
[01/29/25 - 09:00 AM]
"Survivor" Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the 48th Edition with a Two-Hour Season Premiere on Wednesday, Feb. 26
The trailblazing reality series, which shifts to 90-minute weekly episodes beginning Wednesday, March 5 at 8:00 PM, returns with a bold new group of competitors, inspired gameplay and momentous tribal councils.

[12/12/24 - 10:00 AM]
"Tracker" Exceeding 18 Million Viewers and "Matlock" Nearing 17 Million Viewers in Live Plus 35-Day Multiplatform Viewing
Since the new season premiered in September, CBS primetime series are averaging 10 million viewers, up +3% compared to last season, in live plus 35-day viewing across CBS, Paramount+ and the CBS app.

[11/13/24 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Winter Premiere Dates for 2024-25 Primetime Season
"Hollywood Squares," starring award-winning actress and talk show host Drew Barrymore as the center square, and hosted by Nate Burleson, premieres Thursday, January 9 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

[10/23/24 - 11:58 AM]
Video: Ghosts Love "Survivor"! - View the "Survivor/Ghosts" Crossover Spots
The videos showcase the "Survivor"-loving ghosts providing colorful fan commentary about the legendary reality series.

[09/19/24 - 09:32 AM]
CBS Wins Wednesday with #1 Show of the Night "Survivor" and "Big Brother" Winning Its Hour
"Survivor" averaged 4.54 million viewers and was #1 program of the night in both total viewers and the A25-54.

[09/09/24 - 08:30 AM]
The "CBS Fall First Look" Special, Headlined by Scores of New and Returning CBS Stars, Will Be Broadcast Thursday, Sept. 19
Throughout the special viewers can get primed for the return of simply satisfying original CBS fare with a mix of first looks from the Network's new and returning shows as they count down to the special Sunday sneak peek premieres.

[09/04/24 - 10:00 AM]
"Survivor" Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the 47th Edition with a Two-Hour Season Premiere on Wednesday, Sept. 18
The groundbreaking series, which shifts to 90-minute weekly episodes beginning Wednesday, September 25 at 8:00 PM, returns with a notable new crop of competitors hoping to leave their mark on the game.

[07/13/24 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces Fall Premiere Dates for 2024-25 Primetime Season
The official "CBS Premiere Week" kicks off with a full week of original episodes beginning Monday, October 14 with the 22nd season premiere of "NCIS," and two hours of the new drama "NCIS: Origins" starring Austin Stowell as a young Leroy Jethro Gibbs and narrated by Mark Harmon.

[05/31/24 - 09:30 AM]
CBS Finales Dominate in Live+7 Viewership
CBS' May finales experienced significant increases with Live+7 Day viewing, currently having 16 of the top 25 shows with the highest seven-day lift.

[05/23/24 - 01:50 PM]
"Survivor" Is #1 Entertainment Show in 2023/24 Season Among Adults 18-34, A18-49 and A25-54
This marks the first time it has won all three demos in a season since its second season in 2000-2001.

[05/02/24 - 12:45 PM]
CBS Announces Its 2024-2025 Primetime Schedule
New scripted series "Matlock," "Poppa's House," "NCIS: Origins" and "Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage" join 18 returning shows.

[04/16/24 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Leads Broadcast with 14 of Top 20 Non-Sports Programs
CBS has led the four broadcasters since its February new season premieres, winning six nights a week (Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Sunday).

[04/08/24 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2023-2024
CBS today announced season finale dates for its original primetime comedies, dramas and unscripted series for the 2023-2024 broadcast season.

[02/27/24 - 10:00 AM]
Meta and CBS Partner to Release "Survivor: Horizon Island," A Custom VR World Featuring an Interactive Social Gaming Experience
Guided by the voice of host/executive producer Jeff Probst, "Survivor: Horizon Island" brings the ultimate experience for die-hard fans of CBS' hit series "Survivor" from the comfort of home.

[02/21/24 - 12:06 PM]
CBS Premiere Week Audience Rises +32% from 2022/2023
CBS also placed the top 16 broadcast primetime programs last week, the first time any network has accomplished this since at least 1987, when Nielsen first introduced People-Meters.

[02/05/24 - 10:00 AM]
"Survivor" Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the 46th Edition with a 2-Hour Season Premiere on Wednesday, Feb. 28
The individuals competing on the 46th season are fans from diverse backgrounds and bring fresh perspectives to this new era of the game, with the same ultimate goal: to outwit, outplay and outlast.

[12/21/23 - 09:29 AM]
The Tribe Has Spoken... "Survivor" Season 45 Achieves Year-Over-Year Multiplatform Growth
Last night's three-hour season finale was the #1 show, watched by 4.53 million viewers across broadcast and streaming, a +6% increase from season 44 finale, according to fast national and internal data.

[11/27/23 - 08:31 AM]
Former "Survivor" Winner Kim Wolfe Returns in HGTV's "Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?" on Tuesday, Dec. 26, at 9 p.m ET/PT
The designer, home renovator and busy mom of three will use her expert skills to help clients who hastily bought their home at first sight but now regret their decision.

[11/13/23 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2024 Primetime Premiere Dates for Original Episodes of New and Returning Series
CBS today announced its premiere dates and rollout plan for its 2024 primetime schedule, which will launch immediately following the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 11.

[09/21/23 - 06:45 AM]
CBS Invites America to Buff Up for "Survivor" 45!
The series will bedeck famous statues, icons and landmarks from coast-to-coast with enormous adaptations of the reality show's signature Buffs, from September 21 through this season's Wednesday, September 27 premiere.

[09/18/23 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Sets "The Price Is Right at Night" and "Let's Make a Deal Primetime" Episodes
Jeff Probst and Phil Keoghan will appear on "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race"-themed installments of the former.

[09/06/23 - 11:00 AM]
"Survivor" Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the Milestone 45th Edition with a 90-Minute Season Premiere on Wednesday, Sept. 27
After 23 years on television and 652 episodes, the groundbreaking broadcast hit and most-watched reality show on Paramount+ returns with the biggest season of the greatest game ever played.

[08/03/23 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Primetime Programming Premiere Dates for Fall 2023
As previously announced, the fall lineup features original programming every night of the week, with more than 185 hours of original programming (not including sports).

[07/17/23 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2023 Programming
Paramount Network's "Yellowstone," TV's #1 series, will have its broadcast premiere on Sundays starting from the beginning of season one.

[05/10/23 - 10:19 AM]
Former "Survivor" Winner Kim Wolfe Returns in HGTV's "Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?" on Tuesday, June 13 at 8 PM ET/PT
The designer, home renovator and busy mom of three will use her expert skills to help clients who hastily bought their home at first sight but now regret their decision.

[05/10/23 - 08:05 AM]
CBS Will Finish the 2022-2023 Season as America's Most-Watched Network in Primetime for 15th Consecutive Year
This ties broadcast television's longest winning streak on record, also held by CBS from 1955-1970.

[05/10/23 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Reveals Its 2023-2024 Primetime Lineup
The new dramas "Elsbeth" and "Matlock" and the previously announced "Tracker" join 22 returning shows.

[04/19/23 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2022-23 Season Finale Storylines
CBS announced today the season finale storylines for 2022-2023, featuring exceptional heroism, big laughs, intense action, heart-wrenching family drama, unexpected cliffhangers and a fond farewell.

[03/17/23 - 11:30 AM]
Encores of CBS Dramas Will Air in Place of the Previously Scheduled "Lingo" on Wednesdays
"Lingo" was recently ordered for a second season and the remaining four original episodes will be scheduled for next season.

[03/14/23 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2022-2023
Look for "Ghosts" on Thursday, May 11 all the way through "Survivor" on Wednesday, May 24.

[02/22/23 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces Launch of the Ultimate Companion Podcast for Groundbreaking Hit Reality Series "Survivor"
New podcast episodes will go live each Wednesday at the conclusion of that week's broadcast of "Survivor," which regularly airs Wednesdays at 8:00/7:00c on CBS.

[02/21/23 - 01:00 PM]
CBS Renews 9 Additional Series for the 2023-2024 Season
"NCIS," "60 Minutes," "CSI: Vegas," "NCIS: Hawai'i," "Survivor," "The Amazing Race," "Tough as Nails," "Lingo" and "48 Hours" are the latest due back.

[01/31/23 - 09:00 AM]
"Survivor" Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the 44th Edition with a Thrilling 2-Hour Season Premiere Airing Wednesday, March 1
The individuals competing on season 44 are fans from diverse backgrounds who bring fresh perspectives to this new era of the game, with the same ultimate goal: to outwit, outplay and outlast.

[11/28/22 - 11:06 PM]
Development Update: Monday, November 28
Updates include: Scarlett Johansson to lead "Just Cause" TV series at Amazon; Mark Burnett exits MGM Television; and Jordan Gonzalez upped to regular on HBO Max's "Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin."

[11/22/22 - 10:00 AM]
Nielsen Live +35-Day Ratings Reveal CBS Has 5 of the Top 6 Premieres with Over 10 Million Viewers
CBS also has 15 of the top 25 premieres in the 35-day metric.

[11/14/22 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Premieres for New Word-Twisting Game Show, "Lingo," Hosted by RuPaul Charles; New Action-Drama, "True Lies," Inspired by James Cameron's Hit Action-Comedy Film; Plus Midseason Dates for Returning Series
"True Lies," inspired by James Cameron's hit action-comedy film of the same name, premieres on a special night and time, Thursday, February 23 at 9:00 PM, ET/PT.

[11/01/22 - 10:30 AM]
CBS Entertainment Programming Dominates New Primetime Season with Seven of the Top 10 Series and 17 of the Top 25
According to Nielsen, the most-watched non-sports series is "NCIS," with "FBI," NBC's "Chicago Fire" and "60 Minutes" not far behind.

[10/28/22 - 01:30 PM]
"The Real Love Boat" Moves Exclusively to Paramount+ Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 2
"The Amazing Race" will shift to Wednesdays at 9:00/8:00c on CBS with drama encores taking over at 10:00/9:00c.

[08/31/22 - 10:00 AM]
"Survivor" Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the 43rd Edition with a Two-Hour Season Premiere on Wednesday, Sept. 21
After 22 years on television, 646 castaways and 639 torch snuffs, the premiere of season 43 will be the CBS original series' 621st episode, launching a new chapter of the groundbreaking reality competition.

[07/12/22 - 12:53 PM]
Prime Video Scores 30 Emmy Nominations and Newly Acquired MGM Receives 7
Prime Video received 30 Emmy Award nominations today for its Original programming, including 12 nominations for "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel."

[06/23/22 - 09:15 AM]
CBS Announces Fall 2022-2023 Primetime Premiere Dates
Of note, the new romance adventure competition "The Real Love Boat" will now air at 9:00 PM on Wednesdays, leading into "The Amazing Race" in its new time period at 10:00 PM.

[05/18/22 - 05:00 AM]
CBS Unveils Its 2022-2023 Primetime Lineup
For 2021-2022, the network finished #1 for the 14th straight season, winning 19 of the past 20 seasons.

[05/03/22 - 08:45 AM]
CBS Will Finish the 2021-2022 Season as America's Most-Watched Network for 14th Straight Year
This will be CBS' 19th win in the last 20 years.

[04/21/22 - 10:57 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Storylines for 2021-2022
CBS announced today the season finale storylines for 2021-2022, featuring extraordinary heroism, powerful family drama, surprising growing pains, jaw-dropping events and fond farewells.

[03/30/22 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2021-2022
Highlights include the series finale of "Bull" on Thursday, May 26.

[03/09/22 - 02:00 PM]
CBS Renews Four Popular Unscripted Series for the 2022-2023 Broadcast Season
"Survivor," "The Amazing Race," "Tough As Nails" and "Secret Celebrity Renovation" are all due back.

[03/03/22 - 09:56 AM]
Former "Survivor" Winner Kim Wolfe Saves Homeowners Who Cry "Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?" in New HGTV Series
"Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?" premieres Wednesday, March 30 at 9:00/8:00c.

[02/22/22 - 07:30 AM]
CBS "Springs Forward" with Returning Favorites, Spectacular Specials, Big Premieres, Guest Stars, Milestones and More, in February, March and April!
Highlights include the 100th episodes of "Young Sheldon" on March 31 and "S.W.A.T." on April 10; plus the 250th episode of "Blue Bloods" on March 11.

[02/09/22 - 09:03 AM]
"Survivor" Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the 42nd Edition with a Two-Hour Premiere, Wednesday, March 9, 8:00-10:00 PM
This season continues to define a bold new era of the series with the return of risky beware advantages, game-changing twists, and a relentless pace that will push these castaways to their limits.

[11/10/21 - 08:15 AM]
CBS Announces Winter/Spring 2022 Premiere Dates for New and Returning Scripted, Alternative and Specials Programming
Look for new seasons of "The Amazing Race," "Undercover Boss," "Celebrity Big Brother" and "Survivor" as well as the launch of the new drama "Good Sam."

[08/30/21 - 10:02 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 New Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor," Which Kicks Off with a Two-Hour Premiere on Wednesday, Sept. 22
As the thrilling competition begins on the beautiful islands of Fiji, 18 determined castaways will be divided into three tribes of six to face a faster, more intense and more dangerous season than ever before.

[07/12/21 - 10:55 AM]
CBS Announces Fall 2021-2022 Primetime Premiere Dates
The network will roll out the strategic launches of five new shows and 22 returning series over several weeks.

[05/19/21 - 07:00 AM]
CBS Announces New Fall Schedule for 2021-2022
The new schedule includes four new dramas, two new comedies, special event programming, and 22 returning series.

[03/22/21 - 11:23 PM]
Development Update: Monday, March 22
Updates include: Jane Lynch signs onto ABC's "Bucktown"; Y'lan Noel to star in FX's "The Spook Who Sat by the Door"; and Amazon's "Jack Reacher" fills out principal cast.

[07/30/20 - 05:00 AM]
ViacomCBS Debuts Expanded and Enhanced CBS All Access
More than 3,500 episodes across ViacomCBS' leading portfolio of entertainment brands will now be available on CBS All Access, including popular series from BET, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Smithsonian Channel and more.

[07/14/20 - 04:06 PM]
CBS Announces Revised Wednesday Lineup for Fall 2020-2021
"The Amazing Race" will now open the night, followed by "SEAL Team" and "S.W.A.T."

[05/19/20 - 12:15 PM]
CBS Unveils 2020-2021 Primetime Lineup; 3 New Series Join 23 Returning Shows
The new fall schedule features perennial strength and stability, plus big new show additions on Thursday and Sunday.

[05/06/20 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces the Return of 23 Series for the 2020-2021 Broadcast Season
Newcomers "All Rise," "Bob (Hearts) Abishola," "Evil," "FBI: Most Wanted" and "The Unicorn" are among the returning class.

[04/13/20 - 09:30 AM]
CBS Announces "Survivor" Finale & "The Amazing Race" Premiere Dates
The current season of "Survivor" will wrap on May 13 while "The Amazing Race" returns the following Wednesday, May 20.

[03/11/20 - 11:20 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, March 11
Updates include: "Riverdale," "Survivor" shut down due to coronavirus concerns; Scott Foley among those cast on FOX's "The Big Leap"; and Angelique Cabral, Tone Bell to lead ABC's "Work Wife."

[01/15/20 - 08:01 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Legendary Winners of "Survivor" Returning to Compete in the Ultimate Battle for a Chance to Earn the Title of Sole Survivor Again and $2 Million, on the 40th Season of "Survivor"
The 20th anniversary edition of the groundbreaking series, themed "Winners at War," unites the most memorable, heroic and celebrated champions from the past two decades in the biggest battle in the show's history.

[01/12/20 - 09:00 AM]
"Survivor" Celebrates Its Upcoming 40th Season with a New One-Hour Retrospective Special, "Survivor at 40: Greatest Moments and Players," Airing Wednesday, Feb. 5 on CBS
The milestone 40th edition, hosted by Emmy Award winner Jeff Probst, premieres with a special two-hour episode one week later, on Wednesday, February 12.

[11/11/19 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Two New Dramas, Two Milestones and Two Returning Series
"FBI: Most Wanted" and "Tommy" are both set to launch early next year.

[10/01/19 - 01:39 PM]
New CBS Series Lead the Way in Premiere Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[09/09/19 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor," Premiering Wednesday, Sept. 25
This edition features two legendary winners, Boston Rob Mariano and Sandra Diaz-Twine, who return to the game to serve as mentors to a group of 20 new castaways.

[06/13/19 - 02:30 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2019-2020 Primetime Premiere Dates
The network will roll out the bulk of its lineup during the traditional premiere week of September 23-29.

[05/15/19 - 06:00 AM]
CBS Unveils 2019-2020 Primetime Lineup; 8 New Series Join 24 Returning Shows
The Eye will roll out three new comedies and two new dramas this fall.

[04/24/19 - 01:30 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Storylines for 2018-2019
Said finales run from "Mom" on Thursday, May 9 through "Ransom" on Saturday, May 25.

[04/05/19 - 01:00 PM]
Get Ready for a "Reality Showdown" on "The Amazing Race," Now Premiering, Wednesday, April 17 at 9 PM!
Effective Saturday, May 4, "Million Dollar Mile" moves to Saturdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT), with "Ransom" moving to 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT.

[03/11/19 - 12:30 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2018-2019
Highlights include the one-hour series finale of "The Big Bang Theory" on Thursday, May 16.

[01/31/19 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor," Premiering Wednesday, Feb. 20
This edition, themed "Edge of Extinction," features 18 castaways divided into two equal tribes, the Manu Tribe and the Kama Tribe.

[11/27/18 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces Slate of Midseason Reality Programming
First up: "Big Brother: Celebrity Edition" returns for a second season Monday, January 21.

[07/09/18 - 03:34 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2018-2019 Primetime Premiere Dates
Look for special Monday premieres of "The Big Bang Theory" and "Young Sheldon" to kick off the new season on September 24.

[05/16/18 - 06:15 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2018-2019 Primetime Lineup
"When you have a primetime lineup that won the season while competing against the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics on another network, you look to keep your core schedule mostly intact, while making strategic moves to help grow nights," said Kelly Kahl.

[04/24/18 - 02:04 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Storylines for 2017-2018
The Eye will wrap its May sweeps period with the season finale of "Survivor" on Wednesday, May 23.

[04/18/18 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces 11 More Series Renewals for 2018-2019
Combined with previously announced pickups, CBS has now renewed 17 series for next year, including its entire Tuesday and Friday night lineups.

[03/22/18 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates for 2017-2018
"Scorpion" will now kick off said finales on Monday, April 16.

[03/12/18 - 10:00 AM]
Season Three of "Code Black" to Premiere Wednesday, April 25
To make room for the earlier premiere, "Criminal Minds" will now wrap its season with a two-hour finale on Wednesday, April 18.

[01/31/18 - 08:59 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 New Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor," Premiering Wednesday, Feb. 28 with a Two-Hour Episode
This edition, themed "Ghost Island," features 20 new castaways divided into two groups of 10, and centers around the bad decisions of past players.

[01/11/18 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Announces Spring Series Return Dates
New seasons of "Elementary" and "Code Black" will take over for "Scorpion" and "Criminal Minds," respectively.

[12/01/17 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Winter Scheduling Plans for 2018
"The Amazing Race," "Big Brother," "Living Biblically," "Survivor" and "Instinct" are all on tap in the new year.

[11/01/17 - 07:31 AM]
CBS Schedule Change for Wednesday, Nov. 1
The Eye pulls new episodes of "SEAL Team" and "Criminal Minds" from facing tonight's Game 7 of the World Series.

[10/17/17 - 10:49 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Third Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 9-15.

[10/05/17 - 09:05 AM]
For the Second Straight Week, Freshman Drama "SEAL Team" Is Wednesday's Most Watched Broadcast
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 4.

[09/28/17 - 09:00 AM]
"Seal Team" Premieres with 9.70 Million Viewers - Wednesday's Most Watched Program
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 27.

[08/31/17 - 11:11 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, August 31
Updates include: CBS Television Studios confirms initial episode orders; HBO formally renews "True Detective"; and Jill Blotevogel brings "Black Rose Anthology" to The CW.

[08/30/17 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor," Premiering Wednesday, Sept. 27
This edition, themed "Heroes v. Healers v. Hustlers," will feature 18 castaways, divided into three groups of six based on how they are perceived by others.

[06/15/17 - 09:58 AM]
"Candy Crush" Premiere to Feature Fan Favorites from "Survivor" and "Big Brother," Sunday July 9
Kelley Wentworth, Joe Anglim, Woo Hwang, Jeremy Collins, Paul Abrahamian, Da'Vonne Rogers, Frankie Grande and Caleb Reynolds are all slated to appear.

[06/01/17 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Announces Fall 2017-2018 Primetime Premiere Dates
Newcomer "Young Sheldon" will help kick things off on Monday, September 25.

[05/25/17 - 08:22 AM]
"Law & Order: SVU" Captures Its Highest 18-49 Rating Since Feb. 22, Ties for the 10-11 P.M. Win
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 24.

[05/25/17 - 08:21 AM]
"Dirty Dancing" Drives ABC to Its Most Watched Wednesday in Nearly 7 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 24.

[05/17/17 - 06:15 AM]
CBS Announces New 2017-2018 Fall Schedule
New fall series include "9JKL," "Me, Myself & I," "Seal Team," "Young Sheldon," "SWAT" and "Wisdom of the Crowd."

[04/19/17 - 06:29 AM]
CBS Announces End of Season Storylines for 2016-2017
CBS announced today the end of season storylines for 2016-2017, featuring big reveals, romantic weddings and dramatic conclusions!

[03/27/17 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates
Said dates run from Friday, April 14 for "MacGyver" through Thursday, June 1 for "The Amazing Race."

[03/23/17 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Renews 18 Series for the 2017-2018 Season
Among the pickups are newcomers "Bull," "Kevin Can Wait," "MacGyver," "Man with a Plan" and "Superior Donuts."

[02/24/17 - 04:46 PM]
The Second Season of "Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders" Will Premiere Wednesday, March 8
The series will replace newcomer "Doubt" in the 10:00/9:00c hour.

[02/08/17 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Returning Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor"
Notably, the season premiere marks the 500th episode of the series.

[11/30/16 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Winter and Spring Scheduling Plans for 2016-2017
Highlights include the premieres of "Ransom," "Training Day" and "Doubt."

[11/17/16 - 08:35 AM]
ABC Finishes a Strong 2nd on Wednesday Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 16.

[08/17/16 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor"
The fall edition, filmed in Fiji, is themed "Millennials vs. Gen. X."

[08/10/16 - 06:30 AM]
What's New This Fall on CBS's Returning Series
The Eye recaps its previous season as well as previews its upcoming offerings.

[06/21/16 - 11:31 AM]
CBS Announces Fall 2016-2017 Primetime Premiere Dates
"The Big Bang Theory" and newcomer "Kevin Can Wait" will help kick things off on Monday, September 19.

[05/18/16 - 06:14 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2016-2017 Primetime Lineup
Look for eight comedies across two nights this fall, with Mondays returning to a four-comedy block.

[04/25/16 - 08:07 AM]
CBS Announces the Reality Stars Playing on "The Price Is Right" Primetime Specials, May 23-25
Jeff Probst, Julie Chen and Phil Keoghan will also make appearances during their respective themed episodes.

[04/14/16 - 01:05 PM]
CBS Announces 2015-16 Season Finale Storylines
Said finales run from "Supergirl" on Monday, April 18 through "Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders" on Wednesday, May 25.

[03/25/16 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Renewals for Returning Series for the 2016-2017 Season
CBS will finish this season as America's most-watched network for the 13th time in 14 years.

[03/16/16 - 01:02 PM]
CBS Announces Finale Dates, Return Dates and Special Events
Highlights include the return of "Person of Interest" on Tuesday, May 3 at 10:00/9:00c.

[03/14/16 - 10:18 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "How to Get Away with Murder" Soars 107% in Playback
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of February 22-28.

[03/04/16 - 03:13 PM]
Discovery Channel Dominates February with Five of the Top Unscripted Cable Series
Discovery spins the numbers for the month of February.

[03/03/16 - 08:37 AM]
"The Real O'Neals" Receives Solid Sampling Before Its Move to Tuesday
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 2.

[02/25/16 - 08:32 AM]
ABC Finishes No. 1 on the First Three Wednesdays of the February Sweep for the First Time in 20 Years Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 24.

[02/18/16 - 08:37 AM]
ABC Ranks No. 1 on the First Two Wednesdays of the February Sweep for the First Time in 17 Years with Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 17.

[02/12/16 - 06:00 AM]
CBS to Air Three Special Primetime Editions of Network Television's #1 Daytime Series "The Price Is Right"
The themed installments will tie into the Eye's reality franchises "The Amazing Race," "Survivor" and "Big Brother."

[02/05/16 - 10:29 AM]
CBS Multi-Platform Snapshot - Top Five Most Popular Programs on Various Platforms This Season
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[01/20/16 - 08:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 Castaways Competing on the Next Edition of "Survivor"
"Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty" opens with a special 90-minute premiere on Wednesday, February 17 at 8:00/7:00c.

[01/08/16 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces More Spring Premiere Dates
New drama "Rush Hour" will premiere Thursday, March 31 while "Elementary" shifts to Sundays at 10:00/9:00c beginning March 20.

[12/17/15 - 08:45 AM]
Rebroadcast of "Chicago P.D." Outrates ABC's Original "Nashville: On the Road" Special in All Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 16.

[12/14/15 - 07:07 AM]
Mad Max: Fury Road Leads with 13 Nominations for The 21st Annual Critics' Choice Awards
As previously announced, actor and comedian T.J. Miller will serve as the show's host.

[12/03/15 - 08:54 AM]
ABC Is No. 2 on Wednesday in Adults 18-49 and Beats CBS by 11% from 8-10 p.m.
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 2.

[12/03/15 - 08:54 AM]
ABC Is No. 2 on Wednesday in Adults 18-49 and Beats CBS by 11% from 8-10 p.m.
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 2.

[11/30/15 - 12:32 PM]
CBS Announces Winter and Spring Scheduling Plans
Highlights include the launch of "Angel from Hell" on Thursday, January 7 at 9:30/8:30c.

[11/18/15 - 11:59 AM]
CBS Dominates the 10 Million Viewer Club
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[11/12/15 - 08:32 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Lineup Returns with Its Biggest Audience Since September
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 11.

[11/06/15 - 11:33 AM]
CBS Multi-Platform Snapshot - Top Five Most Popular Programs on Various Platforms in the 2015-2016 Season
CBS spins the digital numbers for the season to date.

[10/22/15 - 08:24 AM]
ABC Is No. 2 on Wednesday in Adults 18-49 by Double Digits Over CBS and NBC
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 21.

[10/15/15 - 08:27 AM]
ABC Is No. 2 on Wednesday in Adults 18-49 and Beats CBS by 11% from 8-10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 14.

[10/12/15 - 11:05 AM]
With Live +7-Day Playback, CBS Widens Its Premiere Week Lead Over Its Nearest Competitor to 2.5 Million Viewers
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[10/08/15 - 08:28 AM]
"black-ish" Is the Night's Only Program to Post Week-to-Week Growth
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 7.

[10/02/15 - 10:51 AM]
CBS Premiere Week Multi-Platform Snapshot
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[10/01/15 - 08:31 AM]
"The Middle" Emerges as the Season's 1st Scripted Series to Build on Its Premiere
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 30.

[09/28/15 - 10:23 AM]
Live + 3 Day Ratings: ABC's Wednesday Premieres Post Big Playback Gains Across the Board
ABC further spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 23.

[09/24/15 - 08:42 AM]
All 5 of ABC's Wednesday Series Return Up from their Season Finales
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 23.

[06/09/15 - 11:03 AM]
CBS Announces a Multi-Phase Rollout for Fall 2015-2016 Primetime Premiere Dates
Highlights include the launch of "Supergirl" on Monday, October 26.

[06/08/15 - 09:51 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" and "black-ish" Finish the Season with Playback Series Highs
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of May 18-24.

[05/21/15 - 08:57 AM]
"Mysteries of Laura" Captures Its Top Results Since February 25
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 20.

[05/21/15 - 08:31 AM]
ABC's "500 Questions" Opens Solidly Against CBS' "Survivor" Finale
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 20.

[05/21/15 - 07:00 AM]
The New Cast of the Fall Edition of "Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance" Revealed Last Night During "Survivor: Worlds Apart" Live Reunion Show
Voting opened May 6 for the new "Second Chance" cast, and the results were revealed live by host and executive producer Jeff Probst.

[05/18/15 - 01:55 PM]
Less Than 72 Hours Left for Fans to Determine "Survivor" Cast for Fall Edition
Since voting opened on May 6, more than 10 million votes have been cast to determine the "Second Chance" castaways.

[05/14/15 - 08:40 AM]
ABC Leads Its 3rd Straight Wednesday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 13.

[05/13/15 - 06:16 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2015-2016 Primetime Lineup
Highlights include the launch of "Supergirl" on Monday nights at 8:00/7:00c in November.

[05/11/15 - 11:35 AM]
CBS Renews 10 of 11 Remaining Scripted Series
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" is the sole question mark at the network.

[05/07/15 - 08:39 AM]
ABC Wins the First 2 Wednesdays of the May Sweep for the First Time in 15 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 6.

[05/06/15 - 06:01 PM]
In a "Survivor" First, Fans Will Decide the 20 Castaways Who Will Compete in Fall Edition
The results will be revealed live by host and executive producer Jeff Probst during season 30's season finale live reunion show, Wednesday, May 20.

[04/30/15 - 09:58 AM]
ABC Wins the First Wednesday of the May Sweep and Spikes 19% Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 29.

[04/23/15 - 08:39 AM]
ABC Finishes No. 1 on Wednesday Night Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 22.

[04/17/15 - 11:47 AM]
CBS Announces 2014-2015 Season Finale Storylines, Featuring Dramatic Conclusions, Big Reveals and a Couple of Weddings
The Eye details its May sweeps programming highlights (SPOILERS!).

[04/16/15 - 08:29 AM]
"Nashville" Builds Week to Week in Adults 18-49 and Scores Big Live + 3 Day Gains
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 15.

[04/09/15 - 09:30 AM]
"Survivor" Tops Both "The Voice" and "American Idol" in Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 8.

[04/09/15 - 08:37 AM]
Out of a Repeat "Modern Family," "black-ish" Is No. 1 in its Slot in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 8.

[04/02/15 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Wins Wednesday with the Top 2 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 1.

[04/01/15 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates
Plus: "Stalker" will rejoin the schedule on Monday, May 4 at 9:00/8:00c.

[03/26/15 - 08:31 AM]
"Modern Family" Dominates at 9pm and Ranks as Wednesday's No. 1 TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 25.

[03/05/15 - 08:44 AM]
"Best of the Blinds" Encore Recap of "The Voice" Delivers NBC's Best Ratings in Its Slot Since November 12
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 4.

[03/05/15 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Delivers 3 of the Top 4 TV Shows on Wednesday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 4.

[02/26/15 - 09:12 AM]
CBS Scores with Night of Reality Premieres
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 25.

[02/26/15 - 08:34 AM]
"The Goldbergs" Spikes Over Its Lead-in, Beats "Survivor" and Equals a Season High
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 25.

[02/18/15 - 12:01 PM]
"Survivor" Celebrates 15 Years and 30 Seasons with a Paley Center Photography Exhibit Open to the Public Now Through the End of May
On display is episodic photography and landscape images from all of the exotic locations, spanning 30 seasons.

[01/21/15 - 09:01 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 Castaways Competing on the 30th Edition of "Survivor"
The newest edition will feature the first-time theme of "Worlds Apart," with castaways from very different backgrounds divided into the three separate tribes.

[01/20/15 - 09:01 AM]
CBS Announces the Cast of the Next Edition of "The Amazing Race"
This season will feature 11 new teams of all dating duos with a twist: six who are preexisting couples, and five duos who will meet for the very first time at the starting line when they are set up on the most extreme blind date ever.

[01/07/15 - 12:55 PM]
CBS Has All of the Top 10 Shows in 7-Day DVR Lift Among Adults 18-49 and Nine of the Top 10 Programs Among Viewers
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of December 15-21.

[12/18/14 - 08:44 AM]
"The Sing-Off" Ties for #2 in Its Slot Among the Big 4 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 17.

[12/11/14 - 08:45 AM]
"Chicago P.D." Retains a Season-High 100% of Its Lead-In from an Original "SVU" in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 10.

[12/05/14 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Announces March Premiere Dates for New Dramas "Battle Creek" and "CSI: Cyber"
The newcomers will launch Sunday, March 1 and Wednesday, March 4, respectively, at 10:00/9:00c.

[12/04/14 - 08:33 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" and "black-ish" Top Wednesday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 3.

[12/03/14 - 10:41 AM]
CBS's Thanksgiving Week Feast Includes the Top Five Dramas, Top Five Comedies and Top Four New Shows
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 24-30.

[11/20/14 - 08:23 AM]
Up Year to Year and Week to Week, ABC is No. 1 on Wednesday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the Wednesday, November 19.

[11/11/14 - 11:42 AM]
CBS Opens the Season with Seven Straight Wins for the First Time in Eight Years
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 3-9.

[11/04/14 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Announces Premiere Dates for "The Mentalist" and "Undercover Boss"
The former returns Sunday, November 30 while the latter is due back on Sunday, December 14.

[11/04/14 - 11:06 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Sixth Consecutive Week and Places First in Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 27-November 2.

[10/30/14 - 08:23 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Builds Against the Deciding Game 7 of the 2014 World Series
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 29.

[10/28/14 - 11:16 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers and Key Demos Versus Five Games of the World Series
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 20-26.

[10/24/14 - 09:16 AM]
CBS Stars Get Social with a Week-Long #CBSInstagramTakeover Oct. 27 - Nov. 2!
In addition to Instagram, fans can follow along on the series' Facebook pages and CBS.com.

[10/23/14 - 08:14 AM]
ABC Is Wednesday's No. 1 Non-Sports Net with the Night's Top 2 Series Telecasts
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 22.

[10/21/14 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Wins Fourth Straight Week to Start the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 13-19.

[10/16/14 - 10:54 AM]
"Criminal Minds" Is Wednesday's Most-Watched Broadcast, Growing in Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 15.

[10/16/14 - 09:42 AM]
ABC Is No. 1 on Wednesday in Adults 18-49 for the 2nd Week in a Row
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 15.

[10/14/14 - 10:14 AM]
CBS Scores Double-Digit Growth in Viewers and Demos vs. Same Week Last Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 6-12.

[10/13/14 - 11:38 AM]
CBS Grows +2% in Premiere Week Versus Last Year with Live + 7-Day Playback Added; Even in Key Demos
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[10/09/14 - 09:35 AM]
"Stalker" Sweeps Time Period for Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 8.

[10/09/14 - 08:33 AM]
ABC Is No. 1 on Wednesday with "Modern" and "black-ish" as the Top 2 Shows
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 8.

[10/07/14 - 01:30 PM]
CBS Scores Second Straight Weekly Win to Begin the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 29-October 5.

[10/02/14 - 09:29 AM]
The Series Premiere of "Stalker" Sweeps Time Period
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 1.

[10/02/14 - 08:52 AM]
"The Mysteries of Laura" Retains 93% of Last Week's Regular-Slot Debut in Adults 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 1.

[10/02/14 - 08:21 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Is Wednesday's No. 1 TV Show for the 2nd Week in a Row
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 1.

[09/30/14 - 10:49 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week for the Sixth Consecutive Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[09/26/14 - 07:13 AM]
"Thursday Night Football" on CBS and NFL Network Earns Overnight Ratings Increase of 87% Over Last Year
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 25.

[09/25/14 - 09:24 AM]
CBS's Night of Reality - "Survivor and Big Brother" - Sweeps Wednesday in Adults 18-49 and 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 24.

[09/18/14 - 11:01 AM]
Mark Burnett Reunites with Mike Darnell to Produce a Primetime Event Game Show for ABC, "500 Questions" (Working Title)
It is scheduled to air in 2015, with the program testing the smarts - and nerve - of contestants in a pressure-packed, incredibly intense environment.

[09/05/14 - 02:32 PM]
CBS "Big Brother" Program Advisory
The Eye details the show's schedule for the remainder of the summer.

[08/27/14 - 09:01 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 Castaways Competing on "Survivor"
The Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 29th season with a special 90-minute premiere, Wednesday, September 24 at 8:00/7:00c.

[08/04/14 - 12:16 PM]
CBS's Premiere Week Wednesday Features an All-Reality Lineup That Includes a Big Season Opener and Climactic Finale
Plus: "Extant" will now wrap its freshman run on Wednesday, September 17 at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/10/14 - 10:27 AM]
CBS Leads All Broadcast Networks with 47 Emmy Award Nominations
The network received nods for Outstanding Comedy Series ("The Big Bang Theory"), Reality-Competition Program ("The Amazing Race") and Structured Reality Program ("Undercover Boss").

[06/24/14 - 12:16 PM]
CBS Announces a Multi-Phase Rollout for Fall Premiere Dates
"Madam Secretary" will be the Eye's first newcomer out of the gate on Sunday, September 21.

[06/17/14 - 10:01 AM]
First Wave of "Teen Choice 2014" Nominees Announced
Starting today, fans ages 13-19 can vote once each day per category for their favorite "Wave One" nominees at www.teenchoiceawards.com.

[05/28/14 - 08:00 AM]
The Broadcast Television Journalists Association Announces Nominations for 4th Annual Critics' Choice Television Awards
This year's event will be broadcast live on The CW from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Thursday, June 19 and hosted by actor/comedian Cedric the Entertainer.

[05/22/14 - 08:53 AM]
"Chicago P.D." Captures Three-Week Highs with Week-to-Week Gains of 7% in 18-49 and +3% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 21.

[05/22/14 - 08:29 AM]
"Modern Family" Is #1 and Dominates the "Idol" and "Survivor" Finales in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 21.

[05/22/14 - 08:29 AM]
"Modern Family" Is #1 and Dominates the "Idol" and "Survivor" Finales in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 21.

[05/15/14 - 09:31 AM]
Season Finale of "Criminal Minds" Scores Largest Audience and Biggest Demo Ratings Since February
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 14.

[05/14/14 - 06:12 AM]
CBS Announces Its 2014-2015 Primetime Schedule
Highlights include the relocated "The Big Bang Theory" to lead off Monday nights at 8:00/7:00c.

[05/13/14 - 09:58 AM]
CBS Wins 10th Straight Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 5-11.

[05/08/14 - 09:55 AM]
CBS Sweeps Every Hour on Wednesday in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 7.

[05/08/14 - 08:16 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Is Wednesday's #1 TV Show for Its 8th Consecutive Original in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 7.

[05/06/14 - 09:59 AM]
CBS Extends Its Viewer Winning Streak to Nine Consecutive Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 28-May 4.

[05/01/14 - 09:41 AM]
"Survivor" and "Criminal Minds" Sweep Time Periods
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 30.

[05/01/14 - 08:16 AM]
"Modern Family" Is Wednesday's No. 1 TV Show for Its 7th Straight Original
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 30.

[04/29/14 - 09:38 AM]
CBS Streaks to Eighth Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 21-27.

[04/28/14 - 10:02 AM]
CBS Announces 2013-2014 Season Finale Storylines Featuring Exciting Cliffhangers, Big Reveals and Dramatic Conclusions
The Eye details its various season swan songs in the coming weeks (SPOILERS!).

[04/24/14 - 08:28 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Is Up as Wednesday's #1 TV Show for Its 6th Straight Original
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 23.

[04/22/14 - 10:53 AM]
CBS Continues Post-Olympic Winning Streak, Earning Its Seventh Straight Weekly Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 14-20.

[04/15/14 - 10:22 AM]
CBS Sweeps Fourth Consecutive Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 7-13.

[04/10/14 - 10:17 AM]
"Survivor" Tops Wednesday in Adults 18-49; "Criminal Minds" Tops in Viewers; CBS Sweeps Night
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 9.

[04/08/14 - 10:44 AM]
CBS Continues Post-Olympics Momentum - Network Streaks to its Third Straight Weekly Sweep Across Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 31-April 6.

[04/03/14 - 09:39 AM]
"Criminal Minds" Sweeps Time Period with Across-the-Board Growth from Last Original Episode
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 2.

[04/01/14 - 11:11 AM]
CBS First in Viewers and Key Demographics for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 24-30.

[03/27/14 - 10:08 AM]
"Survivor" Delivers Its Largest Audience of Current Edition
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 26.

[03/25/14 - 10:58 AM]
CBS Posts a Dramatic Sweep in Viewers and Key Demos; Five of Top 10 Programs Are CBS Dramas
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 17-23.

[03/20/14 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates
Highlights include the three-hour "Survivor" finale on Wednesday, May 21.

[03/20/14 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Airdates
Highlights include the three-hour "Survivor" finale on Wednesday, May 21.

[03/20/14 - 09:28 AM]
"Survivor" Sweeps Time Period; Ahead of "American Idol" in Viewers and Wins in Adults 18-49 for Second Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 19.

[03/18/14 - 10:32 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers with Three of Top Five Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 10-16.

[03/13/14 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Renewals for 18 Primetime Shows for Next Season
Combined with its previously announced pick-ups, CBS has now renewed 20 returning series for the 2014-2015 season, encompassing 17 hours of primetime programming.

[03/13/14 - 09:19 AM]
"Survivor" Grows for Second Straight Week; Sweeps Time Period and Tops "American Idol"
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 12.

[03/11/14 - 09:41 AM]
CBS Sweeps Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 3-9.

[03/06/14 - 09:43 AM]
"Criminal Minds" Is Wednesday's Most Watched Program; Closest Ever to "American Idol" in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 5.

[02/27/14 - 09:34 AM]
"Survivor" Audience Grows Over Previous Spring and Fall Editions
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 26.

[02/27/14 - 09:00 AM]
"The Amazing Race" and "Survivor" Exclusive Encores to Air on TVGN Starting March 1
New seasons of the two Emmy(R) Award-winning series premiered this week on the CBS Television Network.

[02/27/14 - 08:51 AM]
"Chicago P.D." Sets a Series Record in 18-49 and Delivers Its Best Total-Viewer Result Since the Show's Debut
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 26.

[02/27/14 - 08:12 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Wins Wednesday/"Mixology" Debut Earns Best Time Slot Numbers in 2-1/2 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 26.

[01/22/14 - 09:01 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 Castaways Competing on "Survivor"
The spring edition, filmed in Cagayan, a province in the Philippines, will be themed "Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty."

[01/15/14 - 06:31 AM]
CBS Announces February Premiere Dates for "The Amazing Race" and "Survivor"
The veteran reality franchises will return on Sunday, February 23 and Wednesday, February 26, respectively.

[12/17/13 - 10:32 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for 10th Time in 12 Weeks; "NCIS," "Big Bang Theory" Are Top Two Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 9-15.

[12/16/13 - 08:33 AM]
"Once Upon a Time" Is Up in L7 from Spring to Fall, "Revenge" Draws a 6-Week High and "Betrayal" Draws a 10-Week High in Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, December 15.

[12/12/13 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Orders 29th and 30th Editions of "Survivor" for the 2014-2015 Season
Plus: five-time Emmy Award winner Jeff Probst has signed a new agreement to return as host and executive producer.

[12/12/13 - 09:24 AM]
"Criminal Minds" Is Wednesday's #1 Program in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 11.

[12/12/13 - 08:25 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Is Up as Wednesday's Dominant #1 TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 11.

[12/10/13 - 10:24 AM]
"The Big Bang Theory" Is the Week's #1 Non-Sports Program in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 2-8.

[12/09/13 - 10:02 AM]
"The Dovekeepers," a Four-Hour Miniseries Event from Executive Producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, Coming to CBS in 2015
The miniseries is the first project from CBS Entertainment and CBS Television Studios' recently announced Limited Series and Event Programming unit.

[12/05/13 - 09:12 AM]
"Survivor: Blood vs. Water" Delivers Its Largest Audience of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 4.

[12/04/13 - 09:39 AM]
CBS Wins Holiday Week in Viewers; Sunday Programs Hit Season Highs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 25-December 1.

[11/26/13 - 09:47 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Eighth Time in Nine Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 18-24.

[11/21/13 - 02:54 PM]
"Survivor" Delivers Its Largest Audience of the Season
CBS further spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 20.

[11/21/13 - 09:32 AM]
"Criminal Minds" and "CSI" Hit Season Highs in Viewers and Adults 25-54; CBS Sweeps Wednesday
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 20.

[11/19/13 - 10:10 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers; Sweeps Four Consecutive Nights in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 11-17.

[11/14/13 - 02:37 PM]
CBS Announces Finale Dates for "The Amazing Race" and "Survivor"
As previously reported, their latest cycles will wrap on Sunday, December 8 and Sunday, December 15, respectively.

[11/14/13 - 09:49 AM]
"Criminal Minds," Wednesday's Most-Watched Program, Delivers Its Largest Audience of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 13.

[11/12/13 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers by Largest Margin This Season and Is First in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 4-10.

[11/05/13 - 10:43 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers by the Largest Margin of Any Network This Season (+2.80M)
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 28-November 3.

[10/31/13 - 10:17 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars," "The X Factor," "Amazing Race," "Survivor" All Set Finale Dates
The news comes on the heels of NBC announcing a December 17 finale for "The Voice."

[10/31/13 - 08:33 AM]
ABC's "The Middle" and "Back in the Game" Grow in Men 18-34 Against the World Series
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 30.

[10/29/13 - 10:08 AM]
"NCIS," "The Big Bang Theory" Are the Week's Top Two Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 21-27.

[10/24/13 - 09:33 AM]
300th Episode of "CSI," "Criminal Minds" Deliver Their Largest Audiences of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 23.

[10/24/13 - 08:19 AM]
"Modern Family" Is Wednesday's #1 Series/"Super Fun Night" Grows Against the Fall Classic
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 23.

[10/22/13 - 10:20 AM]
CBS Wins 4th Straight Week in Viewers with #1 Drama, Comedy, New Series and News Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 14-20.

[10/17/13 - 09:34 AM]
"Criminal Minds," "CSI" Post Weekly Growth in Key Demos; CBS Places First on Wednesday
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 16.

[10/15/13 - 10:25 AM]
CBS Wins Third Straight Week in Viewers; Network Has Top Five Scripted Broadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 7-13.

[10/10/13 - 09:25 AM]
"Survivor" and "CSI" Sweep Time Periods in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 9.

[10/08/13 - 09:58 AM]
CBS Wins Second Consecutive Week in Viewers; First in Adults 25-54; Posts Year-to-Year Growth
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 30-October 6.

[10/03/13 - 09:40 AM]
"Survivor" and "CSI" Sweep Time Periods in Viewers and Key Demos with Week-to-Week Growth
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 2.

[10/02/13 - 10:50 AM]
ABC Claims the #1 Most Co-Viewed Program During Premiere Week with "The Goldbergs"
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[10/01/13 - 10:20 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers; "The Crazy Ones" Is #1 New Program in Premiere Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[09/26/13 - 10:06 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Wednesday in Viewers for Fifth Time in Six Years; "Survivor" First in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 25.

[09/25/13 - 10:06 AM]
CBS Sweeps the Final Week of the Television Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 16-22.

[09/24/13 - 11:01 AM]
Mitch Graham Named Vice President, Alternative Programming, CBS Entertainment
Graham transitions to the alternative programming department from his position as Director, Publicity, CBS Communications.

[09/19/13 - 09:33 AM]
The Premiere of "Survivor" Tops All Wednesday Broadcasts in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 18.

[09/19/13 - 08:43 AM]
Season Finale of "America's Got Talent" Tops the Show's Year-Ago Finale by 4% in 18-49 and 7% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 18.

[09/18/13 - 10:30 AM]
CBS.com and the CBS App Bring You Closer to the "Survivor" Castaways
Fans will be able to sync the CBS App for iOS with the show, whether watching live, on-demand, or via DVR, to access the second-screen content.

[09/17/13 - 09:31 AM]
#CBSTweetWeek Returns to Kick Off CBS's Fall Premieres with a #FanFrenzy, Sept. 18 - Oct. 3
Many of the Network's stars and creative talent will be signing on to chat and tweet live with fans.

[09/05/13 - 12:04 PM]
CBS Gets Audiences Ready for TV's New Fall Season with a CBS Catch Up Marathon Available Online and On-Demand
"Elementary," "The Good Wife" and "Hawaii Five-0" are among the titles available on CBS.com and on-demand.

[08/21/13 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Castaways Competing on "Survivor"
The fall edition, themed "Blood vs. Water," will feature former players competing with - and ultimately against - their loved ones.

[07/29/13 - 07:31 AM]
CBS Will Launch Its Premiere Thursday with One Hour of "The Big Bang Theory"
New comedy "The Millers" will now premiere one week later on Thursday, October 3.

[07/18/13 - 10:03 AM]
CBS Garners 53 Primetime Emmy Nominations for the 2012-2013 Season
The network's highlights include Outstanding Comedy Series for "The Big Bang Theory."

[06/17/13 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2013-2014 Premiere Dates
The bulk of the Eye's new and returning series will roll out during the official premiere week, September 23-29.

[05/15/13 - 05:59 AM]
CBS Announces 2013-2014 Primetime Schedule
It's here: the Eye details its schedule for the upcoming season.

[05/14/13 - 12:03 PM]
CBS Sweeps Another Week in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 6-12.

[05/13/13 - 09:16 AM]
"Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites" Finale Leads CBS to Sunday Win
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, May 12.

[05/13/13 - 08:44 AM]
ABC Equals Its Best Regular Sunday Since Mid-January in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 12.

[05/09/13 - 09:42 AM]
"Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites" Ties "American Idol" in Adults 18-49 in Common Hour for the First Time Ever
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 8.

[05/09/13 - 08:52 AM]
Special Telecast of "The Voice" Wins the Hour Over FOX's "American Idol" in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 8.

[05/09/13 - 08:51 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Is Wednesday's #1 TV Show, Outdelivering "The Voice" and "Idol" in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 8.

[05/07/13 - 10:56 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 29-May 5.

[05/02/13 - 08:53 AM]
ABC's "Modern" Beats "Idol" as Wednesday's #1 TV Show/"How to Live" Is Up 47%
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 1.

[04/30/13 - 10:58 AM]
CBS Streaks to Ninth Consecutive Weekly Viewer Win and Seventh Straight in Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 22-28.

[04/25/13 - 01:49 PM]
"Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites " Soars to Season Highs in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 24.

[04/23/13 - 10:44 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the Eighth Consecutive Week and Adults 25-54 for the Sixth Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 15-21.

[04/23/13 - 10:01 AM]
D.L. Hughley and Michael Ian Black to Host TBS's "Trust Me, I'm a Game Show Host" - Series Slated to Premiere in Late 2013
Bill Engvall and Mo Rocca hosted the original pilot for ABC in 2010.

[04/18/13 - 02:09 PM]
"Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites" Delivers Season Highs in Viewers and Adults 25-54 and Matches Its Highest Adults 18-49 Rating
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 17.

[04/18/13 - 08:55 AM]
Encore Telecast of "Law & Order: SVU" Grows Versus Last Week's Rebroadcast by 22% in 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 17.

[04/16/13 - 10:30 AM]
CBS #1 in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for the Fourth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 8-14.

[04/12/13 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Announces 2012-2013 Season Finale Storylines
The Eye details its swan songs, from "The Good Wife" on April 28 through "Criminal Minds" on May 22 (SPOILERS!).

[04/11/13 - 08:51 AM]
"How to Live with Your Parents" Holds Strong/"Nashville" Continues to Grow
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 10.

[04/11/13 - 08:45 AM]
Special Wednesday Rebroadcast of "Hannibal" Retains 90% of Its Lead-In in Adult 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 10.

[04/09/13 - 09:58 AM]
Big Bang, College Hoops and Country Music Are the Top Three Broadcasts of Week, Leading CBS to Weekly Win in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 1-7.

[04/04/13 - 08:52 AM]
"How to Live with Your Parents" Opens Strong - "Modern" Is Night's #1 TV Show by 37% Over "Idol"
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 3.

[04/04/13 - 08:34 AM]
"Dateline NBC" Earns NBC's Highest 18-49 Rating in the Wednesday 8-9 p.m. Time Period in 12 Weeks
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 3.

[04/02/13 - 11:18 AM]
CBS Tweet Week Returns with Even More Star Power, April 4-10
Drew Carey, Melissa Rauch, Taraji P. Henson and Corinne Brinkerhoff will kick things off on Thursday, April 4.

[04/02/13 - 10:42 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 25-31.

[03/28/13 - 08:45 AM]
"Modern Family" Tops "Idol" in Adults 18-49 - "The Neighbors" and "Suburgatory" Grow
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 27.

[03/27/13 - 01:00 PM]
CBS Renews 18 Primetime Shows for the 2013-2014 Season
Freshman hit "Elementary" will join 17 other series as part of the Eye's lineup next season.

[03/26/13 - 10:31 AM]
CBS Scores a Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 18-24.

[03/19/13 - 11:03 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 11-17.

[03/14/13 - 02:19 PM]
"Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites" Soars to Season Highs in Viewers and Adults 18-49, According to Updated National Ratings
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 13.

[03/12/13 - 10:50 AM]
"NCIS" Rules Weekly Ratings In Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 4-10.

[03/11/13 - 10:15 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Air Dates
Highlights include two-hour finales of "The Amazing Race," "Survivor," "Elementary" and "Criminal Minds."

[03/11/13 - 10:01 AM]
NBC Takes on "Renovation Nation," an Ambitious Home Makeover Competition Show to Be Hosted by Famed Interior and Product Designer Nate Berkus
The 10-episode series will "showcase the talents of the most accomplished designers and home renovators in the country, revealing stunning transformations week after week."

[03/05/13 - 10:29 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 25-March 3.

[02/28/13 - 10:16 AM]
ABC Is Up Week to Week to Match a 5-Week High on the Night in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 27.

[02/21/13 - 08:56 AM]
ABC's "The Middle," "The Neighbors" and "Modern Family" Post Gains
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 20.

[02/20/13 - 11:45 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54 with Seven of the Top 10 Shows of the Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 11-17.

[02/14/13 - 08:51 AM]
Up Week to Week, "Modern Family" Ranks as Wednesday's No. 1 Scripted TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 13.

[02/07/13 - 01:45 PM]
CBS Trims "Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites" Premiere on Wednesday, February 13 to 90 Minutes
A repeat of "The Big Bang Theory" will instead fill the 9:30/8:30c half-hour on said night.

[01/11/13 - 10:07 AM]
TBS Greenlights New Unscripted Series From Howie Mandel and Mark Burnett
"Trust Me, I'm a Game Show Host" (originally developed at ABC) and "Deal With It" are both on tap at the cable channel.

[01/11/13 - 06:06 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Castaways Competing on "Survivor: Caramoan - Fans vs. Favorites"
The Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 26th season with a special two-hour premiere, Wednesday, February 13.

[12/18/12 - 10:39 AM]
CBS Closing First Half of TV Season with Strong Momentum
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 10-16.

[12/17/12 - 09:54 AM]
History(R) Looks at One of the Greatest Collections of Stories of All Time in... "The Bible"
Mark Burnett and and Roma Downey executive produce the 10-hour, five-part docudrama, premiering Sunday, March 3 at 8:00/7:00c.

[12/17/12 - 08:48 AM]
ABC's Mix of Repeat and Original Sunday Programming Tops Fox's Lineup by Nearly 1 Million Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, December 16.

[12/13/12 - 09:32 AM]
CBS Wins Wednesday in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 12.

[12/13/12 - 08:56 AM]
ABC's Barbara Walters Special Draws Biggest Audience to Time Slot in 9 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 12.

[12/13/12 - 08:49 AM]
"Whitney" Matches Its Season high in Adult 18-49 Rating, Up 8% Versus Its Prior Telecast
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 12.

[12/11/12 - 10:38 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Moves Into First Place in Adults 25-54 for Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 3-9.

[12/07/12 - 09:45 AM]
"Survivor: Philippines" Sweeps Its Time Period with Its Largest Audience Since Its Season Opener on Sept. 19
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 5.

[12/07/12 - 07:04 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Sets a Series Record in Total Viewers and Matches Its Second-Best 18-49 Rating to Date
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 5.

[12/06/12 - 11:11 AM]
CBS Announces Mid-Season Premieres for New Drama "Golden Boy" and Returning Comedy "Rules of Engagement"
Plus: return dates set for the spring editions of "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race."

[12/04/12 - 10:42 AM]
CBS Ratings Momentum Continues - Network Sweeps Key Ratings Categories for the Second Time in Three Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 26-December 2.

[11/29/12 - 10:06 AM]
CBS Wins on Wednesday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 28.

[11/29/12 - 09:05 AM]
ABC Finishes #1 on Wednesday with a 7-Week High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 28.

[11/29/12 - 08:45 AM]
NBC's "Christmas In Rockefeller Center" Scores a Four-Year High in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 28.

[11/23/12 - 09:59 AM]
Patriots-Jets Game Was #1 in Its Time Period and the #1 Show of the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 21 and Thursday, November 22.

[11/22/12 - 08:49 AM]
ABC's "Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" Draws its Biggest Audience in 4 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 21.

[11/20/12 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Sweeps Week in Viewers, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 (Tie)
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 12-18.

[11/15/12 - 09:37 AM]
"CSI" Top Drama at 10:00 PM in Viewers and Demos; CBS Wins Wednesday
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 14.

[11/15/12 - 08:55 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 TV Show for its 7th Straight Telecast in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 14.

[11/15/12 - 08:34 AM]
Second Season Debut of "Whitney" Earns NBC's Best 18-49 Rating in the Time Period with Comedy Programming Since Premiere Week
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 14.

[11/13/12 - 10:17 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers, Even with TV's Top Two Dramas and Top New Series Preempted
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 5-11.

[11/08/12 - 09:40 AM]
"Survivor" and "Criminal Minds" Grow Week-to-Week in Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 7.

[11/08/12 - 09:11 AM]
ABC Scores Across-the-Board Gains on Wednesday Night
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 7.

[11/08/12 - 08:44 AM]
Special Wednesday "Voice" Delivers a Four-Year In-Season Time-Period High for NBC
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 7.

[11/06/12 - 11:05 AM]
CBS Wins Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 29-November 4.

[11/05/12 - 01:35 PM]
Season Finale Dates Announced for "The Amazing Race" and "Survivor: Philippines"
They'll wrap their latest cycles on Sunday, December 9 and Sunday, December 16, respectively.

[11/01/12 - 10:32 AM]
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" Scares Away 10:00 PM Competitors in Viewers and Adults 18-49 with Its Largest Audience Since April
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 31.

[11/01/12 - 09:01 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 TV Show for its 5th Straight Telecast in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 31.

[11/01/12 - 08:45 AM]
Special Wednesday Telecast of "30 Rock" Hits a Season High in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 31.

[10/25/12 - 09:01 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Jumps Week to Week by 20% in 18-49 Rating and 8% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 24.

[10/25/12 - 08:57 AM]
ABC Turns in Strong Results Against the World Series on Wednesday
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 24.

[10/23/12 - 11:07 AM]
CBS Opens the Season with its Fourth Straight Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 15-21.

[10/18/12 - 09:17 AM]
"CSI" and "Survivor" Sweep Time Periods; CBS Wins Wednesday in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 17.

[10/18/12 - 08:37 AM]
"Guys With Kids" Builds on Its Lead-In with Four of Four Telecasts in Its Slot, Only 8:30 Comedy to Do It Once
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 17.

[10/16/12 - 12:01 PM]
CBS Streaks To Its Third Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers to Start Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/16/12 - 10:14 AM]
ABC Airs 6 of the Week's Top 20 Scripted Series in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/11/12 - 09:36 AM]
CBS Wins Wednesday in Viewers; "CSI" Gains in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 10.

[10/11/12 - 09:07 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Improves on NBC's Averages in the Slot Last Season by 19% in 18-49, Builds on Its Lead-In by 6%
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 10.

[10/09/12 - 11:16 AM]
CBS Wins Its Second Consecutive Week in Viewers; "NCIS" Is Top Program
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/09/12 - 10:04 AM]
ABC Claims 2 of TV's Top 3 Dramas in Adults 18-49, as "Grey's" is No. 1 for the 2nd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/04/12 - 12:58 PM]
Open Casting Calls to Be Held This Weekend in Los Angeles and New York for "The Job," a New Competition Series to Air on CBS
Casting calls are set for the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City and the Flatotel in New York.

[10/04/12 - 08:37 AM]
"The Neighbors" Shows Strong Lead-in Retention as ABC's 8-9pm Comedies Top NBC's Comedies on Wednesday
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 3.

[10/02/12 - 10:20 AM]
ABC Airs Premiere Week's No. 1 Comedy, No. 1 Drama and No. 1 New Comedy
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/02/12 - 10:16 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers for the Fourth Consecutive Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/02/12 - 06:31 AM]
NBC Wins Premiere Week in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[09/27/12 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Announces Casting Opportunities for New Reality Competition Series "The Job"
Lisa Ling hosts the newcomer, which gives candidates "a chance to win dynamic positions with potential for enormous growth at some of America's most iconic companies."

[09/27/12 - 09:17 AM]
"Survivor" Wins Its Time Period in Viewers and Adults 25-54, Topping "X-Factor"; Razor-Thin Margin in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 26.

[09/27/12 - 08:52 AM]
Season Premiere of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Captures NBC's Best In-Season 18-49 Rating in Time Period Since April 2011
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 26.

[09/27/12 - 08:49 AM]
"Modern Family" Opens as the #1 TV Show, as ABC's Wednesday Comedy Block Wins from 8-10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 26.

[09/21/12 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Invites Fans to Tweet Week @ the CBS Connect Lounge, Sept. 24-28
Cast and creators from all 18 series bowing during said period will participate.

[09/20/12 - 09:17 AM]
Premiere of "Survivor" Posts Growth Over Last Fall, Is Night's #1 Show in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 19.

[09/06/12 - 12:25 PM]
CBS Is All-Reality on Sept. 19 with 90-Minute "Survivor: Philippines" Premiere, 90-Minute "Big Brother" Finale
The winner of the $500,000 grand prize will be revealed on the latter.

[09/05/12 - 10:30 AM]
"The Jeff Probst Show" Premieres September 10th with a Week of Engaging and Entertaining Stories About People Going to Extraordinary Lengths to Live Their Lives to the Fullest
Each episode will also feature an "Ambush Adventure" where Jeff challenges an audience member to take a step outside their comfort zone to confront an issue in their life.

[08/22/12 - 09:16 AM]
CBS Announces the Three Former Castaways Who Will Join the Tribes on "Survivor: Philippines," Premiering Wednesday, Sept. 19
Michael Skupin, Jonathan Penner and Russell Swan are all due back.

[08/20/12 - 09:00 AM]
CBS Announces 15 of the 18 Castaways for "Survivor: Philippines," Premiering Wednesday, Sept. 19
Three of the 18 castaways, to be revealed later this week, are former players who were medically evacuated from the game and are returning to finish what they started.

[07/25/12 - 10:06 AM]
Oxygen Taps Supermodels Karolina Kurkova and Coco Rocha to Join Naomi Campbell as Contestant Coaches and Nigel Barker to Host the Highly Anticipated Modeling Comeptition Series "The Face"
Oxygen has also tapped Andrew Frank, a veteran showrunner, as executive producer.

[07/19/12 - 10:07 AM]
CBS Leads the Broadcast Networks in Primetime Emmy Award Nominations, Garnering 60 for the 2011-2012 Season
Julianna Margulies, Archie Panjabi, Christine Baranski, Martha Plimpton, Dylan Baker and Michael J. Fox all received nods for "The Good Wife."

[07/11/12 - 09:30 AM]
CBS Announces 2012-2013 Premiere Dates
All of the Eye's series will roll out during the traditional "premiere week" (September 24-30), save for "Survivor" on September 19.

[07/02/12 - 12:40 PM]
NBC Announces Military and First-Responder Service "Operatives" to Be Featured in New Competition Series "Stars Earn Stripes"
They'll join previously announced celebrities Laila Ali, Dean Cain, Terry Crews, Nick Lachey, Todd Palin, Picabo Street, Dolvett Quince and Eve Torres.

[06/21/12 - 09:04 AM]
The "CBS Buzz Tour" Kicks Off in Boston on July 4
Alex Boylan ("The Amazing Race") and Burton Roberts ("Survivor: Pearl Islands") will spearhead the on-the-road fan activities.

[06/13/12 - 01:16 PM]
CBS.com Launches the "CBS Fan Awards," Giving Fans a Chance to Vote for Their Favorite Moments of CBS's 2011-2012 Primetime Season
Categories include Best Meltdown Moment, Best Catchphrase and Best Didn't See That One Coming Moment.

[06/04/12 - 08:20 AM]
Samuel L. Jackson to Host "VGA Ten" - The Tenth Anniversary of Spike TV's "Video Game Awards"
Mark Burnett will also return as an executive producer of the event, airing Friday, December 7 at 9:00/8:00c.

[05/22/12 - 07:41 AM]
CBS Unveils Thank You Campaign to Its Loyal Fans for Continuing to Make It America's Most-Watched Network
The effort includes a CBS star-branded and mobile studio-equipped "CBS Buzz Tour" bus to travel the country.

[05/18/12 - 11:00 AM]
First Wave of "Teen Choice 2012" Nominees Announced
"American Idol" and "The Vampire Diaries" top the TV nods.

[05/16/12 - 05:43 AM]
CBS Announces 2012-2013 Primetime Schedule
It's here: the Eye details its schedule for the upcoming season.

[05/15/12 - 11:07 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of May 7-13
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/12 - 11:05 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Airs the Week's No. 1 Comedy, the No. 1 Drama and the No. 1 New Show
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/12 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Heads to the Season's Finish Line First for the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/12 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Heads to the Season's Finish Line First for the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/14/12 - 08:56 AM]
ABC Wins its 4th Straight Sunday, as Finales of "Once Upon a Time" and "Housewives" Surge
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 13.

[05/10/12 - 09:33 AM]
Time Period-Winning Season Finale of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" Posts Week-to-Week Growth in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 9.

[05/10/12 - 09:16 AM]
At a 2-Month High ABC's "Modern Family" Posts its Most Competitive Finish Ever to "Idol" in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 9.

[05/09/12 - 05:28 AM]
NBC's Alternative Programming Enhanced by New Overall Development Deals With Top Reality Series Producers
Jason Ehrlich, David A. Hurwitz, Alex Katz, Lee Metzger, Howie Mandel, Tom Shelly, Craig Plestis and Jason Raff are among those set up at the Peacock.

[05/09/12 - 05:28 AM]
NBC's Alternative Programming Enhanced by New Overall Development Deals With Top Reality Series Producers
Jason Ehrlich, David A. Hurwitz, Alex Katz, Lee Metzger, Howie Mandel, Tom Shelly, Craig Plestis and Jason Raff are among those set up at the Peacock.

[05/08/12 - 10:37 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Delivers 5 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/08/12 - 10:36 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of April 30-May 6
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/08/12 - 06:48 AM]
New Syndicated Talk Show "The Jeff Probst Show" Staffs Up
Marilyn Zielinski and David Goldman were named Senior Supervising Producers and Brian Campbell has signed on as Director for the daily talk show.

[05/03/12 - 09:29 AM]
ABC is the Only Net Up on Wednesday Year to Year with Double-Digit Gains
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 2.

[05/01/12 - 10:47 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of April 23-29
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[05/01/12 - 10:21 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - CBS Is America's Most-Watched Network for the Eighth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[04/24/12 - 11:02 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Continues to Rule Scripted Programming
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/24/12 - 10:18 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of April 16-22
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/19/12 - 09:01 AM]
ABC's "Revenge" Returns at #1 in the 10pm Hour/"Don't Trust the B---" Holds Up in Week 2
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 18.

[04/18/12 - 07:06 AM]
A&E Series "Flipped Off" Will Now Premiere Saturday, April 28 at 10 PM ET/PT
The Russell Hantz-led series was previously set to air in the 9:00/8:00c hour.

[04/17/12 - 10:37 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Wins Its Sixth Straight Week in Viewers and 23rd Out of 30 This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/17/12 - 10:27 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of April 9-15
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/17/12 - 10:02 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Airs 4 of the Week's Top 15 TV Shows in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/12/12 - 08:50 AM]
Debut of "Don't Trust the B---- in Apt. 23" Posts ABC's Best Retention in 1 Year Out of "Modern Family"
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 11.

[04/10/12 - 01:14 PM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of April 2-8
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[04/10/12 - 09:49 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Hoops, Comedies and Drama Lead Network to Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[04/03/12 - 11:05 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of March 26-April 1
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/03/12 - 10:36 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Claims 4 of the Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/03/12 - 10:17 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Country Music, College Hoops, Tiny Spock and "NCIS" Lead Network to a Slam Dunk Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[03/29/12 - 08:48 AM]
ABC's "Happy Endings" Grows Week to Week and Improves its Slot Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 28.

[03/27/12 - 10:34 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of March 19-25
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/27/12 - 10:14 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Wins in Viewers and Key Demos for the Second Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/22/12 - 09:02 AM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Dates for the 2011-12 Season
Look for two-hour finales for "Survivor," "The Amazing Race," "Criminal Minds" and "NCIS: Los Angeles."

[03/20/12 - 11:04 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of March 12-18
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/20/12 - 11:03 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Delivers 7 of the Top 20 TV Shows Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/20/12 - 10:45 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Sweeps the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/15/12 - 02:42 PM]
TBS Puts Fanboys & Physicists to the Test in New Unscripted Competition Series "King of the Nerds"
Robert Carradine and Curtis Armstrong will host the eight-episode series, which is slated to premiere in early 2013.

[03/15/12 - 09:06 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 Scripted Show in Adults 18-49/"Happy Endings" Grows
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 14.

[03/14/12 - 11:15 AM]
CBS Announces Renewals for 18 Primetime Shows for the 2012-2013 Season
"This large-scale renewal is testimony to the strength, stability and success of a deep and diverse roster of top-rated programming," said Nina Tassler.

[03/13/12 - 11:01 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Ranks #1 for the Primetime Week of March 5-11 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 5-11.

[03/13/12 - 10:55 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - "Person of Interest," With Season-High Ratings, is the Week's #1 Scripted Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 5-11.

[03/06/12 - 10:10 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Delivers 5 of the Week's Top 20 Scripted Programs Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 27-March 4.

[03/06/12 - 10:09 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - "NCIS" is the Week's #1 Scripted Program and #1 Drama in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 27-March 4.

[03/06/12 - 09:40 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Ties for #1 for the Primetime Week of Feb. 27-March 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 27-March 4.

[03/01/12 - 12:17 PM]
New Adventure Cooking Series "No Kitchen Required" Premieres April 3 on BBC America
Dr. Shini Somara hosts the series, which features Madison Cowan, Michael Psilakis and Kayne Raymond.

[02/28/12 - 10:33 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Is the #1 Series for the Primetime Week of Feb. 20-26 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 20-26.

[02/28/12 - 10:25 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Wins the Week by Strong Margins in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 20-26.

[02/23/12 - 09:09 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Tops "Idol" by a Best-Ever 27% in Adults 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 22.

[02/22/12 - 10:27 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Finishes Within a Tenth of a Point of #1 in 18-49 and Grabs the Top Spot in 18-34
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[02/22/12 - 10:12 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - 19 of CBS's 22 Hours of Prime Programming Finish in the Top 30 Among Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[02/22/12 - 09:49 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - ABC Qualifies as the Only Net to Grow its Viewer Count Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[02/16/12 - 09:10 AM]
ABC is the Only Net Up on Wednesday Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 15.

[01/18/12 - 06:27 AM]
CBS Announces the 18 Castaways for "Survivor: One World"
As previously announced, the Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 24th season, Wednesday, February 15.

[01/05/12 - 01:20 PM]
Amy Coleman Named Executive Producer of New Syndicated Talk Show "Jeff Probst"
"Amy is a talented and creative producer who spent years working for the best - Oprah Winfrey. Her pedigree can't be beat," Aaron Meyerson said.

[12/20/11 - 09:54 AM]
CBS Closes Out the First Half of the Season With a Ratings Sweep in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 12-18.

[12/19/11 - 09:22 AM]
CBS Wins First Sunday in Adults 18-49 According to Preliminary Ratings
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, December 18.

[12/15/11 - 09:21 AM]
"CSI" Delivers Largest Audience Since Season Premiere and Highest Adult 18-49 Rating Since Week Two
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 14.

[12/13/11 - 10:09 AM]
NBC Ranks #2 in Adults 18-49 for the Primetime Week of Dec. 5-11
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 5-11.

[12/13/11 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 5-11.

[12/13/11 - 09:39 AM]
ABC Airs 6 of the Week's Top 20 Entertainment Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 5-11.

[12/08/11 - 09:12 AM]
CBS Posts First Wednesday Win of the Season in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 7.

[12/08/11 - 09:02 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Comedy Block Wins Adults 18-49/"Modern Family" is the #1 TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 7.

[12/06/11 - 10:05 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers With a Post-Thanksgiving Menu of Reindeers, Supermodels, Music and Rebroadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 28-December 4.

[12/06/11 - 10:01 AM]
NBC Is #2 in Adults 18-49 for the Primetime Week of Nov. 28-Dec. 4
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 28-December 4.

[11/29/11 - 04:38 PM]
ABC Takes Second Place in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49, While Ranking No. 1 for the 2nd Week in a Row Across All Key Women Demos
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 21-27.

[11/29/11 - 04:19 PM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and Numerous Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 21-27.

[11/29/11 - 04:17 PM]
CBS Has Ratings Feast on Thanksgiving Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 21-27.

[11/24/11 - 08:59 AM]
ABC Wins Wednesday with Strongest Thanksgiving Eve in 6 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 23.

[11/22/11 - 11:31 AM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 14-20.

[11/22/11 - 10:24 AM]
ABC Finishes a Strong Second in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 14-20.

[11/17/11 - 10:30 AM]
CBS Announces Plans for More "Survivor"... This Year and Next Year
The franchise's 24th edition premieres Wednesday, February 15 while cycles 25 and 26 are a go for next season.

[11/17/11 - 09:06 AM]
"Survivor," "Criminal Minds" and "CSI" All Post Week-to-Week Growth in Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 16.

[11/15/11 - 10:54 AM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 7-13.

[11/10/11 - 12:22 PM]
"Jeff Probst" Talk Show Sold in Over 55% of the Country for Fall 2012
The show was sold to the NBC Owned Television Stations in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Dallas-Fort Worth, San Francisco Bay Area), Miami, San Diego and Hartford.

[11/08/11 - 10:58 AM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 31-November 6.

[11/08/11 - 10:30 AM]
ABC Claims TV's No. 1 Scripted Show for the 3rd Time in 4 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 31-November 6.

[11/08/11 - 09:14 AM]
CBS Wins Week Seven by Nearly 5 Million Viewers - Largest Margin of Victory This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 31-November 6.

[11/07/11 - 09:14 AM]
"New Girl," "Glee" See Live+3 Gains Last Week
FOX further spins the numbers for Monday, October 31 through Wednesday, November 2.

[11/03/11 - 11:08 AM]
Emmy(R) Award-winning Producer Mark Burnett Signs on as Executive Producer for Spike TV's 2011 "Video Game Awards"
The ninth annual event airs live, coast-to-coast on Saturday, December 10 at 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT.

[11/03/11 - 10:15 AM]
CBS Stars to Take Over the Network's Facebook Pages and Twitter Feeds for a Full Week
The event kicks off this Saturday when CBS Sports broadcasts the most highly anticipated college football game of the year as #1-ranked LSU takes on #2-ranked Alabama.

[11/03/11 - 09:09 AM]
"Survivor" Hits Another Season High in Viewers and Matches Last Week's Season Best Adult 18-49 Rating
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 2.

[11/01/11 - 11:00 AM]
CBS's Reality Series Hit Season Highs During World Series Week
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 24-30.

[11/01/11 - 10:48 AM]
ABC Produces its Biggest Numbers Since Season-Premiere Week
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 24-30.

[10/27/11 - 09:23 AM]
ABC Wins Wednesday as the Net's Comedies Hit Series Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 26.

[10/27/11 - 09:17 AM]
"Survivor" Delivers Largest Audience Since Last December; Best Adults 18-49 Rating Since September
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 26.

[10/25/11 - 10:42 AM]
"Sunday Night Football" Is Broadcast TV's #1 Primetime Show of the Week in Adults 18-34 and All Key Male Demos, And Is #3 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 17-23.

[10/20/11 - 09:58 AM]
"Survivor: South Pacific" and "Criminal Minds" Posts Week-to-Week Gains Opposite the World Series
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 19.

[10/18/11 - 01:13 PM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 10-16.

[10/18/11 - 10:26 AM]
ABC Claims 4 of the Week's Top 10 Most-Watched TV Shows
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 10-16.

[10/18/11 - 06:14 AM]
Syfy Orders Six Episodes of "School Spirits" from Executive Producers Mark Burnett and Seth Jarrett
The project will "tell true ghost stories of hauntings that have happened at schools across the country."

[10/13/11 - 09:26 AM]
A Growing ABC Wins Wednesday in Adults 18-49/"Revenge" is Up to Win at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 12.

[10/13/11 - 09:09 AM]
"Survivor," "Criminal Minds," "CSI" Win Time Periods in Viewers; CBS Tops Wednesday
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 12.

[10/11/11 - 11:02 AM]
CBS Makes Television History - First Network Ever to Place 20 of the Top 30 Programs Through the First Three Weeks of the New TV Season
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[10/11/11 - 11:00 AM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[10/11/11 - 10:14 AM]
ABC Finishes as the 2nd-Most-Watched TV Net for the 3rd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[10/06/11 - 09:09 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Comedy Block is #1 in Adults 18-49/"Revenge" Posts Big Year-to-Year Gains at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 5.

[10/06/11 - 09:01 AM]
"Criminal Minds" Is Wednesday's Most-Watched Program Posting Week-to-Week Increases in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 5.

[10/04/11 - 11:04 AM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[10/04/11 - 10:05 AM]
ABC Stands as the 2nd-Most-Watched Net, Airing 4 of the Week's Top 20 Shows
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 26-October 2.

[09/29/11 - 09:11 AM]
"Suburgatory" and "Happy Endings" Open Big for ABC
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 28.

[09/29/11 - 09:01 AM]
"CSI" Wins At 10:00 PM, Topping "Revenge" in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 28.

[09/27/11 - 10:49 AM]
NBC Sports' Steelers-Colts Game Is the Highest-Rated Premiere-Week "Sunday Night Football" Telecast Ever
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 19-25.

[09/27/11 - 10:44 AM]
ABC Grows Year to Year During Premiere Week Among Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 19-25.

[09/26/11 - 11:47 AM]
Season Premiere of "Two and a Half Men" Gains an Additional 3.34 Million Viewers, 1.4 Rating Points in Adults 18-49 in Live Plus 3-Day Ratings
CBS further spins the numbers for Monday, September 19 through Wednesday, September 21.

[09/22/11 - 09:15 AM]
CBS Wins Wednesday in Viewers; "Criminal Minds" Tops "X Factor"
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 21.

[09/20/11 - 10:47 AM]
NBC Has Four of the Top 5 Programs of the Week in Adults 18-49 and the Top Three Telecasts of the Week in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 12-18.

[09/20/11 - 09:55 AM]
ABC Earns No. 2 in Adults 18-49 with its Top-Rated Week in Over 3 Months
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 12-18.

[09/15/11 - 09:38 AM]
Reality Start and Finish Lead CBS to Solid Wednesday
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 13.

[09/12/11 - 10:32 AM]
CBS Launches Two Weeks of Social Media Events for Fall Premieres
After a successful debut in March, attracting thousands of fans and viewers, CBS will launch another round of Tweet Week, starting on Monday, September 19.

[09/10/11 - 07:31 PM]
2011 Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Winners
"Boardwalk Empire" tops the night with seven wins followed by "Deadliest Catch" and "Gettysburg" with four each.

[09/01/11 - 03:26 AM]
New Television Series, "Everyday Health," Hosted by Laila Ali, Ethan Zohn & Jenna Morasca to Premiere on ABC Affiliates September 3, 2011
The show, which will air as part of Litton's Weekend Adventure, is based on the popular web site of the same name.

[08/31/11 - 07:01 AM]
CBS Announces the Cast for the New Season of "The Amazing Race," Premiering Sunday, Sept. 25
Said lineup includes "Survivor" alums Ethan Zohn and Jenna Morasca plus former NFL tight end Marcus Pollard.

[08/24/11 - 07:01 AM]
CBS Announces the Two Former Castaways, Ozzy Lusth and Benjamin "Coach" Wade, Who Will Join the Tribes on "Survivor: South Pacific"
The Emmy Award-winning series returns for its 23rd season with a special 90-minute edition, Wednesday, September 14.

[08/22/11 - 07:01 AM]
CBS Announces 16 of the 18 Castaways for "Survivor: South Pacific"
Two of the 18 castaways, to be revealed later this week, are former castaways who will return to seek redemption.

[08/11/11 - 07:00 AM]
"Survivor" Premieres and "Big Brother" Concludes on An All-Reality Night With Special 90-Minute Editions, Wednesday, Sept. 14
"Survivor" will open the night followed by the "Big Brother" finale at 9:30/8:30c.

[07/27/11 - 02:49 PM]
"Around The World in 80 Ways" - New Series Premiering 4th Quarter 2011 on History
Robert "Boston Rob" Mariano and Dennis Anderson star in the 10-part series.

[07/27/11 - 08:00 AM]
CBS to Spearhead the First-Ever "Reality Mud Run" to Benefit Survivor Stand Up 2 Cancer
The 5K run will begin at 8:00 AM on Saturday, Sept. 10 at Oak Canyon Park Blue Diamond Haul Road, in Silverado, Calif., near Irvine.

[07/14/11 - 11:55 AM]
CBS, Showtime(R) and The CW to Convene at Comic-Con(R) 2011
"The Big Bang Theory," "Ringer," "NCIS: Los Angeles," "Dexter," "Shameless" and "Person of Interest" will be among the represented shows.

[07/14/11 - 07:59 AM]
"Top Shot" Season Three of the Competition Series from History(R) Returns on Tuesday, August 9 at 10pm ET
"Survivor's" Colby Donaldson returns as host of the new season.

[07/06/11 - 01:08 PM]
Three-Time Contestant on CBS's "Survivor" to Host Award-Winning Online Reality Series, "Around the World for Free," on CBS.com
On July 8, Parvati will take off on a 100-day adventure with nothing but a backpack and an AT&T-powered smart phone and tablet.

[06/29/11 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Announces 2011-2012 Premiere Dates
The bulk of said lineup will launch during premiere week with "Survivor" on September 14 and "How to Be a Gentleman" on September 29.

[06/27/11 - 11:57 AM]
CBS Television Distribution Signs Emmy-Winning "Survivor" Host Jeff Probst to Develop a First-Run Talk Show for Fall 2012
The one-hour, daytime talk show will cover topics ranging from newsmakers of the day to families and individuals facing challenges.

[06/13/11 - 12:27 PM]
CBS, America's Most Watched Network, Also Posts the Largest Live Plus 7-Day DVR Lift During the 2010-2011 Season
CBS further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/18/11 - 05:45 AM]
CBS Announces 2011-2012 Primetime Fall Schedule
New series include "Person of Interest," "Unforgettable," "The 2-2," "How to Be a Gentleman" and "Two Broke Girls"

[05/17/11 - 12:01 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers and Adults 25-54 in the Next-to-Last Full Week of the 2010-2011 Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 9-15.

[05/17/11 - 10:47 AM]
ABC Claims 6 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 9-15.

[05/17/11 - 09:54 AM]
"The Voice" Was the #3 Primetime Show in Adults 18-49 for the Week of May 9-15
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 9-15.

[05/16/11 - 09:25 AM]
Two-Hour Season Finale of "Survivor: Redemption Island" Leads CBS to Sunday Win in Viewers and Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, May 15.

[05/16/11 - 09:12 AM]
ABC Posts its Top Sunday in Over 2 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 15.

[05/16/11 - 07:52 AM]
A&E Greenlights New Original Series "Flipped" Featuring "Survivor" Russell Hantz
The series follows Hantz, along with his family, around the Houston area as they try to buy low, renovate cheap and sell high.

[05/12/11 - 09:16 AM]
ABC Marks Impressive Wednesday Night Gains
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 11.

[05/10/11 - 11:52 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers Led by "NCIS" and "The Good Wife"
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 2-8.

[05/10/11 - 10:57 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" and "The Office" Rank Among the Top 10 Programs in Adults 18-49 for the Week of May 2-8
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 2-8.

[05/10/11 - 10:35 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" Finishes as America's Most-Watched TV Show for the 2nd Straight Week, Outdrawing Both Editions of Fox's "American Idol"
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 2-8.

[05/05/11 - 09:12 AM]
ABC Grows its Wednesday Numbers May to May
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 4.

[05/03/11 - 11:50 AM]
"The Mentalist" Sees Its Way to the Week's #1 Scripted Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 25-May 1.

[05/03/11 - 10:52 AM]
ABC Stands as the Weeks Most-Watched TV Net, Claiming 5 of the Top 10 Programs
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 25-May 1.

[04/28/11 - 09:43 AM]
ABC Finishes No. 2 on Wednesday in Adults 18-34 to an "Idol"-Fueled Fox
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 27.

[04/27/11 - 10:35 AM]
Comcast First to Offer Current Top-Rated TV Series from All Four Major Broadcast Networks On Demand
This expansion of TV series, among others, nearly doubles the amount of hit TV series now available from the major broadcast networks.

[04/27/11 - 09:44 AM]
Jason Sudeikis to Host the "2011 MTV Movie Awards"
Sudeikis joins the ranks of past hosts such as Aziz Ansari, Andy Samberg, Ben Stiller, Jimmy Fallon, Mike Myers, Sarah Silverman and Justin Timberlake.

[04/27/11 - 09:01 AM]
CBS Announces May Finale Storylines
The Eye details its May sweeps programming highlights (SPOILERS!).

[04/27/11 - 05:01 AM]
TV Guide Network Announces Original Programming & Development Slate for 2011-2012
Said lineup includes three new mini-series - "Hollywood Crimes and Misdemeanors," "Icons and Innovators" and "Moments That Changed TV Forever" - and nine branded original specials.

[04/26/11 - 11:23 AM]
"The Office," "Celebrity Apprentice," "Parenthood" and "Parks and Recreation" Lead NBC the Week of April 18-24
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 18-24.

[04/26/11 - 11:18 AM]
ABC Builds its Overall Audience From the Year-Ago Frame for the 4th Straight Week and 5th Time in 6 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 18-24.

[04/26/11 - 10:56 AM]
CBS Notches Fifth Consecutive Win in Viewers With a Holiday Week of Mostly Rebroadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 18-24.

[04/25/11 - 08:03 AM]
Robert "Boston Rob" Mariano and Dennis Anderson Are Set to Go "Around the World in 80 Ways" - New Series Premiering 2011 on History(TM)
The 10-part series tasks the duo to circumnavigate the globe using 80 different modes of travel without repeating any vehicle.

[04/21/11 - 09:11 AM]
ABC Continues to Grow Year to Year on Wednesday Night
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 20.

[04/19/11 - 11:15 AM]
CBS Wins Fourth Straight Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 11-17.

[04/19/11 - 10:57 AM]
ABC Builds its Overall Audience Year to Year for the 4th Time in 5 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 11-17.

[04/14/11 - 08:58 AM]
"Happy Endings" Scores ABC's Top Adult 18-34 Number at 10pm in Over 1-1/2 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 13.

[04/12/11 - 11:14 AM]
NCAA and "NCIS" Lead CBS to Second Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 4-10.

[04/12/11 - 10:25 AM]
For the 3rd Time in 4 Weeks, ABC Builds its Overall Audience Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 4-10.

[04/07/11 - 09:00 AM]
ABC's "Mr. Sunshine" Surges Week to Week/"Off the Map" Improves its Time Slot
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 6.

[04/05/11 - 12:29 PM]
"The Celebrity Apprentice," "The Biggest Loser: Couples" and "Law & Order: SVU" Pace NBC the Week of March 28-April 3
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 28-April 3.

[04/05/11 - 11:25 AM]
Country Music, College Hoops and Scripted Series Lead CBS to a Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 28-April 3.

[04/05/11 - 10:33 AM]
ABC Generates its Strongest Non-"Oscar" Week in Nearly 5 Months
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 28-April 3.

[03/31/11 - 10:05 AM]
ABC's Back-to-Back "The Middle" Repeats Grow in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 30.

[03/31/11 - 09:03 AM]
CBS Announces Tweet Week
Stars from "NCIS," "Survivor," "The Big Bang Theory," "Blue Bloods," "The Amazing Race" and "Hawaii Five-0" will all participate in the April 3-11 stunt.

[03/29/11 - 10:47 AM]
"The Office," "The Celebrity Apprentice" & "The Biggest Loser: Couples" Power NBC for the Week of March 21-27
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 21-27.

[03/29/11 - 10:34 AM]
Drama, Reality, Comedy, "60 Minutes" and College Hoops Lead CBS to Weekly Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 21-27.

[03/29/11 - 10:24 AM]
ABC Marks its Most-Watched Non-"Oscar" Week Since November
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 21-27.

[03/28/11 - 01:36 PM]
CBS Announces Season Finale Dates for the 2010-11 Season
Said dates include a two-hour closer for "The Mentalist" on Thursday, May 19.

[03/24/11 - 09:01 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family," "Mr. Sunshine" and "Off the Map" All Post Gains
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 23.

[03/22/11 - 11:18 AM]
"Criminal Minds" Is the Week's #1 Scripted Program in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 14-20.

[03/22/11 - 10:18 AM]
ABC is Up Over the Prior Week and Same Week Last Year in Both Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 14-20.

[03/17/11 - 08:51 AM]
ABC Posts Strong Year to Year Wednesday Gains
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 16.

[03/15/11 - 10:59 AM]
CBS Has Seven of the Top 10 Programs of the Week, Including the Top Five Scripetd Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 7-13.

[03/15/11 - 10:05 AM]
"The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" Takes ABC to the Top Spot
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 7-13.

[03/10/11 - 10:01 AM]
ABC's Repeat "Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 Scripted TV Show
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 9.

[03/09/11 - 12:16 PM]
CBS Orders Two More Editions of "Survivor" for Broadcast During the 2011-2012 Season
Additionally, Jeff Probst has signed a new agreement to continue as host and as an executive producer for the 23rd and 24th editions.

[03/08/11 - 10:56 AM]
"NCIS" Is the Week's #1 Drama in Viewers, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 28-March 6.

[03/08/11 - 10:03 AM]
ABC Claims 6 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 28-March 6.

[03/03/11 - 09:30 AM]
CBS Wednesday Rises: "Survivor," "Criminal Minds," "Suspect Behavior" All Up Versus Last Week
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 2.

[03/03/11 - 09:12 AM]
ABC's Wednesday is Up Year-to-Year for the 4th Straight Week
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 2.

[03/01/11 - 11:43 AM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of Feb. 21-27
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 21-27.

[03/01/11 - 10:56 AM]
And the Award for the Week's Top Scripted Series Goes to... CBS
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 21-27.

[03/01/11 - 10:09 AM]
ABC Finishes as the Most-Watched Network Overall, Generating Its Top Weekly Results in 1 Year with Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 21-27.

[02/24/11 - 09:18 AM]
"Survivor: Redemption Island" and "Criminal Minds" Post Week-to-Week Increases
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 23.

[02/24/11 - 08:57 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 Scripted TV Show/"Off the Map" Grows
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 23.

[02/23/11 - 11:59 AM]
CBS Is a Dominant #1 With 16 of the Top 20 Series Spread Across All Program Genres
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 14-20.

[02/23/11 - 10:59 AM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of Feb. 14-20
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 14-20.

[02/23/11 - 09:55 AM]
ABC Posts Year-Over-Year Audience Growth for the 2nd Consecutive Week
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 14-20.

[02/17/11 - 09:53 AM]
The Premiere of "Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior" Sweeps Time Period in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 16.

[02/17/11 - 09:07 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 Scripted TV Show in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 16.

[02/10/11 - 08:19 AM]
The Premiere of "Survivor: Redemption Island" to Be Sponsored Exclusively by Sprint
Sprint's sponsorship will allow for additional minutes of show content in the premiere episode, airing Wednesday, February 16.

[01/13/11 - 04:04 PM]
Syfy Announces New Reality Show "School Spirits" With Executive Producers Mark Burnett and Seth Jarrett
The project will "tell true ghost stories of hauntings that have happened in colleges and high schools across the country."

[01/13/11 - 06:18 AM]
CBS Announces the Two Former Castaways, Russell Hantz and "Boston" Rob Mariano, Who Will Join the Tribes on "Survivor: Redemption Island"
The show's 22nd season rolls out Wednesday, February 16 at 8:00/7:00c.

[01/10/11 - 06:07 AM]
CBS Announces 16 of the 18 Castaways for "Survivor: Redemption Island"
Two of the 18 castaways, to be revealed later this week, are former castaways who will return to seek redemption.

[01/09/11 - 02:40 PM]
PBS Announces "America Revealed"
"Survivor: Cook Islands" winner Yul Kwon hosts the four-part series, due this fall.

[12/21/10 - 05:40 PM]
CBS Announces Mid-Season Additions and Time Period Moves
Upcoming launches include "Chaos" (April 1), "Mad Love" (February 21) and "Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior" (February 16).

[12/21/10 - 01:34 PM]
"Survivor: Redemption Island," The 22nd Edition of Television's Longest-Running Reality Competition Series, Premieres Wednesday, Feb. 16, 8:00-9:00 PM
CBS formally announces the show's return date.

[12/21/10 - 10:44 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of Dec. 13-19 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 13-19.

[12/21/10 - 10:26 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers and Adults 25-54 for the 12th Time in 13 Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 13-19.

[12/21/10 - 10:22 AM]
ABC's "Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas to You" Delivers Big Week-to-Week Time Period Gains
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 13-19.

[12/20/10 - 11:52 AM]
CBS to Give "CSI: Miami" Earlier Slot
The veteran drama will move to Sundays at 8:00/7:00c for at least three weeks, beginning January 2.

[12/20/10 - 10:01 AM]
Finale for "Survivor: Nicaragua" Caps a Winning Season for "Survivor" in Its New Wednesday Time Period
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, December 19.

[12/20/10 - 08:41 AM]
"Sunday Night Football" Packers-Patriots Earns 15.2 Overnight; No. 1 Show on Sunday Night for 15th Straight Week
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, December 19.

[12/16/10 - 09:36 AM]
The Penultimate Episode of "Survivor: Nicaragua" Delivers Largest Audience Since Its Season Premiere
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 15.

[12/14/10 - 11:00 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of Dec. 6-12 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 6-12.

[12/14/10 - 10:48 AM]
CBS Is Number One in Viewers and Adults 25-54 for the 11th Time in 12 Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 6-12.

[12/14/10 - 09:51 AM]
ABC Delivers 4 of the Week's Top 20 Non-Sports Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 6-12.

[12/13/10 - 01:46 PM]
NBC Teams With Leading Reality Show Pioneers John de Mol & Mark Burnett and Warner Horizon Television to Bring "The Voice of America" - Based on Holland's New Blockbuster Vocal Talent Discovery Show - to American Viewers
The "X Factor"-esque series sees four celebrity artists form teams of singers that they will coach and mentor throughout the competition.

[12/09/10 - 09:24 AM]
CBS Is #1 on Wednesday in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 8.

[12/09/10 - 08:58 AM]
"Modern Family" is Wednesday's #1 TV Show/ABC Improves the 10pm Hour
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 8.

[12/07/10 - 10:49 AM]
CBS.com and Sears to Launch Second Online Survivor(TM) "Casting Call" Contest
Last year's winner, James "Jimmy T." Tarantino, appeared on season 21 of the series.

[12/07/10 - 10:29 AM]
CBS Is #1 in Viewers and Adults 25-54 for the 10th Time in 11 Weeks This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 29-December 5.

[12/02/10 - 09:13 AM]
"Survivor" Tops Wednesday in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 1.

[11/30/10 - 04:43 PM]
CBS Marks Thanksgiving Week With Its Ninth Win in 10 Weeks Among Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 22-28.

[11/30/10 - 04:32 PM]
ABC Places a Strong Second for the Week in Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 22-28.

[11/25/10 - 09:32 AM]
ABC Dominates in Adults 18-49 with its Best Pre-Thanksgiving Wednesday in 3 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 24.

[11/23/10 - 10:13 AM]
ABC Marks its Most-Competitive Finish This Season in Adults 18-49, Nearly Tying For No. 1
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 15-21.

[11/18/10 - 09:17 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Comedy Block Continues to Grow Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 17.

[11/18/10 - 09:14 AM]
"Survivor," "Criminal Minds" and "The Defenders" All Post Week-To-Week Increases in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 17.

[11/16/10 - 10:54 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the Seventh Time in Eight Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 8-14.

[11/15/10 - 06:27 PM]
Development Update: Monday, November 15
Updates include: Amanda Walsh is "Danni Lowinski" for The CW; David Eick, Guillermo del Toro to spearhead "Hulk" for ABC; and TLC renews "Freaky Eaters."

[11/15/10 - 12:47 PM]
CBS Announces The Season Finale Dates for "The Amazing Race" and "Survivor: Nicaragua"
"The Amazing Race" to wrap on Sunday, December 12 while "Survivor: Nicaragua" will sign off on Sunday, December 19.

[11/09/10 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Back on Top: Network Wins in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-45 for the Sixth Time in Seven Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 1-7.

[11/09/10 - 10:04 AM]
ABC Marks Its Most-Watched Week Since Season Premiere Week in September
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 1-7.

[11/04/10 - 10:01 AM]
ABC Hits Wednesday Highs with its Best Results in 11 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 3.

[11/04/10 - 09:27 AM]
"Survivor," "Criminal Minds" and "The Defenders" All Post Gains Versus Last Week
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 3.

[11/02/10 - 11:35 AM]
CBS Posts Across-The-Board Increases from Same Week Last Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 25-31.

[11/02/10 - 10:27 AM]
Growing its Overall Audience for the 3rd Week in a Row, ABC Marks its Strongest Results Since Season-Premiere Week in September
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 25-31.

[10/28/10 - 09:22 AM]
ABC Wednesday Comedies Hit Highs Against World Series
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 27.

[10/26/10 - 10:21 AM]
CBS Goes 5 for 5: Only 3rd Time in 23 Years a Net Opens Season with 5 Straight Wins in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 18-24.

[10/26/10 - 10:17 AM]
For the 5th Straight Week, ABC is No. 2 in Viewers and No. 1 in Women 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 18-24.

[10/26/10 - 09:52 AM]
CBS in November - Big Episodes and Big Guest Stars
The Eye details its November sweeps highlights (SPOILERS!).

[10/21/10 - 09:25 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Comedy Block Grows Against Playoff Baseball
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 20.

[10/21/10 - 09:09 AM]
"Criminal Minds" Posts Gains Versus Last Week and is Wednesday's #1 Porgram in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 20.

[10/19/10 - 12:26 PM]
CBS Goes 4 for 4 to Open the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 11-17.

[10/19/10 - 09:58 AM]
ABC is No. 2 for the Week in Viewers and No. 1 in Key Women
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 11-17.

[10/14/10 - 09:22 AM]
"The Defenders" Wins at 10:00 PM in Adults 18-49 for the First Time This Season
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 13.

[10/14/10 - 09:00 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Hits 2nd Highest-Ever Adults 18-49 Rating
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 13.

[10/13/10 - 06:20 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, October 13
Updates include: CBS extends "How I Met Your Mother" to 24 episodes; Catherine Hardwicke in talks to direct ABC's "Romeo & Juliet"; and CBS looks to bring Charlaine Harris's "Grave Sight" to the small screen.

[10/13/10 - 12:34 PM]
CBS.com Leads All Network Web Sites in Viewers, Streams and Minutes
CBS spins the digital numbers for the month of September.

[10/12/10 - 11:04 AM]
ABC is No. 2 for the Week in Viewers and Adults 18-49 and No. 1 in Women 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 4-10.

[10/12/10 - 10:16 AM]
CBS Extends 2010 Season Winning Streak to Three Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 4-10.

[10/07/10 - 09:33 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Numbers Grow
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 6.

[10/07/10 - 09:15 AM]
CBS Places First on Wednesday in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for the Third Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 6.

[10/05/10 - 11:14 AM]
CBS Opens the Season 2 for 2
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 27-October 3.

[10/05/10 - 09:49 AM]
ABC Airs 4 of the Top 10 TV Shows for the Week in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 27-October 3.

[09/30/10 - 02:30 PM]
ABC's "No Ordinary Family" Emerges as the New Season's No. 1 Show on the Major Nets in Terms of Family Viewing
ABC spins the numbers for "Adults 18-49 watching with Persons 2-17."

[09/30/10 - 09:45 AM]
CBS Sweeps Wednesday in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 29.

[09/30/10 - 09:14 AM]
Modern Family Is Wednesday's #1 TV Show in Ad18-49/Hits a Series High in Teens
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 29.

[09/28/10 - 10:13 AM]
ABC Claims 4 of the Top 10 TV Shows During Premiere Week
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 20-26.

[09/28/10 - 09:55 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 20-26.

[09/27/10 - 11:24 AM]
TV Guide Network Counts Down the Television Moments That Had Viewers Talking on "25 Most Shocking Reality TV Moments" Airing Sunday, October 3rd
Tom Bergeron, Snooki, Danielle Staub, Theresa Guidice and Sue Hawk are among those set to appear in the special, hosted by Chris Harrison.

[09/24/10 - 09:43 AM]
CBS Launches Thursday with a "Big Bang"
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 23.

[09/23/10 - 09:28 AM]
CBS Sweeps Wednesday in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 22.

[09/23/10 - 08:47 AM]
TV's #1 Comedy, Modern Family Opens with Series Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 22.

[09/21/10 - 12:19 PM]
NBC Wins the Final Week of the 2009-10 Broadcast Year
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 13-19.

[09/21/10 - 12:06 PM]
CBS Concludes the Television Year with Eight of the Week's Top 10 Scripted Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 13-19.

[09/20/10 - 12:57 PM]
Nancy O'Dell and Carson Kressley Host Your Own Show: Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star on Own: The Oprah Winfrey Network
The winner of the competition, premiering in January, will be awarded his or her own talk show to air on OWN.

[09/16/10 - 09:25 AM]
The Wednesday Premiere of "Survivor: Nicaragua" Wins Its New Time Period in Adults 18-49, Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-34
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 15.

[09/15/10 - 11:58 AM]
CBS.com Launches "Survivor: Nicaragua" Online Hub, Featuring New Games and More Prizes Than Ever Before
New this season is a social networking game called "SURVIVOR Cyber Island" that lets fans recruit friends and form an online tribe.

[08/17/10 - 08:21 AM]
CBS's "Survivor" Forms a Unique, Long-Term Alliance with Stand Up to Cancer
"Stand Up To Cancer" will return to primetime television on Friday, September 10 on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and over a dozen cable networks.

[08/10/10 - 10:13 AM]
Critically-Acclaimed Series "Shark Tank" Returns to ABC Television Network
Eight new episodes are due in 2011, three of which will feature new panelist Jeff Foxworthy.

[08/09/10 - 06:02 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Castaways Who Will Compete in a Tribal Battle of the Ages on "Survivor: Nicaragua"
The Emmy Award-winning series returns on a new night, Wednesday, September 15 at 8:00/7:00c.

[07/28/10 - 06:02 AM]
Survivor Moves to Wednesday Night This Fall in a Tribal Battle of the Ages
The 20 new castaways will be divided into two Tribes of 10: Young vs. Old.

[07/26/10 - 11:52 AM]
A Special Two-Hour "Big Brother" Finale to Be Broadcast on Wednesday, September 15 Following the Premiere of "Survivor: Nicaragua"
"Survivor" leads off the night at 8:00/7:00c followed by "Big Brother" at 9:00/8:00c.

[07/22/10 - 09:52 AM]
CBS Announces 2010-2011 Premiere Dates
The bulk of the Eye's fall lineup will return during the traditional premiere week (September 20-26).

[06/14/10 - 06:37 AM]
First Wave of "Teen Choice 2010" Nominees Announced
"Iron Man 2" and "Gossip Girl" lead the TEEN CHOICE 2010 nominees with six nominations each.

[05/27/10 - 10:29 AM]
TV's Greatest Surprises: A Paley Center for Media Special Counting Down Television's 30 Biggest Surprises, to Be Broadcast Wednesday, June 16
Jeff Probst hosts the CBS special, which will feature clips of "I Love Lucy," "The Sopranos," "Ellen," "ER," "American Idol" and "NCIS."

[05/19/10 - 05:41 AM]
CBS Announces 2010-2011 Primetime Schedule
THE BIG BANG THEORY, CSI: MIAMI, CSI: NY and SURVIVOR all head to new homes.

[05/18/10 - 03:08 PM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of May 10-16
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 10-16.

[05/18/10 - 12:02 PM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 10-16.

[05/18/10 - 10:59 AM]
ABC Finishes No. 2 to CBS for the 2nd Straight Week in Total Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 10-16.

[05/17/10 - 09:46 AM]
Survivor Tops Sunday
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, May 16.

[05/17/10 - 09:23 AM]
ABC Marks Best Non-Oscar Sunday Since January
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 16.

[05/14/10 - 09:28 AM]
The Penultimate Episode of "Survivor: Heroes VS. Villains" Rules Thursday in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, May 13.

[05/14/10 - 05:01 AM]
Own: The Oprah Winfrey Network Announces Advertising Partnership with Leading Retailer Kohl's Department Stores for the Original Series 'Your Own Show: Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star'
Online auditions to participate in the series begin May 14 at Oprah.com.

[05/11/10 - 12:16 PM]
CBS Tops in Viewers for the Eighth Time in Nine Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 3-9.

[05/07/10 - 09:39 AM]
Survivor: Heroes VS. Villains Is Thursday's Number One Program in Both Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 for the Fourth Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, May 6.

[05/04/10 - 01:13 PM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of April 26-May 2
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 26-May 2.

[05/04/10 - 12:41 PM]
CBS Is First in Viewers for the Seventh Time in Last Eight Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 26-May 2.

[05/04/10 - 12:41 PM]
CBS Is First in Viewers for the Seventh Time in Last Eight Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 26-May 2.

[04/30/10 - 09:14 AM]
CBS Wins the Opening Night of May Sweep
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 29.

[04/27/10 - 04:54 PM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of April 19-25
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 19-25.

[04/27/10 - 11:02 AM]
The Mentalist and "Csi" Top Week's Scripted Series in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 19-25.

[04/23/10 - 09:46 AM]
CBS Streaks to Sixth Consecutive Thursday Sweep of Key Ratings Measures
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 22.

[04/21/10 - 02:06 PM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of April 12-18
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 12-18.

[04/20/10 - 11:37 AM]
CBS Streaks to Its Sixth Consecutive Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 12-18.

[04/19/10 - 08:04 AM]
Aziz Ansari to Host 2010 MTV Movie Awards Live on Sunday, June 6 from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, California
This is Ansari's first time hosting the awards show.

[04/16/10 - 09:36 AM]
Survivor: Heroes VS. Villains Tops Thursday in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 15.

[04/15/10 - 02:34 PM]
May on CBS: The Grand Finales
CBS details its May sweeps highlights (SPOILERS!).

[04/14/10 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Confirms Finale Dates, Upcoming Stunts
Among its plans: "The Big Bang Theory" to get a 9:00/8:00c showcase on Monday, May 3.

[04/13/10 - 11:24 AM]
Slam Dunk Week for CBS - First in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 5-11.

[04/09/10 - 09:16 AM]
Survivor, "Csi" and "The Mentalist" All Post Week-To-Week Increases
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 8.

[04/06/10 - 10:35 AM]
CBS First in Viewers and Adults 25-54 During Holiday Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 29-April 4.

[04/02/10 - 08:41 AM]
CBS Offers Video and Audio Programming for the Ipad
Content includes clips from hit CBS shows across daytime, primetime and late night.

[04/01/10 - 12:43 AM]
Interview: "Survivor" Host Jeff Probst

[03/30/10 - 11:12 AM]
Hoops, Reality and Comedies Drive CBS to Its Second Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 22-28.

[03/30/10 - 11:10 AM]
ABC Airs 5 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 22-28.

[03/25/10 - 09:24 AM]
ABC Posts Its Best Wednesday in 6 Weeks in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 24.

[03/19/10 - 10:17 AM]
ABC.com Is the No. 1 Online Broadcast Site for February 2010
ABC spins the digital numbers for the month of February.

[03/16/10 - 11:11 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 8-14.

[03/16/10 - 10:47 AM]
ABC Delivers 4 of the Week's Top 15 TV Programs in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 8-14.

[03/12/10 - 09:45 AM]
ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" Wins Its Time Period and Is Thursday's No. 1 Scripted Show
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, March 11.

[03/09/10 - 11:14 AM]
ABC Draws Its Biggest Weekly Audience Since September '08
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 1-7.

[03/05/10 - 09:31 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers; Second in Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, March 4.

[03/05/10 - 09:10 AM]
ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" Posts Solid Gains Over Its Most Recent Original Airing
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, March 4.

[03/03/10 - 10:07 AM]
CBS Books Sunday Finales, Specials
"Jesse Stone: No Remorse" and "Brooks & Dunn: The Last Rodeo" will help the Eye close out the season.

[03/02/10 - 02:00 PM]
NBC Is #1 for the Primetime Week of FeB. 22-28
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 22-28.

[02/23/10 - 01:14 PM]
NBC Takes the Gold for the Week of FeB. 15-21
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 15-21.

[02/23/10 - 11:05 AM]
CBS's Reality Trio Delivers Strong Ratings Opposite Olympic Competition
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 15-21.

[02/19/10 - 11:00 AM]
Half of All Americans, 152 Million, Watch First Seven Days of Vancouver Games
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 18.

[02/19/10 - 10:02 AM]
Survivor: Heroes VS. Villains Posts Solid Ratings Against Olympic Competition
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 18.

[02/17/10 - 01:31 PM]
NBC Is #1 for the Week of FeB. 8-14, as the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games Open
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 8-14.

[02/17/10 - 10:57 AM]
ABC Delivers 4 of the Week's Top 15 TV Programs Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 8-14.

[02/17/10 - 10:53 AM]
Comedy, Drama and Reality All Deliver for Cbs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 8-14.

[02/12/10 - 11:43 AM]
Survivor Posts Largest Audience Since 2007
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 11.

[02/12/10 - 11:21 AM]
ABC Grows Its Thursday Audience and Is No. 1 in Adults 18-34 for the 6th Time in 7 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 11.

[02/09/10 - 11:19 AM]
ABC Marks Its 2nd-Strongest Week Since November in Viewers and Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 1-7.

[02/09/10 - 09:34 AM]
Emmy Award Winner Jeff Probst to Return as Host and an Executive Producer of "Survivor" for the 2010-11 Broadcast Season
Probst will return as host and an executive producer for the show's 21st and 22nd installments.

[02/08/10 - 04:01 PM]
CBS to Air Encore Presentation of "Undercover Boss" Premiere Episode on Friday, FeB. 12
Rebroadcasts of "Surviving Survivor" and "NUMB3RS" will bookend the night.

[02/08/10 - 12:25 PM]
38.6 Million Viewers Watch "Undercover Boss"
CBS further spins the numbers for Sunday, February 7.

[02/05/10 - 09:56 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 4.

[02/02/10 - 08:41 AM]
The Bachelor Hits Season Highs, Castle Post Best-Ever Repeat
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 1.

[01/25/10 - 10:22 AM]
CBS's Emmy Award-Winning Reality Franchises to Return in 2010-2011
"Survivor" is a go for seasons 21 and 22, while "The Amazing Race" is due back for season 17.

[01/20/10 - 10:26 AM]
CBS and Sears to Launch First-Ever Online Survivor(Tm) "Casting Call" Contest
One lucky fan will win a trip to Los Angeles to audition in front of the casting team for a potential spot on an upcoming season.

[01/14/10 - 01:23 PM]
Brooke Burke Named New Host of TV Land's Hit Reality Series 'She's Got the Look'
The show has also renewed partnerships with SELF Magazine and world-renowned modeling agency, Wilhelmina Models, Inc.

[01/06/10 - 11:01 PM]
CBS Announces the 20 Former Castaways Who Will Return to Seek Revenge and Redemption on "Survivor: Heroes VS. Villains"
The 20th installment of the Emmy Award-winning series premieres Thursday, February 11 at 8:00/7:00c.

[01/05/10 - 11:13 AM]
Jessica Alba, Katie Cassidy, Sacha Baron Cohen, James Denton, Greg Grunberg, Alyson Hannigan, Diane Kruger, Cory Monteith, Jeff Probst, Rascal Flatts, Eli Roth, Christian Slater and Taylor Swift Added to Stellar Lineup to Attend Live "People's Choice Awards 2010"
Plus: the live show will also debut an exclusive sneak peek of the much-anticipated 20th edition of "Survivor" with a broadcast of the opening minutes of the new season.

[12/22/09 - 10:44 AM]
CBS Dominates the Week in All Key Measures with Its Best Deliveries in a Month
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 14-20.

[12/21/09 - 09:51 AM]
The Two-Hour Season Finale of "Survivor: Samoa" Delivers a Larger Audience Than Last Year
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, December 20.

[12/21/09 - 07:47 AM]
A 'Super' Premiere for "Undercover Boss"
Plus: "Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains" to bow Thursday, February 11 and "The Amazing Race" is due back on Sunday, February 14.

[12/18/09 - 09:59 AM]
The Penultimate Episode of "Survivor: Samoa," "Csi" and "The Mentalist" Drive CBS to Decisive Thursday Win
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 17.

[12/15/09 - 01:21 PM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of DeC. 7-13 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 7-13.

[12/15/09 - 12:09 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 7-13.

[12/11/09 - 09:36 AM]
Survivor: Samoa Posts Season-High Deliveries
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 10.

[12/08/09 - 11:50 AM]
CBS Wins in Viewers for the 10th Time in 11 Weeks This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 30-December 6.

[12/04/09 - 09:42 AM]
Survivor + Rebroadcasts of Csi and the Mentalist = Thursday Night Victory Against First-Run Competiton
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 3.

[12/03/09 - 11:25 AM]
Mark Burnett Team to Produce Fifth Season of HGTV Design Star
"The Mark Burnett team is extremely creative and talented -- masters at crafting entertaining reality programming," said the network's Freddy James.

[12/01/09 - 04:23 PM]
CBS Wins Thanksgiving Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 23-29.

[11/24/09 - 02:51 PM]
CBS Places First for the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 16-22.

[11/20/09 - 10:16 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 19.

[11/18/09 - 11:48 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 9-15.

[11/13/09 - 10:37 AM]
Survivor: Samoa and "Csi" Deliver Largest Audiences of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 12.

[11/10/09 - 12:35 PM]
CBS First in Viewers for the Sixth Time in Seven Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 2-8.

[11/10/09 - 10:32 AM]
Nominations Announced for People's Choice Awards 2010 to Be Hosted by Queen Latifah JaN. 6 on the CBS Television Network
"CSI," "Grey's Anatomy," "House," "Lost" and "NCIS" are up for best drama while "Desperate Housewives," "How I Met Your Mother," "The Big Bang Theory," "The Office" and "Two and a Half Men" are nominated for best comedy.

[11/10/09 - 10:19 AM]
ABC Claims the 3 of the Week's Top 4 Scripted TV Series in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 2-8.

[11/09/09 - 09:52 AM]
America's Most-Watched Network Gets Most Dvr Lift for the Fifth Consecutive Week
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 19-25.

[11/06/09 - 09:35 AM]
CBS Wins Every Half Hour in Viewers on Thursday and Places First in Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 5.

[11/06/09 - 08:40 AM]
ABC Ranks #1 on Thursday/Grey's Is Top-Rated TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 5.

[11/03/09 - 10:42 AM]
A Rebroadcast of "Ncis" Is the Week's Top Scripted Program
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 26-November 1.

[11/03/09 - 10:20 AM]
ABC Posts Its Best Viewer and Young Adult Numbers in 4 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 26-November 1.

[11/02/09 - 10:22 AM]
America's Most Watched Network Gets Most Dvr Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 12-18.

[10/30/09 - 08:39 AM]
ABC Is #1 Non-Sports Net for 2nd Straight Night Against World Series
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 29.

[10/28/09 - 12:36 PM]
Producers Guild of America Honors Award-Winning Television Producer Mark Burnett with the 2010 Norman Lear Achievement Award
Burnett is the first producer of reality programming to be awarded the Norman Lear Achievement Award by the PGA.

[10/27/09 - 10:54 AM]
ABC Grows Its Overall Audience for the 2nd Consecutive Week
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 19-25.

[10/27/09 - 10:46 AM]
CBS's Hour of Comedy Power
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 19-25.

[10/26/09 - 11:09 AM]
America's Most-Watched Network Gets Most Dvr Lift
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of October 5-11.

[10/23/09 - 10:24 AM]
Survivor: Samoa Soars to Season Highs in All Key Ratings Categories
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 22.

[10/23/09 - 08:57 AM]
ABC Wins 5th Consecutive Thursday in Ad18-49 - Grey's Is #1 TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 22.

[10/20/09 - 11:28 AM]
CBS's 2009-2010 Winning Streak Continues
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 12-18.

[10/20/09 - 10:42 AM]
ABC Takes Second in Total Viewers and Across Key Women Demos
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 12-18.

[10/19/09 - 10:31 AM]
Second Week Live Plus 7-Day Dvr Playback Sees 14 CBS Series Gaining More Than One Million Viewers
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 28-October 4.

[10/16/09 - 09:15 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 15.

[10/16/09 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Wins 4 Straight Thursdays - Flashforward and Private Practice Grow
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 15.

[10/13/09 - 10:52 AM]
ABC Takes Second for the Week in Total Viewers and Key Demos
ABC spins the numbers the week of October 5-11.

[10/13/09 - 10:09 AM]
CBS Dominates the Week in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 5-11.

[10/13/09 - 10:09 AM]
CBS Dominates the Week in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 5-11.

[10/12/09 - 11:03 AM]
Record Dvr Usage Makes CBS's Big Premiere Week Even Bigger
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[10/09/09 - 09:12 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 8.

[10/09/09 - 08:40 AM]
ABC Wins 3rd Straight Thursday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 8.

[10/09/09 - 08:06 AM]
CBS's Big Premiere Week to Get Even Bigger
CBS further spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[10/07/09 - 08:57 AM]
Bravo's New Fashion Competition Series "Launch My Line," Premieres Wednesday, December 2 at 11 PM ET/PT
The premiere will follow part one of the "Top Chef: Las Vegas" finale.

[10/06/09 - 12:42 PM]
CBS Wins in Viewers and Adults 25-54 for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 28-October 4.

[10/06/09 - 10:33 AM]
ABC Finishes a Strong No. 2 to an Nfl-Overrun-Inflated FOX in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 28-October 4.

[10/05/09 - 10:22 AM]
Live Plus 7-Day Ratings Boosts the Premiere of "Survivor: Samoa" by More Than +1.1 Million Viewers and Gains +0.6 of a Rating Point in Adults 18-49
CBS further spins the numbers for Thursday, September 17.

[10/02/09 - 09:38 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers Capturing Every Half Hour
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 1.

[09/29/09 - 10:12 AM]
ABC Wins Premiere Week in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[09/29/09 - 10:01 AM]
CBS Wins Premiere Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[09/28/09 - 11:03 AM]
CBS Interactive Extends the Survivor Experience with New CBS Mobile and CBS.com Offerings
Users have the chance to win the weekly $10,000 prize when they vote in the "Player of the Week" competition.

[09/25/09 - 11:32 AM]
ABC Wins the Opening Thursday of the Season in Viewers and Key Adults for the 2nd Straight Year
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, September 24.

[09/25/09 - 09:28 AM]
The Season Premiere of "The Mentalist" on Its New Night Improves Last Year's Time Period
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 24.

[09/22/09 - 11:13 AM]
The 61st Primetime Emmy Awards, the Premiere of "Survivor: Samoa" and the Finale of "Big Brother" Lead CBS in Final Week of Television Year
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 14-20.

[09/20/09 - 11:04 PM]
The 61st Primetime Emmy(R) Awards Winners
"30 Rock" and "Mad Men" take home top series honors while HBO leads all networks with 16 wins.

[09/18/09 - 03:15 PM]
The Premiere of "Survivor: Samoa" to Be Rebroadcast Saturday, September 19, 8:00-9:00 Pm, ET/PT on Cbs
SURVIVOR: SAMOA debuted with time period wins in households, viewers, adults 25-54, adults 18-49 and adults 18-34.

[09/18/09 - 10:11 AM]
The Premiere of the 19th Edition of "Survivor" Wins Its Time Period in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 17.

[08/27/09 - 09:31 AM]
CBS Announces the 20 Castaways to Compete on "Survivor: Samoa"
The 19th installment of the Emmy Award-winning series premieres Thursday, September 17.

[08/10/09 - 02:11 PM]
The Search Is On! MTV Teams Up with Sean 'Diddy' Combs and Mark Burnett to Seek Out the Next Music Megastar in 'P. Diddy's Starmaker' August 16 at 10 PM ET/PT
Plus: Pete Wentz, Lady Gaga, Nicole Scherzinger and Kelly Rowland will make special appearances throughout the series.

[07/29/09 - 12:43 PM]
Fueled by Explosive Growth Over the Last Two Years, History(Tm) Announces Unprecedented Slate of New Series and Event Specials for Summer/Fall 2009
The coming slate "promises to bring an epic scope and an innovative, entertaining perspective to history."

[07/27/09 - 09:27 AM]
Bravo Unspools the Cast of "Launch My Line," Premiering Wednesday, September 16 at 10 PM ET/PT
Acclaimed designers, twin brothers Dean and Dan Caten of DSQUARED2 serve as the series hosts, and fashion notables Stefani Greenfield and Lisa Kline are series judges.

[06/24/09 - 11:54 AM]
CBS Announces 2009-2010 Premiere Dates
All of its series will return September 21-27, save for "Survivor" (September 17) and "Three Rivers" (October 4).

[06/12/09 - 02:49 PM]
ABC.com Holds 8 of the Top 10 Series Viewed Online in May 2009, Including the Top 5 Programs
ABC spins the digital numbers for the month of May.

[06/08/09 - 11:50 AM]
Shark Tank, the Exciting New Show That Gives Budding Entrepreneurs a Chance to Make Their Moneymaking Business Or Idea Come True, Premieres Sunday, August 9, on the ABC Television Network
The Alphabet confirms our report from yesterday about the show's rollout schedule.

[06/04/09 - 10:55 AM]
CBS.com Reports Record Video Traffic and User Engagement for April
CBS spins the digital numbers for the month of April.

[05/21/09 - 12:58 PM]
CBS Television Studios to Supply 27 Shows for Broadcast and Cable Networks in 2009-2010 Season
The lineup includes 19 series returning from last season.

[05/20/09 - 06:57 AM]
CBS Announces 2009-2010 Primetime Schedule
It's here: CBS announces its 2009-10 season plans!

[05/19/09 - 12:40 PM]
CBS Wins Its 11th Consecutive Week in Viewers, the Final Full Week of the 2008-2009 Television Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 11-17.

[05/19/09 - 12:37 PM]
ABC Finishes No. 2 for the Week in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 11-17.

[05/19/09 - 12:36 PM]
Cbs, CW Set Returning, Freshman Classes
The Eye renews "Cold Case," "NUMB3RS," "The New Adventures of Old Christine," "Rules of Engagement" and "Gary Unmarried" while The CW orders "Melrose Place," "Vampire Diaries" and "Beautiful Life."

[05/18/09 - 10:40 AM]
ABC Wins the Final 5 Sundays of the 2008-09 TV Season in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 17.

[05/18/09 - 10:38 AM]
The Two-Hour Season Finale of "Survivor: Tocantins" Places First in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, May 17.

[05/15/09 - 06:04 PM]
Development Update: Friday, May 15
Updates include: Tom Shelly to join Matt Kunitz, Anthony Dominici and Charlie Walk at Endemol USA.

[05/13/09 - 12:54 PM]
CBS Interactive Launches New 1080p Hd Gallery on CBS.com; Intel Signs on as Exclusive Launch Partner
The HD Gallery in 1080p will include a sampling of full episodes and clips of CBS content from most shows available on primetime.

[05/12/09 - 12:48 PM]
CBS Winning Streak Hits 10
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 4-10.

[05/12/09 - 12:10 PM]
'Celebrity Apprentice,' 'Biggest Loser,' 'The Office' and 'Svu' Are Among the Standouts in NBC's Primetime Week of May 4-10
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 4-10.

[05/08/09 - 11:35 AM]
Survivor: Tocantins Posts Week-To-Week Gains in Viewers and Adults 18-49 as Its Finale Nears
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, May 7.

[05/06/09 - 01:21 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the 9th Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 27-May 3.

[05/06/09 - 12:26 PM]
'The Office,' 'Svu,' 'Biggest Loser' and 'Celebrity Apprentice' Lead NBC's Primetime Week of April 27-May 3
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 27-May 3.

[05/06/09 - 10:35 AM]
TV Land Heats Up the Summer with the Premieres of Exciting New Originals Series, the Launch of "Roseanne," an Unforgettable Afi Tribute to Michael Douglas and Hit Movies Beginning in June on TV Land Prime
Newcomers "Make My Day" and "How'd You Get So Rich?" will join the previously announced "She's Got The Look."

[05/01/09 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 30.

[04/28/09 - 12:43 PM]
CBS Captures 8th Straight Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 20-26.

[04/28/09 - 12:41 PM]
CBS.com Leads All Network Websites in Unique Viewers, Streams and Minutes
CBS spins the digital numbers for the year to date.

[04/28/09 - 12:37 PM]
ABC Airs 6 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 20-26.

[04/28/09 - 12:05 PM]
'The Office' and 'Biggest Loser' Pace NBC's Primetime Week of April 20-26
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 20-26.

[04/24/09 - 01:11 PM]
ABC Wins the Opening Night of the '09 May Sweep in Young Adults and Key Women
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, April 23.

[04/21/09 - 12:50 PM]
CBS Rolls a Lucky 7
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 13-19.

[04/21/09 - 12:44 PM]
ABC Airs 3 of the Week's Top 10 Shows in Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 13-19.

[04/21/09 - 10:32 AM]
Strong Results from Thursday Rookies and Ratings Surges for Monday Veterans Highlight NBC's Primetime Week of April 13-19
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 13-19.

[04/21/09 - 10:28 AM]
May on CBS = Season Finales, Cliffhangers, Weddings and Relationships Hanging in the Balance
The Eye details its May sweeps highlights. (SPOILERS!)

[04/17/09 - 11:08 AM]
'Southland' Wins Its Hour in All Key Categories and 'Parks and Recreation' Delivers Big Builds at 8:30
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, April 16.

[04/17/09 - 11:07 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 16.

[04/14/09 - 12:20 PM]
'The Office' and Thursday Debuts of 'Southland' and 'Parks and Recreation' Boost NBC's Primetime Week of April 6-12
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 6-12.

[04/14/09 - 12:18 PM]
CBS Streaks to Its Sixth Consecutive Weekly Win and 23rd of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 6-12.

[04/14/09 - 12:11 PM]
ABC Airs 2 Shows in TV's Top 10 in Adults 18-49 with "Dwts" and "Lost"
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 6-12.

[04/14/09 - 08:45 AM]
Bravo Writes a New Chapter with Development of Scripted Series and Live Weekly Topical Show
New additions include "American Artist," "Design Sixx," "Kell on Earth" and "Launch My Line."

[04/10/09 - 12:46 PM]
Boosted by the Premieres of 'Southland' and 'Parks and Recreation,' NBC Ties for #1 Thursday Night in 18-49 and Wins Outright in 18-34
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, April 9.

[04/10/09 - 10:43 AM]
Csi and "Survivor" Win Time Periods in All Key Measures
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 9.

[04/07/09 - 10:55 AM]
Specials, Sports and Series Lead CBS to Its Fifth Consecutive Win in Viewers and 22nd in 28 Weeks This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 30-April 5.

[04/02/09 - 12:02 AM]
Interview: "Survivor" Host Jeff Probst

[03/31/09 - 12:02 PM]
ABC Airs 6 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 23-29.

[03/26/09 - 12:20 PM]
ABC Is Up Over the Year-Ago Wednesday on 7 of the Past 8 Weeks in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 25.

[03/24/09 - 12:55 PM]
CBS Consumer Products and Rws & Associates Launch All New Stage Version of Survivor at Theme Parks Nationwide with Survivor: Live
"Survivor: Live" will make its worldwide debut on May 2 at Elitch Gardens in Denver and Frontier City in Oklahoma City.

[03/17/09 - 12:11 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the 19th Week This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 9-15.

[03/17/09 - 12:08 PM]
'The Office,' 'Er,' 'Biggest Loser' and 'Svu' Pace NBC's Primetime Week of March 9-15
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 9-15.

[03/13/09 - 11:17 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, March 12.

[03/10/09 - 12:23 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the 18th Time in 24 Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 2-8.

[03/10/09 - 12:19 PM]
'The Office,' '30 Rock' and 'Biggest Loser' Lead NBC's Primetime Week of March 2-8
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 2-8.

[03/03/09 - 12:33 PM]
CBS Dominates the Top 10
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 23-March 1.

[02/26/09 - 08:14 AM]
CBS Orders Two More Editions of "Survivor" for Broadcast During the 2009-2010 Season
"SURVIVOR is one of CBS's signature series and a symbol of enduring quality and entertainment on prime time television," said the network's Nina Tassler.

[02/24/09 - 12:53 PM]
The Mentalist Is the Top Scripted Program on Television for the Second Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 16-22.

[02/20/09 - 10:55 AM]
Survivor: Tocantins Posts Increases in Viewers and Adults 18-49 Over Last Week's Premiere
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 19.

[02/18/09 - 12:39 PM]
'Biggest Loser,' 'Heroes,' 'The Office,' '30 Rock' and 'Dateline' Pace NBC's Primetime Week of FeB. 9-15
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 9-15.

[02/18/09 - 12:34 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the Fourth Time in Five Weeks and 17 of 21 This Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 9-15.

[02/18/09 - 12:29 PM]
ABC Grows Year to Year by 9% in Viewers and 17% in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 9-15.

[02/13/09 - 11:24 AM]
ABC Dominates Thursday in Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 12.

[02/13/09 - 09:54 AM]
Survivor Returns with a Time Period Win in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 12.

[02/11/09 - 01:00 PM]
CBS.com Launches Survivor: Tocantins Fantasy League for a Chance to Win a Trip to Brazil
Mobile participants are automatically entered into the drawing to win $10,000 each week.

[01/14/09 - 07:59 AM]
CBS Announces the 16 Castaways to Compete on "Survivor: Tocantins - the Brazilian Highlands"
The 18th installment of the Emmy Award-winning series premieres Thursday, February 12 at 8:00/7:00c.

[12/23/08 - 12:34 PM]
NBC Ranks #2 in Adults 18-49 for the Week of DeC. 15-21, Paced by 'Sunday Night Football' and 'Biggest Loser'
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 15-21.

[12/16/08 - 12:09 PM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 8-14.

[12/15/08 - 11:51 AM]
Spike TV Lassos New Series, 'Toughest Cowboy'
The Mark Burnett-produced series will premiere Thursday, January 29 at 11:00/10:00c.

[12/15/08 - 11:10 AM]
The Finale of "Survivor: Gabon" Outdelivers Last May's "Survivor: Micronesia" in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, December 14.

[12/12/08 - 11:53 AM]
Eleventh Hour Clocks Season High Ratings
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 11.

[12/10/08 - 10:38 AM]
CBS Number One Live -- and in Playback
CBS spins the LIVE+7 numbers for the season to date.

[12/09/08 - 01:53 PM]
CBS Posts Year-To-Year Gains for the 4th Consecutive Week Leading the Network to Its 10th Straight Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 1-7.

[12/09/08 - 01:47 PM]
ABC Finishes in a Near-Tie for First with an Nfl-Boosted FOX in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 1-7.

[12/05/08 - 10:46 AM]
ABC Wins Thursday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, December 4.

[12/05/08 - 09:42 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 4.

[12/03/08 - 12:16 PM]
Meet the 13 Contestants from the CW's New Horror/Reality Series "13 - Fear Is Real" Premiering Wednesday, January 7
The 13 people will "compete to 'stay alive' as they face their deepest fears in an all-out elimination competition and scare-fest."

[12/03/08 - 08:18 AM]
CBS Feasts on Its 9th Consecutive Weekly Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 24-30.

[12/02/08 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Announces Mid-Season Programming Plans
"Flashpoint," "Harper's Island" and "Game Show in My Head" will join new seasons of "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race."

[11/25/08 - 10:48 AM]
ABC Wins Among Adults 18-49, Ranking No. 1 for the 2nd Time in 3 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 17-23.

[11/25/08 - 10:44 AM]
CBS Posts Its 8th Straight Weekly Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 17-23.

[11/25/08 - 10:05 AM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of NoV. 17-23
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 17-23.

[11/24/08 - 06:29 PM]
Development Update: Monday, November 24
Updates include: Josh Cooke heads to NBC's "Lost & Found"; Jessica St. Clair signs up for ABC's "Motherhood"; and Tony Robbins lands at NBC.

[11/21/08 - 12:03 PM]
ABC Tops Thursday for the 3rd Consecutive Week in Adults 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 20.

[11/21/08 - 09:31 AM]
CBS Sweeps All Four Thursdays in November
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 20.

[11/18/08 - 11:01 AM]
ABC Draws Its Biggest Audience Since Season-Premiere Week and Is Up Over the Same Week Last Year
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 10-16.

[11/18/08 - 10:58 AM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Is the #1 Program of the Week in Adults 18-49 and Other Measures, Pacing NBC's Week of NoV. 10-16
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 10-16.

[11/18/08 - 10:56 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 10-16.

[11/14/08 - 12:38 PM]
ABC Wins Thursday for the 2nd Week in a Row in Adults 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 13.

[11/14/08 - 10:25 AM]
CBS Extends Thursday Winning Streak to Six Consecutive Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 14.

[11/13/08 - 09:10 AM]
TV Land Greenlights Three Additional Original Series to Premiere in TV Land Prime in 2009
The newcomers include "First Love, Second Chance," "How'd You Get So Rich?" and "Make My Day."

[11/11/08 - 12:31 PM]
NBC Ties for #1 in Adults 18-49 for the Primetime Week of NoV. 3-9
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 3-9.

[11/11/08 - 11:22 AM]
ABC Wins the Week in Adults 18-49, Claiming TV's Top 2 Scripted Shows
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 3-9.

[11/07/08 - 12:52 PM]
ABC Finishes in a Virtual Tie for No. 1 with CBS on Thursday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 6.

[11/07/08 - 10:50 AM]
CBS Extends Thursday Winning Streak to Five Consecutive Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 6.

[11/04/08 - 01:25 PM]
'The Office,' '30 Rock,' 'Heroes' and 'Sunday Night Football' Pace NBC's Primetime Week of OcT. 27-NoV. 2
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 27-November 2.

[11/04/08 - 01:20 PM]
CBS Makes It Five Straight Weekly Wins
CBS spins the numbers for the weeek of October 27-November 2.

[10/31/08 - 12:54 PM]
'30 Rock' Sets New Series Highs in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 30.

[10/31/08 - 12:16 PM]
ABC Takes Second on Thursday in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 30.

[10/31/08 - 11:03 AM]
CBS Opens the November Sweep with a Thursday Win in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 30.

[10/30/08 - 03:35 PM]
Bravo Expands Its Arts and Culture Slate with New Development
The potential series include "Fashionality," "Celebrity Sew-Off," "Double Exposure," "Polo" and "The Dubai Project."

[10/28/08 - 12:59 PM]
CBS Streaks to Its Fourth Consecutive Weekly Victory
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 20-26.

[10/28/08 - 10:53 AM]
ABC Draws Its Biggest Audience Since Season Premiere Week and Ranks No. 1 in Key Women
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 20-26.

[10/24/08 - 10:54 AM]
ABC Earns Second on Thursday in Adults 18-49 and Delivers the No. 1 Position on the Evening in Adults 18-34 and Women 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 23.

[10/24/08 - 10:13 AM]
CBS Is Thursday's Winning Team
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 23.

[10/23/08 - 01:40 PM]
CBS in November: The Network's Lead Characters Get Personal and RomantiC....and It's a Milestone Month for "Csi: Miami" and "Csi: Ny"
CBS details its November sweeps highlights. (SPOILERS)

[10/21/08 - 11:59 AM]
ABC Earns Second Place in Viewers and Adults 18-49, While Ranking No. 1 for the 4th Week in a Row with Key Women
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 13-19.

[10/21/08 - 11:55 AM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of OcT. 13-19
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 13-19.

[10/21/08 - 10:42 AM]
CBS Makes It Three in a Row
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 13-19.

[10/20/08 - 06:45 PM]
Development Update: Monday, October 20
Updates include: Hope Davis and John Mahoney to receive "Treatment" at HBO; The CW asks for two additional scripts of "Privileged"; and even more casting news.

[10/17/08 - 01:21 PM]
ABC Earns Second on Thursday in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 16.

[10/17/08 - 09:51 AM]
CBS Wins Second Straight Thursday in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 16.

[10/14/08 - 01:03 PM]
'Snl Weekend Update Thursday,' 'The Office,' and 'Sunday Night Football' Pace NBC's Primetime Week of OcT. 6-12
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 6-12.

[10/14/08 - 12:59 PM]
ABC Grows Week to Week Among Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 6-12.

[10/14/08 - 12:53 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers and Key Demos for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 6-12.

[10/10/08 - 01:19 PM]
Csi Returns with a 'Vengeance'
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 9.

[10/10/08 - 01:17 PM]
'Kath & Kim' and 'Saturday Night Live' Help Boost NBC to Its Best Non-Sports Thursday Since March
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 9.

[10/09/08 - 09:47 AM]
Starz Entertainment Psyched for Start of Production on Original Comedy Series "Head Case"
Hugh Hefner, Bridget Marquardt, Geri Halliwell, Kevin Nealon, Jeff Probst, Tori Spelling, Dean McDermott, Macy Gray, Melina Kanakaredes and Dave Batista will all stop by for the new season.

[10/07/08 - 01:14 PM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 29-October 5.

[10/07/08 - 01:13 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 29, 2008 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 29-October 5.

[10/06/08 - 06:03 PM]
Tune-In Saturday, October 11, to FOX Reality Channel for the Biggest Night in Reality TV with the "2008 FOX Reality Channel Really Awards" and the Premiere of "Gimme My Reality Show!"
Corey Feldman, DeAnna Pappas, Holly Madison, Carrie Ann Inaba and Captain Sig are up for the night's "Golden Realitini."

[10/03/08 - 01:17 PM]
Survivor: Gabon Wins the 8:00 PM Time Period in Viewers and All Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 2.

[10/03/08 - 01:16 PM]
ABC Takes Second on Thursday in Viewers and Ranks No. 1 in Key Women
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 2.

[09/30/08 - 01:13 PM]
ABC Wins the Opening Week of the Season in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[09/30/08 - 10:53 AM]
Premiere Week 2008/09 Will the Viewers Return?...the Answer Is Yes on CBS
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[09/30/08 - 10:43 AM]
NBC Ranks #2 in 18-49 for the Week of SepT. 22-28
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[09/26/08 - 11:44 AM]
ABC Wins the Opening Thursday of the Season in Viewers and Key Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, September 25.

[09/26/08 - 10:36 AM]
Survivor Continues to Rule at 8:00 PM
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 25.

[09/21/08 - 11:00 PM]
Primetime Emmy(R) Awards Winners
"30 Rock" and "Mad Men" take home Outstanding Comedy and Drama Series respectively.

[09/18/08 - 03:50 PM]
Cnet and CBS to Provide Exclusive First Look at "Survivor: Gabon -- Earth's Last Eden" in High Definition
The opening three-and-a-half minutes of the hit reality show's new season will be available to stream on CNET.com beginning tonight.

[09/09/08 - 03:25 PM]
He 2008 FOX Reality Channel Really Awards Celebrates the Best in Reality Television, Hosted by Alonzo Bodden, Winner "Last Comic Standing"
Plus: Jillian Reynolds to host the red carpet show while Girlicious and Kaba Modern are set to perform during the show.

[09/02/08 - 09:49 AM]
TV Land Advances Network Evolution with "TV Land Prime" on October 6
Plus: the cable channel orders seven pilots, including the newly announced "I've Got Your Number," "Boomerangers" and "How Rich Are You?"

[08/27/08 - 02:31 PM]
CBS Announces 18 Castaways to Compete on "Survivor: Gabon -- Earth's Last Eden"
Host Jeff Probst adds, "Shooting in HD is like adding another character to the show. The detail is so sharp you can't help but feel as though you are experiencing the adventure yourself."

[08/25/08 - 01:55 PM]
CBS Moves Premiere of "Survivor: Gabon -- Earth's Last Eden" to Thursday, SepT. 25, 8:00-10:00 PM
The premiere was originally announced for Thursday, Sept. 18 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

[08/19/08 - 08:15 AM]
Jennifer Bresnan to Head CBS Alternative Programming
Bresnan segues to CBS from The CW, where she has served as Senior Vice President, Alternative Programming since August of 2006.

[07/28/08 - 10:31 AM]
Tom Bergeron, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, Jeff Probst and Ryan Seacrest to Host the "60th Annual Primetime Emmy(R) Awards" Sunday, September 21 on ABC
The Outstanding Host Reality or Reality Competition Program is a new category that was added to this year's nomination ballot.

[07/24/08 - 01:00 PM]
CBS Interactive Launches New Hd Gallery on CBS.com - Intel Signs on as Exclusive Sponsor
The Gallery includes full-episodes and clips of various CBS shows.

[07/19/08 - 12:23 PM]
Media Rights Capital and the CW Network Announce Premiere Dates and Casting for Original Sunday Night Primetime Programs "In Harm's Way," "Surviving Suburbia," "Valentine" and "Easy Money"
Laurie Metcalf, Bob Saget, Jaime Murray, Autumn Reeser, Judge Reinhold and Jeff Hephner are all featured on the Sunday block.

[07/17/08 - 05:40 AM]
The 60th Primetime Emmy(R) Awards and Creative Arts Emmy(R) Awards Nominees ArE...
"John Adams" leads all nominations with 23, followed by "30 Rock" (17), "Mad Men" (16) and "Pushing Daisies" (12).

[07/09/08 - 01:21 PM]
NBC to Air "The Baby Borrowers" Town Hall Special Offering Topical Follow-Up After Encore of Hit Reality Series Finale on Wednesday, August 6
In addition, viewers will be able to send in questions via nbc.com.

[07/08/08 - 06:21 PM]
Aftra Members Ratify Primetime Television Contract
The three-year primetime television agreement was passed by a 62.4% margin.

[07/02/08 - 10:00 AM]
Reality TV Just Got a Whole LoT... Realer! Michael Ian Black Hosts the All-New Series "Reality Bites Back" Premiering Thursday, July 17 at 10:30 P.M. on Comedy Central(R)
The comedians vying for the title are Kyle Cease, Chris Fairbanks, Jeff Garcia, Red Grant, Tiffany Haddish, Bert Kreischer, Mo Mandel, Donnell Rawlings, Amy Schumer and Theo Von.

[06/26/08 - 03:18 PM]
NBC's New Bundle of Joy 'The Baby Borrowers' Moves to 9 PM Wednesdays Beginning July 2
Repeats of the prior week's episode will air before the originals at 8:00/7:00c.

[06/26/08 - 12:16 PM]
CBS Announces 2008-2009 Premiere Dates
The network will introduce the majority of its schedule beginning Monday, September 22, the official start of the 2008-2009 season.

[06/18/08 - 12:04 PM]
We TV Airs the Baby Borrowers, Beginning Thursday, June 26 at 10pm I 9c
The cable channel will repurpose the NBC series one day after its broadcast premiere on the Peacock.

[06/17/08 - 08:31 AM]
Miley Cyrus Hangs Ten as Host of "Teen Choice 2008" Monday, August 4, on Fox
"Gossip Girl" and "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" lead the TV nominations.

[05/27/08 - 12:15 PM]
Media Rights Capital Announces Fall Line-Up for Original Sunday Night Primetime Slate to Air on the Cw
The block will launch with a one-hour narrative reality show, a half-hour family comedy and two one-hour long dramas.

[05/20/08 - 01:53 PM]
CBS Wins May Sweep
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 12-18 as well as the season to date.

[05/14/08 - 06:44 AM]
Turner Entertainment Networks Offers Dynamic Programming Slate, Big Stars and Innovative New Options for Advertisers
George Clooney, Steven Bochco, Mark Burnett, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Dean Devlin, Ray Romano, Donnie Wahlberg, Jon Avnet, Russell Simmons, Joey "Run" Simmons, William H. Macy and Jamie Foxx all have projects in the works at TNT, TBS and truTV.

[05/14/08 - 06:43 AM]
CBS Announces New 2008-2009 Primetime Schedule
The lineup features five new series - two comedies and three dramas - and the launch of a new comedy block on Wednesdays.

[05/13/08 - 12:49 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of May 5, 2008 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 5-11.

[05/13/08 - 12:40 PM]
NBC Results for the Primetime Week of May 5-11
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 5-11.

[05/12/08 - 12:14 PM]
Fast Facts for Sunday, May 11, 2008 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 11.

[05/09/08 - 02:01 PM]
CBS Scores Ratings Hat Trick on May Sweep Thursday
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, May 8.

[05/09/08 - 01:52 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, May 8, 2008 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, May 8.

[05/08/08 - 03:06 PM]
CBS: America's Number One Network Since the Return of Original Programming
CBS spins the numbers for March 31-May 4.

[05/06/08 - 01:33 PM]
CBS Is Number One in Viewers for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 28-May 4.

[05/06/08 - 11:02 AM]
NBC Results for the Week of April 28-May 4
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 28-May 4.

[05/02/08 - 11:54 AM]
CBS Wins Every Half Hour in Viewers for the Second Consecutive Thursday in the May Sweep
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, May 1.

[04/29/08 - 11:18 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of April 21, 2008 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 21-27.

[04/29/08 - 11:13 AM]
CBS Reclaims Number One Spot Among Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 21-27.

[04/25/08 - 12:14 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, April 24, 2008 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, April 24.

[04/25/08 - 12:11 PM]
CBS Wins Every Half Hour in Viewers on the First Night of the May Sweep
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 24.

[04/23/08 - 01:36 PM]
An Unprecedented "Csi" and "Two and a Half Men" Writers' Crossover, Cliffhanger Finales, the Crowning of the Ultimate "Survivor," the "Academy of Country Music Awards" and "The Price Is Right" Highlight CBS's May Sweep
(SPOILERS) Nikki Cox, Anne Archer, Katey Sagal, Tom Sizemore, Billy Campbell, Bill Nye, Three 6 Mafia, Jenny McCarthy and Robert Wagner are among May's guest stars.

[04/22/08 - 02:03 PM]
CBS's Scripted Programs Dominate Series Programming
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 14-20.

[04/15/08 - 03:48 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Primetime Week of April 7-13
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 7-13.

[04/15/08 - 03:38 PM]
CBS's Scripted Series Remain Strong in Their First-Run Return
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 7-13.

[04/14/08 - 08:26 AM]
CBS to Present "Survivor" in High Definition for the First Time Utilizing Sony's Xdcam Hd Technology
The system will be used to shoot the show's upcoming 17th edition, with production scheduled to begin this summer for a fall premiere.

[04/11/08 - 10:40 AM]
Csi Outdelivers "American Idol" in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 10.

[04/08/08 - 03:10 PM]
CBS's Return of Scripted Hits Puts the Network Back in First Place
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 31-April 6.

[04/08/08 - 03:03 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Primetime Week of March 31-April 6
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 31-April 6.

[04/04/08 - 01:05 PM]
CBS's Return to All First-Run Thursday Dominates the Night in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 3.

[03/25/08 - 12:56 PM]
Viewers Welcome Back All New Episodes of CBS's Monday Comedies
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 17-23.

[03/18/08 - 02:03 PM]
Emmy Award(R) Winner Mark Burnett Returns to Helm the 17th Annual 2008 MTV Movie Awards
The annual show will again premiere live on Sunday, June 1 from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City.

[03/18/08 - 01:57 PM]
The Price Is Still Right on Friday Night
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 10-16.

[03/17/08 - 12:53 PM]
New Horror/Reality Series "13" from Jay Bienstock, Sam Raimi and Robert Tapert to Debut on the CW in Summer 2008
"This series is the first to take the horror movie into the reality world," said the network's Dawn Ostroff.

[03/11/08 - 10:10 AM]
The Price Is Right Wins Its Time Period in Viewers and Key Demos for the Third Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 3-9.

[03/05/08 - 11:06 AM]
NBC Lights Up Summer with a Burst of Original Program Premieres as Part of 'NBC's All-American Summer'
The lineup includes the return of "American Gladiators" (May 12), "America's Got Talent" (June 24), "Last Comic Standing" (May 22) and the network debut of "Nashville Star" (June 9).

[03/04/08 - 03:18 PM]
All Three Editions of "Big Brother" Post Week-To-Week Increases
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 25-March 2.

[02/26/08 - 01:57 PM]
Primetime Viewers Come on Down -- "The Price Is Right Primetime" Is Friday's Number One Program, Sweeping Its Time Period in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 18-24.

[02/25/08 - 03:19 PM]
Live Plus 7-Day Dvr Lift Boosts the Premiere of "Survivor: Micronesia -- Fans VS. Favorites " by +10% in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS further spins the numbers for Thursday, February 7.

[02/20/08 - 02:15 PM]
Survivor: Micronesia -- Fans VS. Faves Continues Its Time Period Winning Streak
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 11-17.

[02/14/08 - 03:30 PM]
CBS Renews 11 Series for the 2008-2009 Season
The group joins the previously renewed "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race."

[02/14/08 - 12:02 PM]
Escape the Cold Weather This Winter and Warm Up with the Help of These Hot Contestants from "Survivor: Micronesia -- Fans VS. Favorites" with an Easy-To-View Online Swimsuit Calendar Available as a Widget
The calendar will be updated regularly throughout the life of the broadcast so you can keep track of all things Survivor in one convenient location.

[02/12/08 - 01:00 PM]
Survivor: Micronesia-Fans VS. Faves and "The 50th Annual Grammy Awards" Boost Cbs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 4-10.

[02/08/08 - 11:59 AM]
Survivor's Time Period Winning Streak Continues as the Premiere of "Survivor: Micronesia -- Fans VS. Favorites" Places First in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 7.

[02/08/08 - 11:57 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 7, 2008 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 7.

[02/04/08 - 03:36 PM]
'My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad,' Launching on Monday, February 18, Moves to 9-10 PM Before Settling Into Its Regular 8-9 PM Slot on Monday, February 25
The initial installment will now follow an original "Deal or No Deal."

[01/29/08 - 09:25 AM]
CBS Orders Two More Editions of "Survivor" for Broadcast During the 2008-2009 Season
Additionally, Jeff Probst has signed a new agreement to continue as host of SURVIVOR.

[01/28/08 - 02:42 PM]
NBC Announces Premieres of High-Energy Competition Series 'My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad' Launching on February 18 and New Comedy Quiz Show 'Amne$ia' Debuting February 22
"The Baby Borrowers," originally scheduled to premiere on February 18, will move to a later date to be announced.

[01/04/08 - 01:02 PM]
CBS Announces 20 Castaways for "Survivor: Micronesia -- Fans VS. Favorites"
In a SURVIVOR first, 10 ultra-fans of the series will take on 10 former castaways to compete as FANS vs. FAVORITES.

[12/18/07 - 04:10 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 10, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 10-16.

[12/18/07 - 04:06 PM]
First-Run Programming Carries CBS to Its Most Dominating Week of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 10-16.

[12/18/07 - 04:01 PM]
'Deal, ' 'Biggest Loser' and 'Sunday Night Football' Lead NBC's Week of DeC. 10-16
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 10-16.

[12/17/07 - 02:36 PM]
CBS's "Survivor: China" Finale and Flight Attendant Todd Herzog Are Sunday's Big Winners
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, December 16.

[12/14/07 - 11:01 AM]
CBS Dominates Thursday with a Night of All Original Programming--Winning Every Half Hour in Viewers and Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 13.

[12/11/07 - 12:03 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 3, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 3-9.

[12/11/07 - 11:26 AM]
The Annual Visits of Rudolph and Frosty Help Make It a Holly Jolly Week for CBS
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 3-9.

[12/07/07 - 11:10 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, December 6, 2007 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, December 6.

[12/07/07 - 10:37 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 6.

[12/06/07 - 01:57 PM]
NBC Rolls Out a Full Slate of Original Programming for the First Quarter of 2008
The line-up features a schedule packed with original scripted, reality programming and specials, featuring the return of "Medium" on Monday, January 7 (10-11 p.m. ET).

[12/04/07 - 01:38 PM]
Two and a Half Men Hits Season High Ratings in Viewers, Matches Best Adult 18-49 Rating and Tops "Samantha Who" in First Head-To-Head First Run Matchup
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 26-December 2.

[12/03/07 - 03:07 PM]
Game Shows, Popular Reality Series, News Magazines, the Season Premieres of Two Returning Scripted Programs, and the Debut of a New Comedy Join CBS's Primetime Schedule in January and February
Ushering in the New Year is the game show POWER OF 10, reality favorites BIG BROTHER and SURVIVOR, the return of THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE and JERICHO, the series premiere of the comedy THE CAPTAIN and original episodes of 48 HOURS MYSTERY.

[12/03/07 - 12:44 PM]
CBS Relaunches Online Store at CbsstorE.com Just in Time for the Holidays
The redesigned online store features official fan gear and products - including DVDs, apparel, books, toys and games.

[11/30/07 - 02:38 PM]
In Its 15th Season, "Survivor" Continues Its Time Period Dominance
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 29.

[11/27/07 - 05:19 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 19, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 19-25.

[11/27/07 - 05:17 PM]
CBS Gives Thanks for Another Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 19-25.

[11/20/07 - 12:54 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 12, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 12-18.

[11/20/07 - 11:57 AM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers with Six of the Top 10 Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 12-18.

[11/16/07 - 04:14 PM]
CBS Makes It Two Consecutive Thursday Trifectas
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 15.

[11/16/07 - 11:44 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, November 15, 2007 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 15.

[11/13/07 - 02:09 PM]
Who's the Biggest, Baddest Daddy on Your Television Block? Find Out When NBC Begins Its Casting Search in the New Family-Friendly Competition Series, 'My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad'
The casting search begins in Los Angeles on Saturday, November 17 and continues on to San Francisco and San Diego, with auditions taking place in the latter two cities on Saturday, December 1.

[11/13/07 - 02:03 PM]
Csi/"Without a Trace" Crossover Episodes Are Number One and Number Two in Weekly Ratings
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 5-11.

[11/13/07 - 01:48 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 5, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 5-11.

[11/09/07 - 02:52 PM]
What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Stay in VegaS...it Crosses Over to New York
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 8.

[11/09/07 - 02:44 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, November 8, 2007 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 8.

[11/06/07 - 01:08 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers and Adults 25-54; Strong Second in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 29-November 4.

[11/06/07 - 01:02 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 29, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 29-November 4.

[11/06/07 - 12:40 PM]
CBS Eyes Early Return for 'Big Brother'
CBS has quietly begun staffing a ninth season of "Big Brother" - which could be ready as early as February - industry insiders confirmed this week.

[11/02/07 - 11:31 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, November 1, 2007 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 1.

[10/30/07 - 01:43 PM]
CBS's Ratings in a Most Atypical Week That Included Four World Series Games
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 22-28.

[10/29/07 - 04:14 PM]
CBS in November: The First Ever "Csi"/"Without a Trace" Crossover
CBS lays out its November sweeps highlights, which include MAJOR SPOILERS.

[10/23/07 - 12:00 PM]
A Week of Growth for a Dozen CBS Programs
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 15-21.

[10/22/07 - 01:48 PM]
CBS's Adult 18-49 Rating for the Second Week of the Season Improves More Than +9% Versus Live Plus Same Day Ratings, More Than Any Other Network
CBS spins the live plus seven day DVR playback numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/19/07 - 11:46 AM]
CBS and "Csi" Continue to Rule Thursday
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 18.

[10/19/07 - 09:21 AM]
CBS to Broadcast the Finale of "Survivor: China" on a Special Night, Sunday, DeC. 16, 8:00-10:00 Pm, ET/PT
The finale will be immediately followed by SURVIVOR: CHINA REUNION, hosted by Jeff Probst live from Los Angeles (10:00-11:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT).

[10/16/07 - 02:10 PM]
CBS Completes a Trifecta in Week Three
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/16/07 - 12:42 PM]
TV Guide Announces Nominees in 18 Categories for the Online Video Awards
Webisode nominees include "Jericho," "Lost," "Heroes" and "Ghost Whisperer" for drama and "The Office," "Psych," "30 Rock" and "Monk" for comedy.

[10/16/07 - 12:21 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 8, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/15/07 - 03:01 PM]
Wheel of Fortune Celebrates Its Milestone 25th Season in November Featuring All-Star Celebrity Guests
Upcoming guests include: Neil Patrick Harris, Jeff Probst, Sherri Shepherd, Montel Williams and Steve Schirripa.

[10/12/07 - 12:50 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, October 11, 2007 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 11.

[10/12/07 - 10:08 AM]
Csi Tops "Grey's Anatomy" in Viewers for the Third Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 11.

[10/11/07 - 09:06 AM]
Tivo Announces Premiere Week Ratings
The ratings, generated using TiVo's Stop||Watch(TM) service, revealed that "Grey's Anatomy," with a total rating of 27.2%, was the most watched show in Total and Time-shifted viewing during premiere week.

[10/10/07 - 04:14 PM]
CBS Interactive Launches Original Web-Based Series "How to Survive a Horror Movie: All the Skills to Dodge the Kills"
On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays now through October 25, two new episodes of HOW TO SURVIVE A HORROR MOVIE will stream online (a total of 6 episodes per week for three weeks..."666").

[10/09/07 - 12:36 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 1, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/09/07 - 11:27 AM]
NBC Ties for #1 in 18-49 for a Second Week in a Row and Remains Tied for the Season-To-Date Lead
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/09/07 - 11:21 AM]
CBS Wins Week Two in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/08/07 - 05:03 PM]
The Premiere of "Survivor: China" Is the #1 Most Dvr'D Program of the Week
CBS details the final Nielsen final live plus 7-day ratings for the week of September 17-23.

[10/05/07 - 01:21 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, October 4, 2007 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 4.

[10/05/07 - 11:44 AM]
CBS Makes It Two for Two on Thursday
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 4.

[10/05/07 - 11:31 AM]
Tivo's Season Pass(Tm) Tallies Reveal Only Two Fall Premiere Shows Make the Top 50
"Private Practice" and "Bionic Woman" were the only two premiere shows that penetrated TiVo's Top 50 Season Passes, ranking at #18 and #43 respectively.

[10/02/07 - 05:23 PM]
Official Nominations Announced for "FOX Reality Channel Really Awards 2007"
The reality star-studded original event takes place in Los Angeles on Tuesday, October 2 and airs exclusively on Fox Reality Channel on Saturday, October 13 at 10PM ET/10PM PT.

[10/02/07 - 11:59 AM]
The Eighth Season Premiere of "Csi" Is the Number One Show of the Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/02/07 - 11:59 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 24, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[09/28/07 - 11:26 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, September 27, 2007 (Based on Live + Same Day Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, September 27

[09/28/07 - 10:34 AM]
Thursday Ratings: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 27.

[09/28/07 - 10:34 AM]
Thursday Ratings: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 27.

[09/26/07 - 11:22 AM]
Who's the Biggest Baddest Daddy on Your Television Block? NBC Wants to Know with Announcement of New Family-Friendly Competition Series, 'My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad'
The eight-episode series will see dads compete in "a series of unique stunt-driven challenges."

[09/25/07 - 03:21 PM]
CBS Wins the Final Week of the 2006-2007 Broadcast Year in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 17-23.

[09/21/07 - 11:36 AM]
The Premiere of "Survivor: China" Is Thursday's Top Program in Viewers and All Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, September 20.

[09/13/07 - 04:59 PM]
The Most Outrageous Night of Reality Television Is Back with the Second Annual "FOX Reality Channel Really Awards 2007"
It's the awards show with unique categories such as Favorite Showmance, Favorite Winner, Favorite Loser, Favorite Pottymouth, Favorite Altered State, The Baddest Bitch and more.

[09/12/07 - 07:55 PM]
Jerry Springer, Jeff Probst and Perez Hilton to Host "MadTV" This September on Fox
The series kicks off its 13th season with three special episodes to be hosted by Jerry Springer, Jeff Probst and Perez Hilton, respectively, on Saturdays, Sept. 15, Sept. 22 and Sept. 29.

[08/27/07 - 10:03 AM]
Goo Goo Dolls' John Rzeznik, Percussionist Sheila E. and Australian TV Personality Ian "Dicko" Dickson Confirmed as Judges of "The Next Great American Band" on Fox
New Zealand's Dominic Bowden hosts the series, which premieres Friday, October 19.

[08/22/07 - 12:07 PM]
NBC Benefits from 'Amne$ia' with New Original Quiz Show from Mark Burnett Productions
The series is "a high-energy game show where contestants are challenged to answer tough questions for money and prizes" with the twist being "all of the questions come from the contestant's own life."

[08/20/07 - 04:14 PM]
Disney Channel's "High School Musical 2" Breaks Cable Telecast Records
The Disney Channel spins the numbers for Friday, August 17.

[08/20/07 - 10:20 AM]
CBS Announces 16 New Castaways for "Survivor: China"
They will split into two tribes, Fei Long (translation: Flying Dragon) and Zhan Hu (translation: Fighting Tiger), and will each be given a copy of Sun Tzu's The Art of War for tribe motivation and assistance throughout the game.

[08/01/07 - 10:06 AM]
Barbara Walters Names Whoopi Goldberg Moderator of "The View"
She will debut on "The View" on September 4 (11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, ET), the start of the show's eleventh season.

[07/19/07 - 05:40 AM]
The 59th Primetime Emmy(R) Awards and Creative Arts Emmy(R) Awards Nominees ArE...
Toping the nominations list are HBO's "Burn My Heart at Wounded Knee" (17), AMC's "Broken Trail" (16), HBO's "The Sopranos" (15) and ABC's "Ugly Betty" (11).

[07/18/07 - 10:56 AM]
CBS Announces 2007-2008 Premiere Dates
"Kid Nation" and "Survivor" will get the jump on the network's traditional "premiere week" while "Viva Laughlin" will get a special post-"C.S.I." bow on Thursday, October 18.

[07/13/07 - 01:30 PM]
'Ty Murray's Celebrity Bull Riding Challenge' Premieres Friday, August 10 on CMT
Vanilla Ice, Leif Garrett, Stephen Baldwin, "Rocket" Ismail, "Cowboy" Kenny Bartram, "Nitro" Dan Clark, Jonny "Fairplay" Dalton, Josh Haynes and Francesco Quinn are among those set to compete in the six-episode series.

[06/04/07 - 10:49 AM]
NBC Announces the "Cougars" and "Kittens" Vying for the Affection of Australian Tennis Superstar Mark Philippoussis in NBC's Upcoming Reality Dating Series "Age of Love," Premiering June 18
The 13 hopeful women will vie for the affections of 30-year-old Australian tennis superstar Mark Philippoussis.

[05/24/07 - 03:29 PM]
CBS Wins the 2006-2007 Season in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the final numbers for the 2006-2007 season.

[05/22/07 - 01:10 PM]
CBS to Win the 2006-2007 Season in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the 2006-2007 season.

[05/16/07 - 07:05 AM]
CBS Announces 2007-2008 Primetime Schedule
CBS announced today its 2007-2008 Fall Primetime lineup, featuring five new series - one comedy, three dramas and one reality program. These freshman series will join 17 returning programs on the current CBS lineup, which will win the 2006-2007 season in viewers and adults 25-54, continuing the Network's multi-year winning streak.

[05/15/07 - 04:24 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of May 7, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/07 - 03:55 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of April May 7-13
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/07 - 03:43 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/07 - 06:38 AM]
FOX Goes Mad for More Late-Night Laughs as "MadTV" Gears Up for Its 13th Season
"MADtv continues to be a Saturday night staple, especially among younger audiences," said Todd Yasui, senior vice president, late night programming, for FOX. "We're happy to bring it back for another season of biting satire."

[05/14/07 - 12:10 PM]
Fast Facts for Sunday, May 13, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 13.

[05/11/07 - 03:27 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, May 10, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, May 10.

[05/10/07 - 01:55 PM]
NBC's 'Age of Love' Tackles the Daring Question Facing Singles Today -- Does Age Really Matter When It Comes to Finding True Love?
31-year-old Australian tennis superstar Mark Philippoussis will attempt to find true love among women ranging in age from 21-48 in this unique series based on the current phenomenon of younger men dating older women.

[05/09/07 - 09:46 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of April 30, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/08/07 - 01:34 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers with 11 of the Week's Top 20 Programs -- More Than the Other Networks Combined
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/08/07 - 01:27 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of April 30-May 6
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/04/07 - 12:03 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, May 3, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, May 3.

[05/01/07 - 04:05 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of April 23-29
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[05/01/07 - 04:01 PM]
CBS Weekly Rating Highlights
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[04/27/07 - 04:33 PM]
Csi Tops "Grey's Anatomy" in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 26.

[04/25/07 - 03:34 PM]
FOX Roars Into May
The network details its May sweeps schedule, which confirms "Drive" has been pulled effective immediately.

[04/25/07 - 10:16 AM]
'House' and 'Lost' Show Greatest Gains from Dvr Playback, Nielsen Reports
Plus: "The Office" had the highest gain in viewing with DVR playback, increasing viewership by more than 31%.

[04/24/07 - 02:55 PM]
CBS Ratings Highlights in a Week Filled with Rebroadcasts
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/24/07 - 02:52 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of April 16-22
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/24/07 - 02:43 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of April 16, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/20/07 - 05:36 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, April 19, 2007 - (Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, April 19.

[04/19/07 - 02:07 PM]
NBC Springs Into Season's Final Stretch with the Conclusion of Volume One of 'Heroes,' the 100th Episode of 'Deal Or No Deal,' Two Super-Sized Comedy Nights, an 'Snl' Primetime Special, 'Er' Wedding and Gripping Season Finales
NBC details its May sweeps schedule, which includes MAJOR SPOILERS.

[04/17/07 - 01:57 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of April 9, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/17/07 - 11:22 AM]
A "King" and a "Shark" Pace CBS to a Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/13/07 - 02:34 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, April 12, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, April 12.

[04/13/07 - 10:56 AM]
Shark Attack!
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, April 12.

[04/12/07 - 01:26 PM]
NBC Is Packing Plenty of Heat as It Announces New Summer 2007 Alternative Program Premieres That Mix Returning Favorites with Promising New Series Starting May 29
The Peacock's summer lineup includes new seasons of "America's Got Talent, "Last Comic Standing" and "The Biggest Loser" as well as the premiere of the dating reality series "Age of Love."

[04/10/07 - 02:28 PM]
CBS Slam Dunks Its Way to a Weekly Win in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[04/10/07 - 01:03 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of April 2-8
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[04/03/07 - 01:22 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of March 26, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/03/07 - 11:30 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/02/07 - 03:55 PM]
Development Update: Monday, April 2
Updates include: HBO to revisit the 2000 presidential election in "Recount," Jay Bienstock inks with CBS Paramount and the usual round of casting news.

[04/02/07 - 11:10 AM]
CBS Announces Dates and Plot Lines for Season Finales
As you'd expect, this release contains MAJOR SPOILERS.

[03/30/07 - 12:00 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, March 29, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, March 29.

[03/27/07 - 01:37 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers; Second in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/27/07 - 01:37 PM]
CBS Places First in Viewers; Second in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/27/07 - 11:16 AM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of March 19-25
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/23/07 - 11:17 AM]
CBS Expands Its Mobile Offerings with Popular News and Entertainment Content on Sprint TV Starting in April
New offerings include full episodes of "Jericho" as well as clips from the "C.S.I." franchise and more.

[03/22/07 - 11:02 AM]
Survivor: Fiji Places First in Viewers and Key Demographics in a Special Wednesday Time Period
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 21.

[03/21/07 - 01:05 PM]
ABC Announces Fourteen Early Pick-Ups for the 2007-08 Season
Newcomers "Brothers & Sisters," "Ugly Betty" and "Men in Trees" are among the series set to return next season.

[03/20/07 - 11:45 AM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of March 12-18
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/13/07 - 01:18 PM]
CBS Flexes Its Rebroadcast Muscle
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 5-11.

[03/06/07 - 02:40 PM]
CBS Places Second for the Week in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 26-March 4.

[03/01/07 - 11:29 AM]
CBS Wins February Sweep in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the February sweeps period.

[02/27/07 - 01:21 PM]
CBS Weekly Ratings Highlights
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 19-25.

[02/27/07 - 01:19 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 19, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 19-25.

[02/23/07 - 12:49 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 22, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 22.

[02/21/07 - 11:55 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 12, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 12-18.

[02/21/07 - 02:40 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of FeB. 12-18
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 12-18.

[02/21/07 - 02:34 PM]
CBS Wins the Week in Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 12-18.

[02/16/07 - 05:08 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 15, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 15.

[02/16/07 - 12:11 PM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 15.

[02/15/07 - 04:13 PM]
Chris Castallo Named Senior Vice President, Alternative Programming, CBS Entertainment
Castallo - previousy a Senior Vice President, Development at NBC - is charged with developing new alternative programs, including reality, game shows and other non-scripted programming.

[02/13/07 - 05:10 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 5, 2007
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 5-11.

[02/13/07 - 03:33 PM]
NBC Ratings Results for the Week of FeB. 5-11 -- the #1 New Show of the Season in 18-49, 'Heroes,' Is the Top-Rated Program on Television Monday and the Top-Rated New Series of the Week in Adults 18-49, 18-34 and 25-54
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 5-11.

[02/13/07 - 03:29 PM]
CBS Places First for the Week in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of February 5-11.

[02/09/07 - 01:15 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 8, 2007 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 8.

[02/09/07 - 01:12 PM]
Survivor Returns with Another Time Period Winning Performance
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, February 8.

[02/08/07 - 01:15 PM]
CBS Introduces the Next Generation of Mobile Content for Consumers
CBS has launched three next-generation web sites catering to mobile users: the CBS Mobile Store and two new advertising-supported mobile web sites for Sports and News.

[01/29/07 - 02:05 PM]
CBS to Rock 'N' (Super) Bowl in February
"The Super Bowl" and "Grammy Awards" highlight the Eye's plans for next month.

[01/17/07 - 01:21 PM]
CBS Orders Two More Editions of "Survivor" for the 2007-2008 Season
These will mark the 15th and 16th editions of the veteran reality series.

[01/12/07 - 09:22 AM]
CBS Announces 19 New Castaways for "Survivor: Fiji"
The 14th edition of the series is set to launch on Thursday, Feb. 8 at 8:00/7:00c.

[01/11/07 - 03:40 PM]
Television Maverick & Emmy Award(R) Winner Mark Burnett Set to Executive Produce the 16th Annual 2007 MTV Movie Awards
The reality guru will executive produce the ceremony, which airs Sunday, June 3.

[12/19/06 - 02:43 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report December 19, 2006 for the Week of December 11, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 11-17.

[12/19/06 - 02:36 PM]
CBS Rolls a Lucky 13
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 11-17.

[12/18/06 - 11:11 AM]
CBS and Yul Log Sunday Wins
CBS spins the numbers for Sunday, December 17.

[12/12/06 - 11:45 AM]
CBS in the Winner's Circle for the 12th Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of December 4-10.

[12/08/06 - 11:36 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Key Demographics
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, December 7.

[12/05/06 - 12:36 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 27, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 27-December 3.

[12/01/06 - 12:01 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, November 30, 2006 - (Based of Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 30.

[12/01/06 - 12:00 PM]
This Just IN... ...from CBS Entertainment
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 30.

[11/28/06 - 01:24 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 20, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 20-26.

[11/28/06 - 01:19 PM]
CBS Is #1 in November
CBS spins the numbers for the November sweeps period.

[11/28/06 - 01:17 PM]
CBS Gives Thanks for Its 10th Consecutive Weekly Win
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 20-26.

[11/28/06 - 10:33 AM]
Make Your December Merry and Bright with FOX Holiday Cheer
The network details its various holiday-themed programming during December.

[11/22/06 - 02:20 PM]
TV Land's the 100 Greatest TV Quotes & Catchphrases Hits the Air with a Comprehensive List of TV's Most Memorable Expressions Over the Past 60 Years
The week-long primetime salute kicks off on Monday, December 11 at 10:00/9:00c.

[11/21/06 - 08:37 PM]
CBS Makes It 9 for 9
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 13-19.

[11/21/06 - 08:35 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 13, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 13-19.

[11/20/06 - 03:55 PM]
GSN to Air 'Worldwide Webgames Championship' December 3
Todd Newton hosts the special, which features the best causal games players - such as Bejeweled 2, Zuma and Solitaire - in the world.

[11/17/06 - 12:26 PM]
Csi Hits a Season High Delivery in Viewers, Beating "Grey's Anatomy" by Nearly 3 Million Viewers
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 16.

[11/17/06 - 12:25 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, November 16, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 16.

[11/15/06 - 09:34 AM]
CBS Is Now 8 for 8
CBS spins the numbers for the week of November 6-12.

[11/14/06 - 12:21 PM]
'Heroes' Is the #1 New Show of the Week and Season in Key Demos and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 6-12.

[11/10/06 - 11:38 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, November 9, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 9.

[11/07/06 - 04:41 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 30, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 30-November 5.

[11/07/06 - 04:30 PM]
CBS Rolls a Lucky 7
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 30-November 5.

[11/07/06 - 04:27 PM]
NBC Wins the Week in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 30-November 5.

[11/03/06 - 11:46 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, November 2, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 2.

[11/03/06 - 10:37 AM]
CBS Wins the First Night of the November Sweep in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 2.

[11/01/06 - 06:10 PM]
FOX Reality's First Annual ''The Reality Remix Really Awards'' Celebrated What Reality TV Is Really All About
See the complete list of nominees and winners from the first annual "Reality Remix Really Awards."

[10/31/06 - 01:20 PM]
And the Streak Goes ON...
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 23-29.

[10/31/06 - 01:18 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 23, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 23-29.

[10/31/06 - 09:34 AM]
CBS's Hit Series Take Center Stage in November
The network details its November sweeps highlights. (SPOILERS!)

[10/27/06 - 12:30 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, October 26, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 26.

[10/24/06 - 12:20 PM]
CBS's Winning Streak in Viewers and Adults 25-54 Hits Five Weeks
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 16-22.

[10/24/06 - 12:15 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 16, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 16-22.

[10/24/06 - 10:14 AM]
'Heroes' Flexes Ratings Muscle as the #1 New Show of the Week and the Season in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 16-22.

[10/20/06 - 11:45 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, October 19, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 19.

[10/20/06 - 10:19 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers for the Fifth Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 19.

[10/18/06 - 09:11 AM]
CBS Brand Channel Launches Today on Youtube
Clips of "Late Show with Dave Letterman," "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson," "N.C.I.S." and "C.S.I.: Miami" are among the first offerings.

[10/17/06 - 03:32 PM]
Hot Numbers for 'Heroes' and '1 Vs 100' Spark Another Week of Year-To-Year Gains for Nbc
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 9-15.

[10/17/06 - 03:27 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 9, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 9-15.

[10/17/06 - 03:23 PM]
CBS Number One for the Week in All Key Measures
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 9-15.

[10/17/06 - 09:46 AM]
FOX Reality Presents the First Annual "The Reality Remix Really Awards" Celebrating the Best of Reality TV First-Ever Reality Show Awards Hosted by Reality Remix's Kennedy
Flavor Flav, Wayne Brady, Little Richard, Janice Dickinson, Kristy Swanson and Omarosa are among those set to appear during the show's broadcast on Saturday, October 28 at 10:00/9:00c.

[10/17/06 - 09:24 AM]
The Amazing Race 10 and "Survivor: Cook Islands" Finales to Be Broadcast on Back-To-Back Sundays
"The Amazing Race 10" to wrap on Sunday, December 10 while "Survivor: Cook Islands" will close on Sunday, December 17.

[10/13/06 - 04:02 PM]
Ugly Betty Picked Up for a Full Season
Newcomer is the third to reach a full season, joining NBC's "Heroes" and CBS's "Jericho."

[10/13/06 - 01:04 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, October 12, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 12.

[10/13/06 - 10:32 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 12.

[10/10/06 - 12:19 PM]
'Heroes' Is the #1 New Show of the Week and Season in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 2-8.

[10/10/06 - 12:16 PM]
CBS Starts the Season 3 for 3 in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of October 2-8.

[10/10/06 - 12:13 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 2, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 2-8.

[10/09/06 - 09:59 AM]
CBS and Youtube Strike Strategic Content and Advertising Partnership
YouTube's new CBS Brand Channel will include daily contributions from both CBS Entertainment and Showtime.

[10/06/06 - 01:07 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, October 5, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 5.

[10/06/06 - 09:50 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers for the Third Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, October 5.

[10/03/06 - 03:19 PM]
NBC Delivers Primetime's Biggest Gains Versus Last Year for the Week and the Season
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 25-October 1.

[10/03/06 - 01:16 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 25, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 25-October 1.

[10/03/06 - 01:01 PM]
CBS Makes It Two Straight Wins in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 25-October 1.

[10/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
Viewer Voting Starts Today as the Audience Determines the "Hook Me Up" Love Connection

[09/29/06 - 12:00 AM]
Csi Beats "Grey's Anatomy"

[09/29/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, September 28, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[09/26/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Corporation Forms CBS Television Distribution Group

[09/26/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places First in Premiere Week for the Fifth Consecutive Year and Six of the Last Seven

[09/26/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 18, 2006

[09/22/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Premieres as the Most Watched Network on the First Thursday of the 2006-2007 Season

[09/22/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, September 21, 2006 (Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[09/20/06 - 12:00 AM]
Saturday Night Live Returns for Its 32nd Season on SepT. 30

[09/19/06 - 12:00 AM]
Weekly Reality -- the Premiere of "Survivor: Cook Islands" Powers CBS to a First Place Finish in Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54

[09/19/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 11, 2006

[09/19/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 11, 2006

[09/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Got Jack'D

[09/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Reaching Millions of Consumers with Audio Ad Spots Through Jingle Networks' 1-800-Free411 Service

[09/15/06 - 12:00 AM]
The Premiere of "Survivor: Cook Islands" Delivers the Largest Audience and Highest Ratings in Key Demographics for a "Survivor" Broadcast Since Last February

[09/15/06 - 12:00 AM]
Road to Price, a Six-Part Reality Series Chronicling Nine Teenagers' Cross-Country Bus Trip to "The Price Is Right," to Stream on CBS's Broadband Channel Innertube

[09/14/06 - 12:00 AM]
Comcast and CBS Introduce Free on Demand Episodes of Primetime CBS Shows for Comcast Digital Cable Customers

[09/13/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Reveals the Identities of the Contestants Searching for True Love on the New Online Reality Show "Hook Me Up," on CBS's Broadband Channel Innertube

[09/01/06 - 12:00 AM]
Sci Fi Expands Friday Lineup with 'Heroes,' 'Threshold'

[08/23/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces 20 New Castaways for "Survivor: Cook Islands"

[08/16/06 - 12:00 AM]
Five Blue-Chip Marketers Sign on to Sponsor Gold Rush - the Groundbreaking Interactive Reality Game from Mark Burnett and AoL.com

[08/15/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS to Stream New and Returning Prime-Time Series for Free on Its Ad-Supported Broadband Channel Innertube

[08/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Puts the "Premiere" in Premiere Week

[07/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
The Rob & Amber Project Comes to FOX Reality

[07/17/06 - 12:00 AM]
The CBS Marketing Group Implements Outernet Strategy for the 2006/2007 Television Season

[07/13/06 - 12:00 AM]
Sci Fi Channel Announces Slate of Controversial Topics to Be Explored on Sci Fi Investigates

[07/11/06 - 12:00 AM]
GSN's Coverage of the Worldwide Web Games(Tm) Championship to Be Produced by Base Camp Films

[06/30/06 - 12:00 AM]
Before Teens Hit the Beach This Weekend They Can Decide Which Celebrities Deserve Surfboards on "Teen Choice 2006" Airing Live Sunday, August 20, on FOX

[06/29/06 - 12:00 AM]
Msn Presents the Ultimate in Online Rock 'N' Roll: "Rock Star: Supernova" Premieres July 5 Only on Msn

[06/26/06 - 12:00 AM]
Girls, Guts and Glory Take to the Ring in Oxygen's First Reality Movie Fight Girls*

[06/08/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's "Csi" & "Survivor" Now Available on the Itunes Music Store

[05/25/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Wins the 2005-2006 Season in Viewers and Adults 25-54

[05/23/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS to Win the 2005-2006 Season in Viewers and Adults 25-54

[05/17/06 - 12:00 AM]
Let the Dance Party Begin! "So You Think You Can Dance" Premieres Thursday, May 25, on FOX

[05/17/06 - 12:00 AM]
Aol and Mark Burnett Productions Partner with the CBS Television Network to Bring Gold Rush - the Groundbreaking Online Reality Game - to Life

[05/17/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2006-2007 Primetime Schedule

[05/16/06 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of May 8-14

[05/16/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Streaking to the Season's Finish Line with Its Ninth Consecutive Weekly Win in Viewers

[05/16/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of May 8-14, 2006

[05/15/06 - 12:00 AM]
Fast Facts for Sunday, May 14, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[05/12/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's Survivor Finale and Survivor Reunion to Be Offered for Free to Select Comcast Digital Cable Customers Through General Motors Sponsorship

[05/09/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's Viewer Winning Streak Reaches 8 Weeks

[05/05/06 - 12:00 AM]
Another Dominating Thursday for Cbs

[05/04/06 - 12:00 AM]
Oxygen Committed to Unconventional Originals in '07 Network Announces 2007 Development Slate

[05/04/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Corporation Launches "Innertube" -- a New Broadband Entertainment Channel

[05/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
Spike TV Revs Up Its 2007 Lineup with 'Bullrun'

[05/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's Total Viewer Winning Streak Hits Seven

[04/28/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Opens the May Sweep with Its Most Watched and Highest Rated Thursday in Key Demographics Since March

[04/26/06 - 12:00 AM]
Today's Matt Lauer and Natalie Morales to Host New 'Sci Fi Declassified' Specials

[04/25/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the Sixth Consecutive Week

[04/20/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS in May: Surprising Twists and Dramatic Turns on the Season Finale Cliffhangers of the Network's Hit Series

[04/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the Fifth Consecutive Week

[04/17/06 - 12:00 AM]
King World and Sony Pictures Television - the Team Behind Ratings Powerhouses "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy!" - Develop Two New Syndicated Game Shows

[04/11/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers for the Fourth Consecutive Week

[04/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday as All Three Programs Dominate in Viewers and Key Demographics

[04/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
Ghen Maynard Named to New Programming Position at Cbs

[04/04/06 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: April 4

[04/04/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places First in Viewers and Adults 25-54

[03/31/06 - 12:00 AM]
Tribe Merger Boosts "Survivor: Panama" to Its Best Deliveries Since Mid-February

[03/23/06 - 12:00 AM]
The Winner of CBS' "Survivor: Panama -- Exile Island" to Be Revealed Live from the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York City at a Special Sunday Event on May 14

[03/21/06 - 12:00 AM]
Mid-Season Hits "The New Adventures of Old Christine" and "The Unit," College Hoops Lead CBS to First Place Finish in Viewers and Second in Key Demographics

[03/20/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS and Verizon Reach Comprehensive Retransmission Consent Agreement

[03/14/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places a Solid Second in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54

[03/14/06 - 12:00 AM]
Jack Sussman Promoted to Executive Vice President, Specials, Music and Live Events, CBS Entertainment

[03/10/06 - 12:00 AM]
Csi Is Thursday's Most Watched Program, with More Viewers Than "American Idol," for the Second Straight Week

[03/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of FeB. 27-March 5

[03/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Has the Top Four Scripted Programs of the Week

[03/06/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces Large Scale Renewals for 2006-2007

[03/03/06 - 12:00 AM]
Csi Becomes the First Series This Season to Draw More Viewers Than "American Idol" on a Given Night

[02/28/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Ratings for the Week Ending February 26

[02/28/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 20-26, 2006

[02/24/06 - 12:00 AM]
176 Million Viewers Watch the Olympics on the Networks of NBC Universal

[02/24/06 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Panama -- Exile Island Tops the Winter Olympics and "Dancing with the Stars" in Key Demographics

[02/24/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 23, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[02/22/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Ratings for the Week Ending February 19

[02/22/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 13-19, 2006

[02/17/06 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Panama -- Exile Island Takes the Demo Gold Medal Over Silver Medalist "Dancing with the Stars" and Bronze-Winning Olympics

[02/17/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 16, 2006 (Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[02/14/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places Second in a Week That Included the First Three Nights of the Winter Olympics

[02/14/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 6-12, 2006

[02/10/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Wins Thursday in Viewers and Key Demographics

[02/10/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 9, 2006 - Final Ratings

[02/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
In a Week Dominated by the Super Bowl, CBS Places a Solid Second in Viewers and Adults 25-54

[02/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of January 30 - February 5, 2006

[02/03/06 - 12:00 AM]
The Premiere of "Survivor: Panama -- Exile Island" Dances Past the Competition, Dominating Its Time Period in Viewers and Key Demographics

[02/03/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, February 2, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[02/01/06 - 12:00 AM]
New Season of "Survivor" to Be Available on CBS.com for $1.99

[01/31/06 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor Live!, Hosted by Entertainment Weekly's Dalton Ross and "Survivor" Alumni Jenna Morasca, Returns for Its Third Season This Friday, FeB. 3, at CBS.com

[01/30/06 - 12:00 AM]
Mark Burnett Productions and Aol to Produce "Gold Rush!" -- First-Ever Reality Treasure Hunt Exclusively on AoL.com

[01/23/06 - 12:00 AM]
Your ABC TCA Questions Answered: Game Over for 'Emily,' Other News

[01/12/06 - 12:00 AM]
Hit CBS Shows Now on Demand from Comcast

[01/09/06 - 12:00 AM]
Google to Launch Video Marketplace

[01/09/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces the 16 New Castaways for "Survivor: Panama -- Exile Island"

[12/19/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo and NBC Creative Executive Dan Harrison Named to Head Sleuth, Newest Cable Network from NBC Universal Television Group

[12/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Dominates the Week in Viewers and Key Demographics

[12/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 5-11, 2005

[12/12/05 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Guatemala's Last Tribal Council Delivers the Largest Audience for a Finale Since "Survivor: All-Stars" in May 2004

[12/12/05 - 12:00 AM]
Jeff Probst to Continue as Host of CBS's Top-Rated Reality Show, "Survivor"

[12/12/05 - 12:00 AM]
Fast Facts for Sunday, December 11, 2005 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[12/09/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: December 8-9

[12/09/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Posts Its Largest Thursday Audience of the Season and Highest Rated in Key Demographics

[12/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor Live Off to Hollywood

[12/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
In a First, Popular CBS Content Hits the Mobile Phone on V Cast from Verizon Wireless

[12/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
In Another Viewer Victory, CBS Spreads the Wealth as 9 Programs Post Series Or Season High Ratings

[12/02/05 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Guatemala Delivers Its Largest Audience and Highest Rated Episode in Key Demographics

[12/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
Rudolph with His Nose So Bright Guides CBS to a November Sweeps Demographic Victory Last Night

[11/30/05 - 12:00 AM]
The Shows Are the Star for the WB in November

[11/30/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS to Win the November Sweep in Viewers and Adults 25-54

[11/29/05 - 12:00 AM]
The SeasoN...the November Sweep: CBS Is First in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54

[11/29/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 21-27, 2005

[11/25/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Says ThankS...giving Viewers a Holiday Helping of "Survivor" on the Internet

[11/22/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's Adult 18-49 Winning Streak Reaches Six Weeks

[11/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
Led by "Everybody Hates Chris," UPN's Thursday Comes on Strong in November Sweep

[11/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
If It's Thursday, It Must Be CBS

[11/16/05 - 12:00 AM]
New Studies Show Dvrs Benefit Ad Supported Television

[11/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Posts an Across-The-Board Victory for the Fifth Straight Week

[11/11/05 - 12:00 AM]
Csi Hits a Season High in Viewers and Delivers the Largest Audience of Any Program This Season

[11/10/05 - 12:00 AM]
Nominations Are Announced for "The 32nd Annual People's Choice Awards," to Be Broadcast January 10 on the CBS Television Network

[11/10/05 - 12:00 AM]
Csi: Ny + "Csi: Miami" = Dominating Time Period Performance

[11/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Orders Two Additional Editions of "Survivor" for the 2006-2007 Season

[11/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Guatemala -- the Maya Empire Finale to Be Broadcast on a Special Night -- Sunday, DeC. 11

[11/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
Comcast and CBS Announce Deal to Offer Hit Shows Through Video on Demand

[11/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
Everybody Hates Chris Continues to Deliver on the Heavily Competitive Thursday Night

[11/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Thursday Jumpstarts the November Sweep

[11/02/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS.com to Stream Episodes of New Suspense Drama "Threshold"

[11/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Streaks On!

[10/31/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Puts the 'Fear' in Tuesdays as Popular Reality Series 'Fear Factor' Returns to the Primetime Lineup December 6 with All-New Pulse-Pounding Episodes

[10/28/05 - 12:00 AM]
UPN's Thursday Line-Up Scores with "Everybody Hates Chris"

[10/28/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Thursday: It Keeps Winning ... and Winning ... and Winning

[10/28/05 - 12:00 AM]
Summer Sensation "Dancing with the Stars" Returns to Warm Up Winter, Beginning Thursday, January 5

[10/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Presents a Month of Big Event Specials, Movies, Mini-Series and Can'T-Miss Episodes of Its Hit Dramas and Comedies

[10/25/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Winning Streak Extends to Key Demos

[10/24/05 - 12:00 AM]
UPN Reaping Big Thursday Rewards with "Everybody Hates Chris"

[10/21/05 - 12:00 AM]
Another Dominating Thursday Win for Cbs

[10/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
Up in Adult Demos! Up in Women Demos! Up in Viewers! UPN Continues to Climb This Season in Key Demos

[10/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Sweeps the Week in All Key Measures Placing First in Adults 18-49, Adults 25-54 and Viewers

[10/17/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS to Promote Free CBS Podcasts on the Itunes Music Store

[10/17/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS.com Brings Blogging to Primetime

[10/14/05 - 12:00 AM]
With UPN's Entire Thursday on the Rise, "Everybody Hates Chris" Climbs to Best Performance Since Premiere Across the Board

[10/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
How About Them (Big) Apples

[10/11/05 - 12:00 AM]
And the Streak Goes ON...

[10/10/05 - 12:00 AM]
From the E! Series That Killed Reality Each Week Comes the Supernatural Thriller Film They'Ve Been Dying for You to See!

[10/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
Another CBS Thursday First: "Without a Trace" Tops "Er" in Adults 18-49 and Adults 18-34

[10/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
Two Weeks Into New Season, UPN Remains Red Hot with Double Digit Gains in All Key Demos

[10/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Is America's Most Watched Network for the Second Consecutive Week of the New Season

[10/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of SepT. 26 - OcT. 2, 2005

[09/30/05 - 12:00 AM]
Led by "Everybody Hates Chris," UPN's New Comedy Block Scores Impressive Year to Year Growth in Key Demos on Highly Competitive Thursday Night

[09/30/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's Regular Thursday Lineup Returns from Its Summer Sabbatical to Dominate the Competition

[09/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
UPN's Strategy of Targeting Young Women Pays Off! "Top Model" and "Chris" Premieres Lead UPN to Its Best Week Ever as a Five Night Network Among Women 18-34

[09/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Begins the 2005-2006 Season the Way It Ended Last Year: In First

[09/26/05 - 12:00 AM]
The Cast of "How I Met Your Mother" to Appear at One of the Largest Speed Dating Events in New York City, Thursday SepT. 29 at Grand Central Terminal

[09/23/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's Thursday Lineup Opens the New Season in Dominating Fashion

[09/19/05 - 12:00 AM]
The Emmy Award-Winning Seventh Edition of 'The Amazing Race' Set to Begin on GSN September 29

[09/16/05 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor Still Lighting the Torch

[09/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution's "Martha" Debuts to Solid Ratings

[09/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
Patricia Arquette, Bobby Cannavale, Whoopi Goldberg, Neil Patrick Harris, Hugh Jackman, Kathryn Joosten, Phil Keoghan, Ray Liotta and Jeff Probst Have Been Set to Present on "The 57th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards," Hosted by Ellen Degeneres, SepT. 18 on the CBS Television Network

[09/14/05 - 12:00 AM]
Network Announces Programming Changes for September 15, September 21 and September 28

[09/12/05 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor Live, the CBS.com Online Talk Show Hosted by Journalist Dalton Ross and Former "Survivor" Winner Jenna Morasca, Returns for a Second Season, Friday, SepT. 16

[09/02/05 - 12:00 AM]
Kathy Griffin to Host Largest Reality Star Reunion on Bravo with Winners, Losers, Criers and Schemers Spanning 20 Hit Reality Shows

[09/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: September 1

[09/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS.com Launches CBS Netcast, a New Destination for All Program-Related Podcasts

[08/16/05 - 12:00 AM]
Martha -- One Name and One Show That Will Make a Difference in Daytime

[08/11/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces 16 New Castaways for "Survivor: Guatemala -- the Maya Empire"

[08/09/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS News' the Early Show Will Announce the Cast for the Newest Edition of CBS' Popular Reality Series Survivor Guatemala: The Maya Empire on Thursday, AuG. 11 (7:00-9:00 Am, ET/PT).

[08/09/05 - 12:00 AM]
Celebrity Poker Showdown' Premieres with All New Episodes Beginning Thursday, August 18th at 8:00 Pm

[08/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
Their Drama, Our Reality: Bravo & TV Guide Team Up for "Battle of the Network Reality Stars" Poll

[08/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2005-2006 Season Premiere Dates

[07/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
Season 2 of "Dancing with the Stars" to Include a Weekly 30-Minute Results Show

[07/20/05 - 12:00 AM]
The Dancing Shoes Are Going Back On, as ABC Announces the Return of "Dancing with the Stars"

[07/14/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Receives 59 Primetime Emmy Award Nominations, More Than Any Other Broadcast Network for First Time Since 1994

[07/14/05 - 12:00 AM]
57th Annual Primetime Emmy Nominees

[07/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
Viewers from Around the World to Have a Voice in the Outcome Each Week on CBS' "Rock Star: Inxs," Which Premieres July 11 (9:00-10:00 Pm, ET/PT)

[07/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Promotes and Adds Alternative Programming Executives

[07/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Deals a Full House for the Sixth Tournament of Bravo's Hit Series 'Celebrity Poker Showdown'

[07/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS.com: The Ultimate Destination for "Big Brother 6"

[06/21/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo's New Original Series "Battle of the Network Reality Stars" Pays Homage to the Great 70's Battle of the Network Stars with Premiere on Wednesday, August 17 at 9:00 P.M. ET/PT

[06/21/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo's New Original Series "Battle of the Network Reality Stars" Pays Homage to the Great 70's Battle of the Network Stars with Premiere on Wednesday, August 17 at 9:00 P.M. ET/PT

[06/17/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: June 15-17

[06/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Inks Deal with Img/Twi to Bring Viewers "Bravo's All-Star Reality Reunion" - the Biggest In-Studio Gathering of Reality TV Stars Ever

[06/10/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: June 8-10

[06/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: June 6-7

[06/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Now Accepting Applications for "Survivor 12" at WwW.CBS.com

[06/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
The Tribe Has Spoken: Oln Lands Survivor - the Biggest Reality Show of All Time

[05/31/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: May 27-31

[05/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
2005 Summer Programming Preview: Reality Competition Series

[05/26/05 - 12:00 AM]
The 2004-2005 Season: A Year of Historic Viewership and Demographic Victories for CBS

[05/24/05 - 12:00 AM]
Rock Guitarist Dave Navarro (Jane's Addiction, the Red Hot Chili Peppers) and Brooke Burke ("Wild On") to Host Mark Burnett's "Rock Star: Inxs" on the CBS Television Network

[05/23/05 - 12:00 AM]
Comedy Central Joins Forces with Game Show Guru Michael Davies to Develop Series for "Jeopardy" King Ken Jennings

[05/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces 2005-2006 Primetime Schedule

[05/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Announces Rollout of Its Summer Reality Schedule

[04/28/05 - 12:00 AM]
Presidential News Conference Steamrolls Thursday's Network Programming Plans

[04/28/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Program Advisory for Thursday, April 28, 2005

[04/25/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: April 25

[04/14/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Is "All Shook Up" in May with Elvis Movie Event & Special and Series Finales of "Everybody Loves Raymond" and Jag"

[04/12/05 - 12:00 AM]
Mark You Calendars!

[03/28/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS DVD and Paramount Home Entertainment Present More Controversy, Backstabbing and Outrageous 'Survivor' Moments: 'Survivor: The Australian Outback' -- the Complete Season'

[03/24/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Presents a Special Easter Edition of 'The Contender'

[02/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS.com Announces the Return of Survivor Internet Talk Show 'Survivor Live,' to Be Hosted by Jenna Morasca (Winner of 'Survivor: The Amazon' and Participant of 'Survivor: All-Stars') and Dalton Ross (Senior Writer for Entertainment Weekly Magazine)

[02/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Palau' to Be Broadcast Wednesday, March 16 and Wednesday, March 23 During Ncaa March Madness!!

[02/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Tweaks Spring Schedule by Moving Up Previews and Premiere of 'Law & Order: Trial by Jury' to March 3 and 4, Adds Preview of 'The Office' on March 24 and Adjusts Premiere to March 29

[02/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC's February Sweeps Includes 'Saturday Night Live' Special, Valentine-Themed Episodes of 'Joey,' 'Will & Grace' and 'Las Vegas,' Series Crossovers

[01/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Rocks and Rolls in February

[01/25/05 - 12:00 AM]
Mark Burnett Says Jump In

[01/24/05 - 12:00 AM]
Here's Your Chance to Become the Next Great Rock Star!!

[01/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Unveils the Identities of the 20 New Castaways of 'Survivor: Palau'

[01/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
Sci Fi Channel Announces New Development Deals for Alternative Programming Slate

[01/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Unveils the Identities of the 20 New Castaways of 'Survivor: Palau'

[01/12/05 - 12:00 AM]
Jason Alexander Defeats Field of 40 to Become the New Champion of 'Celebrity Blackjack' on GSN

[12/27/04 - 12:00 AM]
Jason Alexander, Kelli Williams, Lance Bass and Jeff Probst Make It to the Final Table on 'Celebrity Blackjack,' Tuesday, January 11 at 10 P.M.

[12/15/04 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor' Torches Keep Burning for Another Two Editions

[12/02/04 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Vanuatu -- Islands of Fire' Finale to Be Broadcast on a Special Night -- Sunday, Dec 12

[12/02/04 - 12:00 AM]
Kevin Berg Promoted to Executive Vice President, Production, CBS Paramount Network Television Entertainment Group

[12/01/04 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Announces Premieres for Four New Mid-Season Series and a Special Live Finale for 'The Biggest Loser'

[12/01/04 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor: Vanuatu -- Islands of Fire' Live Reunion Show, Hosted by Jeff Probst, to Be Broadcast Live from Los Angeles, Sunday, DeC. 12 on the CBS Television Network

[11/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
PAX TV Begins Production on 'Cold Turkey 2'

[10/28/04 - 12:00 AM]
Nominations Are Announced for 'The 31st Annual People's Choice Awards,' to Be Broadcast January 9 on the CBS Television Network

[10/26/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Presents a November of Big Event Specials, Movies, Mini-Series and Can't Miss Episodes of Its Hit Dramas and Comedies

[10/20/04 - 12:00 AM]
Report: The New Season Thus Far

[10/13/04 - 12:00 AM]
Peter Golden Promoted to Executive Vice President, Talent and Casting, Cbs

[10/06/04 - 12:00 AM]
Deborah Barak Promoted to Executive Vice President, Business Affairs, CBS Paramount Network Television Entertainment Group

[10/05/04 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Punches in January for Premiere of 'The Contender' -- New Unscripted Series Searching for Next Boxing Superstar -- from Sylvester Stallone, Mark Burnett and Jeffrey Katzenberg

[09/23/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS to Present a Special Rebroadcast of 'Csi: Crime Scene Investigation' on Wednesday, SepT. 29, 9:00-10:00 Pm

[09/15/04 - 12:00 AM]
Jennifer 'Nakomis' Dedmon Is the 11th Houseguest Officially Evicted from the 'Big Brother 5' House

[09/14/04 - 12:00 AM]
Survivor Live: The Internet Talk Show' Coming to CBS.com

[09/10/04 - 12:00 AM]
Karen O'Neil-Ganci Is the 10th Houseguest Officially Evicted from the 'Big Brother 5' House

[09/07/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS to Promote New Season with Unique Auction on Ebay

[09/07/04 - 12:00 AM]
Moonves Announces Promotion of Key Executives to New CBS and Paramount West-Coast Management Structure

[08/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
Viewers Say 'C.S.I.: New York,' 'Joey' Most Anticipated

[08/27/04 - 12:00 AM]
Who Will Make the Cut? CBS Announces New Reality Series with Fashion Industry Icon Tommy Hilfiger to Find America's Fashion Trendsetter of Tomorrow

[08/27/04 - 12:00 AM]
Big Brother 5' and 'The Young and the Restless' Team Up as Houseguest Marvin Latimer Makes His Acting Debut on 'The Young and the Restless,' Monday, AuG. 30 on the CBS Television Network

[08/18/04 - 12:00 AM]
Big Brother 5' and 'The Young and the Restless' Team Up as One Lucky 'Big Brother 5' Houseguest Makes Their Acting Debut on 'The Young and the Restless,' Monday, AuG. 30 on the CBS Television Network

[08/18/04 - 12:00 AM]
Chris Sloan Named Vice President, Alternative Programming, CBS Entertainment

[08/17/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Unveils the Identities of the 18 New 'Survivor' Castaways and Announces They Will Compete in Tribes of Men VS. Women in 'Survivor: Vanuatu -- Islands of Fire'

[08/06/04 - 12:00 AM]
UPN's 'Player' Moves on to Wednesdays

[07/23/04 - 12:00 AM]
TCA Summer Press Tour: Gsn

[07/19/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Unveils Fall Launch Dates

[07/15/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: July 14-15

[07/15/04 - 12:00 AM]
56th Annual Primetime Emmy Award Nominations

[07/12/04 - 12:00 AM]
'Player' Lands UPN Tuesday Spot, Other News

[07/10/04 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates, Changes

[06/04/04 - 12:00 AM]
FOX Gives Summer Schedule a Shuffle, Again

[06/01/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Summer Programming Preview: Original Movies and Mini-Series

[06/01/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Summer Programming Preview: Unscripted Series

[06/01/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Summer Programming Preview: Drama Series

[06/01/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Summer Programming Preview: Comedy Series

[05/20/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Upn, Part 1

[05/20/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Fox, Part 2

[05/19/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Cbs, Part 4

[05/19/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Cbs, Part 1

[05/18/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: The Wb, Part 2

[05/18/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: The Wb, Part 1

[05/17/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Nbc, Part 1

[05/10/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: May 6-10

[05/10/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Adds 'America's Tribal Council' Special of 'Survivor'

[04/20/04 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Trumpets May Sweeps Plans

[04/19/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: April 19

[04/19/04 - 12:00 AM]
FOX Releases Summer 2004 Schedule

[04/16/04 - 12:00 AM]
'Bernie Mac' Latest to Get FOX Hook

[04/08/04 - 12:00 AM]
Cbs, FOX: NBC's Trump Should Check His Numbers

[03/31/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: March 31

[03/29/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: March 29

[03/22/04 - 12:00 AM]
Report: How Does Your Favorite Show Stack Up?

[02/18/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: February 18

[02/06/04 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Hires Trump for Second Season of 'The Apprentice'

[02/05/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: February 5

[02/03/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: February 3

[01/30/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: January 30

[01/27/04 - 12:00 AM]
Abc, CBS Plot February Sweeps Schedules

[01/22/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: January 22

[01/12/04 - 12:00 AM]
Nbc, CBS Continue 'Apprentice,' 'C.S.I.' Jockeying

[01/09/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: January 9

[12/23/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: December 23

[12/10/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: December 10

[11/26/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: November 26

[11/24/03 - 12:00 AM]
'Ed' Back to Fridays as NBC Schedules 'The Apprentice'

[11/18/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: November 18

[11/17/03 - 12:00 AM]
All-Star 'Survivor' Gets Super Bowl Start

[11/14/03 - 12:00 AM]
Broadcast Networks Shuffle Final Two Nights of Sweeps

[11/11/03 - 12:00 AM]
The WB Extends All Four New Comedies

[10/28/03 - 12:00 AM]
Cbs, UPN Promise Sweeps to Remember

[10/21/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: October 21

[10/16/03 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Stays Out of Baseball Competition

[10/08/03 - 12:00 AM]
Big Three Networks Debate Second Week of Fall Season

[09/30/03 - 12:00 AM]
Nbc, CBS Hot in Opening Week Numbers

[09/18/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: September 18

[08/28/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: August 28

[08/06/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: August 6

[08/04/03 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Revives 'Battle of the Network Stars'

[07/25/03 - 12:00 AM]
TCA Summer Press Tour: Nbc, Day 2

[07/21/03 - 12:00 AM]
TCA Summer Press Tour: Cbs

[07/17/03 - 12:00 AM]
55th Annual Primetime Emmy Award Nominations (Summary)

[07/17/03 - 12:00 AM]
55th Annual Primetime Emmy Award Nominations (Creative Arts)

[07/17/03 - 12:00 AM]
55th Annual Primetime Emmy Award Nominations (Major Categories)

[06/05/03 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Opens 'The Restaurant,' Delays 'Meet My Folks'

[05/14/03 - 12:00 AM]
Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Cbs

[05/13/03 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Says Yes to Five New Dramas, Two New Comedies

[05/12/03 - 12:00 AM]
Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Nbc, Part 1

[04/28/03 - 12:00 AM]
Pilot Update: April 28

[04/25/03 - 12:00 AM]
Studios Keep Producers Happy

[04/10/03 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Does Its Own Super-Sizing, Adds 'Price' to Sweeps Schedule

[04/02/03 - 12:00 AM]
Pilot Update: April 2

Returns Wednesday, February 26
5/31/00 - ???
returning this winter (yet to premiere)
wednesdays from 8:00 PM-9:30 PM EST
48 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

Seasons 47 & 48 ordered on 5/2/24
(from CBS's web site, September 2024) SURVIVOR launches a new chapter when the Emmy Award-winning series returns on Wednesdays. Stranded in the beautiful islands of Fiji, these 18 determined new castaways will be divided into three tribes of six and forced to form a new society as they adapt to their physical and social surroundings. The mental and physical challenges force players to choose between personal risk and reward, while still navigating the complex social game and attempting to forge alliances to last another day. The individuals competing are from diverse backgrounds with the same ultimate goal: to outwit, outplay and outlast and ultimately be crowned Sole Survivor. The show is hosted and executive produced by Emmy Award winner Jeff Probst.
· Jeff Probst as Host
· Jeff Probst as EP
· Jesse Jensen as EP
· Kahaia Pearson as EP
· Mark Burnett as EP
· Matt Van Wagenen as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (competition)
· Survivor Entertainment Group