackie Curatola
· Sami Gayle as Nicky Reagan-Boyle
· Michael Cuesta as EP/DIR (Pilot)
· Mitchell Burgess as WRTR (Pilot)
· Robin Green as WRTR (Pilot)
· drama
· CBS Television Studios